Basics of Law


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Knowledge: Building student’s legal knowledge. By finishing the course, students will learn the basics of Slovakian legal branches and their significant institutes. They will receive basic knowledge from theory of law, EU law, constitutional law, civil law, commercial law, labour law, administrative law, financial law and criminal law that provides protection of Slovakian economy and business. They will meet legal regulations important for legal branches that regulate economic relations. The acquired knowledge will allow students to apply law in conditions of permanent legal order’s changes.
Practical skills: Ability to understand the system of Slovakian legal order. Students will acquire reading legal text with understanding and the ability to work with legal portals independently. Such portals contain legislation (e.g. and relevant information (e. g., etc.). Students can handle simple legal filling.
Competences: Ability to seek an effective legal regulation, to understand a content of legal norms and to apply them to a specific situation (case) in praxis.

Indicative content

- Fundamentals of legal theory
- Fundamentals of European union law
- Fundamentals of constitutional law
- Fundamentals of substantive civil law
- Civil proceeding
- Law and business (trade business, business companies, economic competition, debt relief)
- Fundamentals of labour law
- Fundamentals of administrative law
- Fundamentals of criminal law
- Fundamentals of financial law

Support literature

HOLUB, D., VAČOKOVÁ, L., WINKLER, M., JURKOVIČOVÁ, L., VETERNÍKOVÁ, M., KROPAJ, M., MAGUROVÁ, H., SLEZÁKOVÁ, A. Základy práva pre ekonómov. 2. prepracované a doplnené vydanie. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer SR, 2021, 329 s. ISBN 978-80-571-0416-2.
HOLUB, D., VAČOKOVÁ, L., WINKLER, M., JURKOVIČOVÁ, L., VETERNÍKOVÁ, M., KROPAJ, M., MAGUROVÁ, H., SLEZÁKOVÁ, A.: Praktikum k základom práva pre ekonómov. 2. aktualizované a prepracované vydanie. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer SR, 2021, 151 s. ISBN 978-80-571-0397-4.


1. Fundamentals of legal theory (law and society; sources of law; legal rules; legal system; application of law; legal responsibility) 2. Fundamentals of European union law (developments from the European communities to the European union; the concept, structure and sources of the European union law; EU institutions) 3. Fundamentals of constitutional law (chapter one of the Constitution of the SR; chapter two of the Constitution of the SR– Fundamental rights and freedoms; chapter three of the Constitution of the SR; chapter four of the Constitution of the SR – Territorial self-administration) 4. Fundamentals of constitutional law 2 (chapter five of the Constitution of the SR – Legislative power; chapter six of the Constitution of the SR – Executive power; chapter seven of the Constitution of the SR – Judicial power; chapter eight of the Constitution of the SR – The prosecutor’s office of the Slovak republic and the public defender of rights) 5. Fundamentals of substantive civil law (the concept, subject-matter, system and sources of substantive civil law; consumer contracts) 6. Fundamentals of substantive civil law 2 (rights in rem; law of succession; law of intellectual property) 7. Law and business (the concept, subject-matter, system, sources and relationship of commercial law to other legal branches; basic terms of commercial law; trade business) 8. Law and business 2 (business companies and cooperatives; business obligations; economic competition; bankruptcy, restructuring, debt relief) 9. Fundamentals of labour law (concept, object, system, principles of labour law; employment relationship; termination of employment relationship; working time, rest periods, work stand-by overtime work and paid holiday; agreements on work performed outside employment relationship) 10. Fundamentals of administrative law (public administration and public administration’s bodies; administrative procedure; offences) 11. Fundamentals of criminal law (concept, sources, principles and functions of criminal law; subject-matter, division and scope of Criminal Code; criminal offence and criminal liability; types of criminal offence and bodies of the criminal offence; penalties and protective measures) 12. Fundamentals of criminal law 2 (criminal protection of economy; criminal offences against (the right) of property; economic criminal offences; criminal proceedings) 13. Fundamentals of financial law (financial market law)

Requirements to complete the course

40% active participation in seminars (activities, written semestral works, quiz)
60% result of final written examination

Student workload

Total workload of the student: 156
Student´s workload of individual educational activities: 156
Attendance of seminars: 26
Preparation for the seminar: 39
Preparation for the continuous test: 39
Preparation for the exam: 52

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 08.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 12.01.2022