Area Studies in Spanish


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• acquiring theoretical knowledge about the history, culture, politics, economy, de-mography, social and legal system of Spain and Latin America
• acquiring fundamental knowledge about the political and economic system, and knowledge about the basic context of the formation of modern societies in Spain and Latin America from the perspective of historical and cultural development
• acquiring foreign language communication competence in professional (political and economic) language
• learning openness and tolerance and breaking down prejudices against foreign coun-tries and cultures and languages
• expanding and using of common communication vocabulary with terminology in ar-eas such as politics, economics, demographics, social and legal systems, as well as culture
• ability to communicate in an international environment at a highly professional level
• acquiring skills in analysis and synthesis of the content of historical and contempo-rary texts

Indicative content

- Historical background
- Political system and current political contexts
- Economic system
- Society and demographics
- Media systems – Media and their impact on the development of society
- Current problems and their solutions

Support literature

Support literature:
1. LUCENA SALMORAL, M.: Breve historia de Latinoamérica. Espaňa. Cátedra. 2007
2. DÍAZ VILLANUEVA, F.: La contrahistoria de Espaňa. Espaňa. La Esfera De Los Libros. 2021
3. FUENTES, C.: El espejo enterrado. Espaňa, DEBOLSILLO. 2018
4. GULLO OMODEO, M.: Madre patria: Desmontando la leyenda negra desde Bartolomé de las Casas hasta el separatismo catalán. Espaňa. S.L.U. ESPASA. 2021
5. HARARI, Y.N.: Sapiens – De animales a dioses. Barcelona. Debate. 2015
6. IBÁŇEZ, A.: La leyenda negra: Historia del odio a Espaňa. Córdoba. BOOKS4POCKET. 2019
7. LAGARDE, M.: Los cautiverios de las mujeres: madresposas, monjas, putas, presas y locas. México, D.F. Siglo XXI Editores. 2015
8. MAQUEIRA D´ANGELO,V., et al.: Mujeres, globalización y derechos humanos. Espaňa. Ediciones Cátedra. 2010
9. OPPENHEIMER, A.: Crear o morir. Espaňa. Debate. 2014
1. MATOS MOCTEZUMA, E.: Tenochtitlan. México. Fondo de Cultura Económica/ El Colegio de México. 2008
2. DIAZ, P.: ABC del Diseňo Industrial latinoamericano. Espaňa. Caligrama Editorial. 2019
3. RIBEIRO DOS SANTOS, R.: Arte comtemporáneo latinoamericano en Espaňa. Espaňa. Universidad de Granada. 2019
4. SCHROEDER RODRIQUEZ, P.A., SUAREZ, J.: Una historia comparada del cine latinoamericano. Espaňa. Iberoamericana. 2020

Requirements to complete the course

Requirements to complete the course:
Interim evaluation: 30%
Final evaluation: 70%

Student workload

Full-time study: 156 hours. Of which:
52 hours – attendance at seminars
32 hours – preparation for seminars and for the interim evaluation
72 hours – preparation for the final exam

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 19.05.2022