Practical Rhetoric in the French Language


Included in study programs

Teaching results

· acquisition and development of theoretical knowledge related to understanding, expression and correct argumentation;
· obtaining knowledge in various socio-economic, political, international and cultural topics or contexts.
· development of competences for a democratic culture and intercultural dialogue, i.e. projection of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to promote a society based on the values of freedom, justice, equality and pluralism;
· the student will be able to identify and use different communication models, will master the specific vocabulary of argumentation and counter-argumentation for a correct debate with reasonable respect for the discussion opponents.
· development of critical thinking and reasoning;
· fluent, coherent and appropriate oral expression in a foreign language;
· capacity for academic debate on the different topics addressed in class;
· ability in interpersonal relations and teamwork;
· critical thinking and critical skills to analyse, evaluate and make judgements on the content examined in class;
· ability to communicate clearly in a range of situations – this includes expressing one’s beliefs, opinions, interests and needs, explaining and clarifying ideas, advocating, promoting, arguing, reasoning, discussing, debating, persuading and negotiating;
· the ability to ask questions of clarification in an appropriate and sensitive manner in cases where the meanings being expressed by another person are unclear or where inconsistencies between the verbal and non-verbal messages produced by another person are detected;
· the ability to manage breakdowns in communication, for example by request- ing repetitions or reformulations from others, or providing restatements, revisions or simplifications of one’s own misunderstood communications;
· expressing views and opinions in group settings, and encouraging other group members to express their views and opinions in such settings;
· recognising conflict in group settings, including identifying emotional signs of conflict in the self and in others, and responding appropriately using peaceful means and dialogue.

Indicative content

- Principles of discussion
- General and individual persuasion techniques
- Argument and counterargument, logic and structure of argument
- Type and quality of arguments: emotional, rational, explanatory, and persuasive
- Evaluation of counterarguments
- Violation of the rules of probability theory
- Team discussion, round table, discussion duel, communication models

Support literature

1. HOLLEVILLE, S. Débattre en FLE (B2-C1). Paris: Ellipses, 2021. ISBN 2340047501
2. MIQUEL, C. Communication progressive du français (B2-C1). Paris: CLE International, 2017. ISBN 2090382112
1. CHARLES, R., WILLIAME, C., GROSSEMY, A.S. La Communication orale – Repères pratiques. Paris: Nathan, 2020. ISBN 2091638404
2. CORDEIL-LE MILLIN, Y. La Parole est à vous ! S’exprimer en public avec les techniques des acteurs Paris: Dunod, 2015. ISBN 9782100741946
3. ROCCA, M., SÉBASTIEN, G., ATTAL FOUGIER, M-L. Progresser en communication. Grenoble: PUG, 2017. ISBN 2706113812

Requirements to complete the course

Interim evaluation: 40%
Final evaluation: 60%

Student workload

Full-time study: 104 hours. Of which:
26 hours – attendance at seminars
30 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
48 hours – preparation for the final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 04.05.2024