Translation Seminar in Spanish I.
- Credits: 6
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 4C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Applied Languages
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• understanding and mastering the basic methodological principles of translation from Spanish into Slovak and implementing them in practice. After studying and mastering the content of this course, the student acquires the basic knowledge and masters the methodology of working with the source and target language by analysing the text and manages to transform the text from the source language into the target language with regard to its structure and lexis.
• focusing on translation from a foreign language into Slovak, acquiring practical knowledge in the field of translation of various simpler text units with emphasis on understanding the original text and its contextual context
•mastering translation techniques
•identifying different styles of text
•identifying and correcting erroneous parts of the text
•understanding the author's ideas transforming them into the target language.
•acquiring skills in translating cultural phenomena, learning to work with synonymy and homonymy, analysing a text from an editor's point of view and editing it applying the methodology of translating texts in the course of a business transaction, acquiring skills in translating advertising materials, institutional texts, and basic legal texts.
Indicative content
- Principles of translation from Spanish into Slovak
- Techniques of translation from Spanish into Slovak
- Analysis of different types of texts – literary, technical, economic, legal, journalistic, institutional, text focused on linguistic interference, abbreviations
- Translation as intercultural communication
- Transformation of the author's ideas into the target text
- Translation of texts from different fields
Support literature
1. 1. Buzássiová, K., Jarošová, A. (eds.).Slovník súčasného slovenského jazyka a-g. Bratislava: Veda, 2006. 1134 pp. ISBN 8022409324
2. Buzássiová, K., Jarošová, A. (eds.). Slovník súčasného slovenského jazyka h-l. Bratislava: Veda, 2007. 1134 pp. 9788022409324
3. Djovčoš, M., Šveda, P. Didaktika prekladu a tlmočenia na Slovensku. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2018. ISBN: 978-80-223-4469-2
4. Fifiková, D. Metodika výučby prekladu z/do cudzieho jazyka. In: Moderné trendy vo výučbe cudzích jazykov. Brno: Tribun EU, 2018. ISBN: 978-80-263-1420-2
5. Kol. Krátky slovník slovenského jazyka. Bratislava: Veda, 2003. 985 pp. ISBN 80-224-0750-X
6. Kol. Pravidlá slovenského pravopisu. Bratislava: Veda, 2000. 590 pp. ISBN 80-224-0655-4
7. Koželová, A. Prekladateľské kompetencie v kontexte domácej translatológie. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, 2018. ISBN: 978-80-555-2047-6
8. Malmkjaer, L., Windle, K. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780199239306
9. Munday, J. Introducing Translation Studies. Taylor & Francis Books, 2016. ISBN: 9781138912557
1. General, economic and legal monolingual and bilingual dictionaries available on our market recommended by the lecturer.
2. Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries available online recommended by the lecturer.
3. Current journal articles on translation in Spanish and Slovak.
4. Terminological database of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences available online.
5. Terminological database of the European Union IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe) available online.
Requirements to complete the course
Interim evaluation: 40%
Final evaluation: 60%
Student workload
Full-time study: 156 hours. Of which:
52 hours – attendance at seminars
42 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
62 hours – preparation for the final exam
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Slovak, Spanish
Date of approval: 08.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 22.05.2022