Professional Lexis and Style of the Spanish Language


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Acquiring theoretical knowledge of professional lexis and terminology of the Spanish language, necessary for effective work with professional text.
Understanding the basic principles of the functioning of professional vocabulary and the creation of professional style.
Mastering professional vocabulary and professional terminology.
The subject covers the issue of use and the development of professional style as an interrelated and interdependent whole.
Acquiring the ability to create a text in a professional style.
Competence to master the correct use of adequate vocabulary in professional spoken or written text in an adequate style.
Ability to create and use synonyms, understand semantic relationships in professional vocabulary
Acquiring the ability to understand professional vocabulary and professional style in the Spanish language.
Acquiring the practical skills in professional lexis and terminology of the Spanish language needed for effective work with professional text.
Acquiring the skills to produce spoken or written professional text with adequate means of expression.
Acquiring the skills in searching, processing and using professional lexis and in producing spoken or written texts in a professional style.
Ability to process and analyse information from a professional text from a variety of sources and apply it in practical situations.

Indicative content

- Lexeme as a basic unit of lexicology, lexical meaning, vocabulary differentiation, types of dictionaries, semantic relations
- Linguistic styles, typology, characteristics, choice of stylistic devices
- Specialised single and multi-word denotations, collocations, terms
- Professional lexis and economic style
- Other professional texts (political, social, medical, legal, environmental)

Support literature

Support literature:
ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA, C. Estudio del lenguaje de especialidad económico: El
lenguaje del comercio internacional. Universidad de Málaga, 2011. 290 pp,. ISSN: 1989-5097.
2. GÓMEZ-PABLOS, B. Lexicología española actual. Kirsch-Verlag, Nümbrecht, 2011. 150 pp. ISBN 978-3943906226
3. MONTANEZ MESAS, M. P. Creativity in teaching Spanish for business. Foro de profesores de E/LE, 13, 2017. 223–231pp. DOI:
4. OTALOA OLANO, C. Lexicología y semántica léxica. Ediciones Académicas, Madrid, 2004. 435 pp. ISBN 9788496062450
5. PRADA de, M., SALAZAR. D., MOLERO, C. Uso interactivo del vocabulario B2-C2, Madrid : Edelsa, 2012. 47 pp. ISBN 978-84-7711-979-1
6. CABRÉ, M. T., GÓMEZ de ENTERRÍA, J. La enseñanza de los lenguajes de especialidad. Madrid : Editorial Gredos, 2006. 163 pp. ISBN 84-249-2793-1
7. CAVERO, M. El lenguaje jurídico y administrativo en el ámbito de la extranjería. Bern : International Academic Publishers, 2016. 418 pp. ISBN: 978-3-0343-20863
8. DE LA VEGA, N.I. Project-Based learning proposal in a Business Spanish Course, Foro de profesores de E/LE, 12, 2016. 179–189 pp. DOI:
9. DRAE. Dicconario de la Real Academia Española, 2013. Avalaible:
10. GÓMEZ TORREGO, L. Hablar y escribir correctamente. Madrid: Arco/Libros S.L., 2011. 456 pp. ISBN 978-84-7635-645-8
11. MATEO MARTÍNEZ, J. El lenguaje de las ciencias económicas. En: Las lenguas profesionales y académicas. Barcelona : Ariel Lenguas Modernas, 2007. 191-203 pp. ISBN: 978-84-344-8122-0.
12. SPIŠIAKOVÁ, M. (): Los Neologismos estilísticos y la cognición. In LynX : documentos de trabajo. - València : Centro de estudios sobre comunicación interlingüística e intercultural, 2015. 21 pp. ISSN 0214-4611
13. VAN HOOFT, A. Foro Hispánico Textos y discursos de especialidad El español de los negocios. 24a edición. Países Bajos : Editions Rodopi B.V., 2004. 7-18 pp. ISBN: 90-420-1982-
14. VIVANCOS, V., GONZÁLEZ R. Lenguaje jurídico-administrativo – Una lengua de especialidad. Madrid : Dykinson, S. L., 2016. 379 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9085-839-4.

Requirements to complete the course

Interim evaluation: 30%
Final evaluation: 70%

Student workload

Full-time study: 104 hours. Of which:
26 hours – attendance at seminars
26 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
52 hours – preparation for the final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 05.05.2022