Exercises in Interpreting in French


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- mastering the basic interpreting strategies of reception and oral production of spoken discourse in English and Slovak - selective listening and text production - paraphrasing, compression, generalization, etc.
- enhancing memory, interpreting techniques, and interpreting specialized texts, especially in social and economic disciplines.
- the ability to translate a short 3-5-minute oral discourse from/into the Slovak language using interpreting notation along with acquired interpreting techniques and strategies.

Indicative content

- Spoken word reception and short-term memory in consecutive interpreting.
- Speech analysis – summaries.
- Recognition and division of main ideas.
- Initial stages of notation. Subordinate clauses. Abbreviations (general, personal). Keywords.
- Connecting expressions. Use of the left margin. Reproduction of speeches from notes.
- Verticality and hierarchy of values. Symbols (universal, specific). Memory aids.
- Notation for different types of lectures and speakers (high language style).
- Spoken discourse in the unilateral and bilateral form of interpreting.

Support literature

1. ŠTUBŇA, P., VERTANOVÁ, S. (eds.) (2017): Interdisciplinárne prístupy v teórii a didaktike tlmočenia. Bratislava: Z – F Lingua. ISBN 978-80-8177-037-1
2. ORCIT: www.orcit.eu (Online Resources for Conference Interpreter Training). Webpage provider: European Union.
1. MÜGLOVÁ, D. (2018). Komunikácia, Tlmočenie, Preklad, alebo: Prečo spadla Babylonská veža? Nitra: Enigma.

Requirements to complete the course

Interim evaluation: 40 %
Final evaluation: 60 %

Student workload

Full-time study: 156 hours. Of which:
52 hours – attendance at seminars
42 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
62 hours – preparation for the final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course

French, Slovak

Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 19.05.2022