Accounting and auditing of financial institutions


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the education is to expand students' knowledge, skills and competencies focused on the specifics of banks and insurance companies in connection with the valuation, accounting and reporting of information in financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The student will gain an overview of the roles and functioning of financial institutions in the financial market in the Slovak Republic and the EU and the requirements related to risk administration and management, solvency, audit and investment activities of these entities.
The graduate of the course will gain knowledge in the field of national and supranational legislation governing the reporting of banks and insurance companies. They will gain knowledge about the performance of banking, insurance, reinsurance and investment activities of these entities. He / she knows the tools and techniques of managing individual risks to which financial institutions are exposed, including reporting information about risks in financial reports. Gain knowledge of the performance of internal and statutory audit in financial institutions.
As part of the educational process, the student will acquire the necessary skills that will enable him to perform executive and managerial tasks related to the profession of accounting specialist in financial institutions. The student will learn to apply the acquired knowledge in the field of financial reporting in banks and insurance companies. He orients himself in the specifics of the activities of banks and insurance companies. They will learn to value and account for real transactions arising from the performance of investment and operating activities and then report this information in the financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. They will learn to interpret information from accounting into financial reports for the needs of the NBS, investors and other users.
The student knows, based on the acquisition of the above knowledge and skills, to solve assigned tasks and case studies. The student thus develops competencies that can be used in most professions of an accounting professional (auditor) and will enable him to hold several functions and positions in the transnational environment of the financial market.

Indicative content

Legislative framework for the regulation of financial institutions in the Slovak Republic and the EU. Regulatory requirements and system of administration and management of the banking and insurance sector in the EU (Basel III, Solvency II). Requirements for reporting this information in the financial statements of banks and insurance companies.
Characteristics and basic requirements for the content structure of financial reports prepared by banks and insurance companies (statements, reports and reports submitted to the NBS, audited financial statements). Annual report from the point of view of both the creator and the user.
Financial instruments (FNs) issued or acquired by financial institutions. Investment opportunities and methods of valuation of FN, methods and techniques of valuing assets and liabilities, accounting, reporting of FN, requirements for disclosure of information about risks associated with the investment strategy.
Characteristics and breakdown of the bank's equity, requirements for the creation of equity. Defining the share capital, additional capital and additional capital of the bank. Equity functions and basic principles of bank activities.
Possibilities and methods of implementation of active banking operations of the NBS, foreign issuing banks, banks, clients. Adjustment of provisioning for active banking operations depending on the entities to which funds are provided in the form of loans.
Characteristics of bank activities. Possibilities and methods of implementing passive banking operations from the NBS, foreign issuing banks, banks, clients. Client deposit protection. Contractual requirements for passive banking operations.
Insurance contract according to IFRS 4 (IFRS 17) present and future. Settlement relationships with clients, intermediaries and reinsurers arising from insurance and reinsurance activities. Possibilities and forms of insurance and financial risk diversification.
Investment policy of the insurance company. Methods and possibilities of financial placement of technical provisions in the insurance company. Valuation, accounting and reporting of financial assets in the financial statements of the insurance company. Global trends in financial market investment.
Capital structure (equity) of the insurance company and its dividend policy. Calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement and demonstration of capital adequacy. Structure of long-term liabilities with an emphasis on technical provisions created to cover future liabilities from insurance and reinsurance activities.
Structure of costs and revenues arising from insurance, reinsurance and other activities of the insurance company. Structure of profit or loss and presentation of this information in the financial statements. Financial analysis.
The role and organization of internal control and internal audit in financial institutions. Internal audit function as one of the key functions of the administration and management system.
Legal regulation, tasks and strategy of statutory audit in banks.
Legal regulation, tasks and strategy of statutory audit in insurance companies.

Support literature

1. Meluchová, J.: Accounting and reporting of insurance companies according to IFRS and Solvency II, 1st edition, WK publishing house, 2019.
2. Meluchová, J.: Accounting and reporting of insurance companies according to IFRS, exercise book, publishing house EKONÓM 2017.
3. Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 39/2015 Coll. on Insurance and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended.
4. Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 483/2001 Coll. on banks, as amended.
5. Dvořáková, D.: Financial Accounting and Reporting According to International Accounting Standards IFRS, 5th updated and expanded edition, 2017.
6. Currently valid IFRS file, basic text: and amendments from 2019 and 2020.
7. EU legal acts for the insurance sector (EU directives, EC regulations, measures of the ESRB, EBA, ESMA, EIOPA).
8. Measures, guidelines, recommendations and other NBS documents for the banking and insurance sector.
9. Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 429/2002 Coll. on the stock exchange, as amended.
10. Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 191/1950 Coll. bill of exchange and check law as amended.


1. Legislative framework for the regulation of financial institutions in the Slovak Republic and the EU. Regulatory requirements and system of administration and management of the banking and insurance sector in the EU (Basel III, Solvency II). Requirements for reporting this information in the financial statements of banks and insurance companies. 2. Characteristics and basic requirements for the content structure of financial reports prepared by banks and insurance companies (statements, reports and reports submitted to the NBS, audited financial statements). Annual report from the point of view of both the creator and the user. 3. Financial instruments (FN) issued or acquired by financial institutions. Investment opportunities and methods of valuation of FN, methods and techniques of valuing assets and liabilities, accounting, reporting of FN, requirements for disclosure of information about risks associated with the investment strategy. 4. Characteristics and breakdown of the bank's equity, requirements for the creation of equity. Defining the share capital, additional capital and additional capital of the bank. Equity functions and basic principles of bank activities. 5. Possibilities and methods of implementation of active banking operations of the NBS, foreign issuing banks, banks, clients. Adjustment of provisioning for active banking operations depending on the entities to which funds are provided in the form of loans. 6. Characteristics of bank activities. Possibilities and methods of implementing passive banking operations from the NBS, foreign issuing banks, banks, clients. Client deposit protection. Contractual requirements for passive banking operations. 7. Insurance contract according to IFRS 4 (IFRS 17) present and future. Settlement relationships with clients, intermediaries and reinsurers arising from insurance and reinsurance activities. Possibilities and forms of insurance and financial risk diversification. 8. Investment policy of the insurance company. Methods and possibilities of financial placement of technical provisions in the insurance company. Valuation, accounting and reporting of financial assets in the financial statements of the insurance company. Global trends in financial market investment. 9. Capital structure (equity) of the insurance company and its dividend policy. Calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement and demonstration of capital adequacy. Structure of long-term liabilities with an emphasis on technical provisions created to cover future liabilities from insurance and reinsurance activities. 10. Structure of costs and revenues arising from insurance, reinsurance and other activities of the insurance company. Structure of profit or loss and presentation of this information in the financial statements. Financial analysis. 11. The role and organization of internal control and internal audit in financial institutions. Internal audit function as one of the key functions of the administration and management system. 12. Legal regulation, tasks and strategy of statutory audit in banks. 13. Legal regulation, tasks and strategy of statutory audit in insurance companies.

Requirements to complete the course

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
26 hours of preparation for the seminars
30 hours of preparation for the interim concept check test (40 % of the overall grading)
48 hours of preparation for the exam,
- out of which 24 hours of the preparation for the practical examples (30 % of the overall grading)
- out of which 24 hours of the preparation for the theoretical part (30 % of the overall grading)
Total study load (in hours): 156

Student workload

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
26 hours of preparation for the seminars
30 hours of preparation for the interim concept check test (40 % of the overall grading)
48 hours of preparation for the exam,
- out of which 24 hours of the preparation for the practical examples (30 % of the overall grading)
- out of which 24 hours of the preparation for the theoretical part (30 % of the overall grading)
Total study load (in hours): 156

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.12.2021