Practical Stylistics of the French Language


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Familiarization of the student with the subject of the study of the stylistics of the French language, with the style-forming factors and with the stylistic specifics of written and spoken discourses. The student will acquire an understanding of the differences between standard, professional or scientific and colloquial expression in the French language. The student will learn the principles of effective and polite oral and written communication.
Upon completion of the course, the student is able to understand longer and more complex authentic oral and written expressions and to identify in them the means that are typical for particular linguistic styles. The student will acquire competence in critical analysis of scientific literature, logical argumentation and production of structured text in accordance with established norms. The student will be able to apply the principles of effective and courteous communication in the production of administrative genres.
The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge of the lexical, morphosyntactic and stylistic levels of the French language to a specific communicative situation. The student is able to correctly formulate and logically structure oral and written communications. Can use appropriate terminology, constructions and phrases in writing and follow the principles of effective and courteous official and business correspondence.

Indicative content

- The subject of stylistics, stylistic devices of the French language
- Classification of language styles and their characteristics
- Stylistic differences between written and spoken language expressions
- Expressive means of spoken expressions
- Professional oral expression, rhetorical style
- Coherence and cohesion in professional written text
- Administrative style, genres of business correspondence

Support literature

1. DELAS, Daniel. La stylistique française. In: Langages, 29ᵉ année, n°118, Larousse, 1995. Les enjeux de la stylistique sous la direction de Daniel Delas. pp. 85-96.
2. GARDES TAMINE, Joëlle. De la grammaire à la stylistique. À propos de l'ordre des mots. In: De la langue au style. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2005. pp. 79-97.
3. GENOUVRIER, Emile - DÉSIRAT, Claude - HORDÉ, Tristan. Synonymes. France: Éditions Larousse, 2007. 843 p. ISBN 978-2-03-582706-7.
4. POVCHANIČ, Štefan. Stylistique pratique (Stylistique en communication). Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm, 2014. 87 p. ISBN 978-80-225-3869-5.
5. WHITTAKER, Sunniva. La correspondance commerciale: apprentissage de stratégies discursives en langue étrangère. In: Revue française de linguistique appliquée. Numéro 2, vol. VI., 2001. pp. 95-102.
1. AUBRÉE, Christine - GROSSEMY, Anne-Sophie. Vos lettres au quotidien. Paris: Éditions Nathan, 2017.
2. BAH, E., BALLO, L. et al. L’Ouverture du Discours: Manuel d’éloquence et de rhétorique pour la prise de parole en public. Exercices pratiques d’art oratoire. CLE International, 2021.
3. CHOVELON, Bernadette - BARTHE, Marie. Expression et style. Grenoble: PUG, 2009. ISBN 9783190133307.
4. GUIRAUD, Pierre - REY, Alain - GUIRAUD, Charles. La stylistique: Lectures. Klincksieck; 1e édition, 2000, 336 p. 978-2252020814.

Requirements to complete the course

Interim evaluation: 40%
Final evaluation: 60%

Student workload

Full-time study: 104 hours. Of which:
26 hours – attendance at seminars
30 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
48 hours – preparation for the final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 17.05.2022