IFRS: Consolidated Financial Statements I


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to teach students to prepare consolidated financial statements for a group. As part of their education, students should understand the nature, significance and functions of consolidated financial statements. Students will get acquainted with the process of consolidation preparation and with the consolidation procedures applied in the preparation of consolidated financial statements of business entities according to IFRS adopted by the European Union.
By completing the course, students will gain:
knowledge - gaining knowledge about the obligation to presentation consolidated financial statements and the application of consolidation procedures (methods), understanding the specifics of consolidated financial statements prepared for a group in comparison with the individual financial statements prepared for an entity and clarifying its significance for individual users.
skill – to realize initial equity consolidation and subsequent equity consolidation as a part of consolidation of subsidiary, prepare the consolidated statement of financial position and consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income after the realized equity consolidation in the two following accounting periods.
competence - to assess whether the obligation to presentation consolidated financial statements has arisen; decide whether it is possible to apply any exemption from this obligation, identify the entities in the group and the group's shares in other entities, to prepare and ensure the process of preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements with emphasis on obtaining and processing the necessary data and documents, to interpret the results of equity consolidation.

Indicative content

Nature, significance and purpose of consolidated financial statements. Theoretical approaches to the interpretation of consolidated financial statements. Historical development of consolidated financial statements. The obligation to present consolidated financial statements according to Act no. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting, as amended (further referred to as the “Accounting Act”). Exemptions from the obligation to present consolidated financial statements in accordance to the Accounting Act. Other obligations related to consolidated financial statements according to the Accounting Act. Definition of international regulation for consolidated financial statements. EU directives for consolidated financial statements. IFRSs for consolidated financial statements. Relationship between EU directives and IFRSs. The impact of international regulation on the national legal regulation of consolidated financial statements in the conditions of the Slovak Republic as a member state of the European Union. The process of preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements. Internal regulation for consolidation in a group. General principles for the presentation of consolidated financial statements. Structure and content of consolidated financial statements according to IFRSs. Peculiarities of the structure and content of the consolidated financial statements in comparison with the individual financial statements. Business combinations according to IFRS 3 Business combinations. Connection of business combinations and consolidated financial statements. The nature of the acquisition method for business combinations, its individual components and application in the consolidated financial statements. Impairment testing of goodwill in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. Single control model according to IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements in comparison with Slovak legislation. Subsidiary consolidation procedures in accordance with IFRS 10. Presentation of separate financial statements in accordance with IAS 27 Separate financial statements. Preparation of the consolidated statement of financial position for the group (parent - subsidiary) with goodwill or gain from a bargain purchase. Dealing with retained earnings and other components of the subsidiary's equity at the acquisition date and after the acquisition date. Identification, measurement and presentation of non-controlling interests at the acquisition date (proportional or at fair value) and subsequent recognition of non-controlling interests after the acquisition date depending on the chosen method of their measurement at the acquisition date. Preparation of the consolidated statement profit and loss and other components of the comprehensive income for the group (parent – subsidiary) with a non-controlling interest with the acquisition date during the accounting period. Recognition of fair value adjustments, including an explanation of their effect on the amount of goodwill recognized (or on gain from bargain purchase), on non-depreciated and depreciated non-current assets, inventories, financial liabilities, assets and liabilities that are not included in the statement of financial position of the subsidiary, including contingent assets and contingent liabilities. Impairment loss of goodwill and the effect of the measurement of non-controlling interests on the recognition of an impairment loss of goodwill.

Support literature

1. HORNICKÁ, R.: Konsolidovaná účtovná závierka I. Praktikum. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm, 2018.
2. Zákon č. 431/2002 Z. z. o účtovníctve v znení neskorších predpisov.
3. Smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2013/34/EÚ z 26. júna 2013 o ročných účtovných závierkach, konsolidovaných účtovných závierkach a súvisiacich správach určitých druhov podnikov, ktorou sa mení smernica Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2006/43/ES a zrušujú smernice Rady 78/660/EHS a 83/349/EHS v znení neskorších úprav.
4. Nariadenie komisie (ES) č. 1126/2008 z 3. novembra 2008, ktorým sa v súlade s nariadením Európskeho parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 1606/2002 prijímajú určité medzinárodné účtovné štandardy v platnom znení.


1. Nature, significance and purpose of consolidated financial statements. Theoretical approaches to the interpretation of consolidated financial statements. Historical development of consolidated financial statements. 2. Obligation to present consolidated financial statements according to Act no. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting, as amended (further referred to as the “Accounting Act”). Exemptions from the obligation to present consolidated financial statements in accordance to the Accounting Act. Other obligations related to consolidated financial statements according to the Accounting Act. 3. Definition of international regulation for consolidated financial statements. EU directives for consolidated financial statements. IFRSs for consolidated financial statements. Relationship between EU directives and IFRSs. The impact of international regulation on the national legal regulation of consolidated financial statements in the conditions of the Slovak Republic as a member state of the European Union. 4. Process of preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements. Internal regulation for consolidation in a group. General principles for the presentation of consolidated financial statements according to IFRSs. Structure and content of consolidated financial statements according to IFRSs. Peculiarities of the structure and content of the consolidated financial statements in comparison with the individual financial statements. 5. Identifying of business combinations and ways of rise of the business combinations. Transactions excluded from scope of IFRS 3. Connection of business combinations and consolidated financial statements. Nature of the acquisition method for business combinations and its application in the consolidated financial statements. 6. Identifying of acquirer according to IFRS 3. Transferred consideration by the acquirer at the acquisition date (identification and measurement). Determining the acquisition date according to IFRS 3. Recognising and measuring the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed at the acquisition date according IFRS 3. Recognising and measuring the non-controlling interests at the acquisition date according to IFRS 3. Dealing with previously held equity interest at the date acquisition according IFRS 3. 7. Recognising and measuring goodwill or gain from a bargain purchase according IFRS 3. Recognising and measuring of individual components of business combination (transferred consideration, acquired assets and assumed liabilities, goodwill, non-controlling interests) after acquisition date. Measurement period according to IFRS 3. Disclosure information about business combination according IFRS 3. 8. Impairment testing of goodwill in accordance with IAS 36. Identifying the cash-generating unit to which an asset belongs. Recoverable amount and carrying amount of cash-generating unit. Allocation of goodwill to cash-generating unit or to group of cash-generating units. Impairment loss for a goodwill. 9. Single control model according to IFRS 10 in comparison with Slovak legislation. Consolidation procedures for subsidiaries (full method consolidation) in accordance to IFRS 10. Presentation of separate financial statements in accordance to IAS 27. 10. Preparation of the consolidated statement of financial position for the group (parent - subsidiary) with goodwill or gain from a bargain purchase. Dealing with retained earnings and other components of the subsidiary's equity at the acquisition date and after the acquisition date. Identification, measurement and presentation of non-controlling interests at the acquisition date (proportional or at fair value) and subsequent recognition of non-controlling interests after the acquisition date depending on the chosen method of their measurement at the acquisition date. 11. Preparation of the consolidated statement profit and loss and other components of the comprehensive income for the group (parent – subsidiary) with a non-controlling interest with the acquisition date during the accounting period. 12. Recognition of fair value adjustments, including an explanation of their effect on the amount of goodwill recognized (or on gain from bargain purchase), on non-depreciated and depreciated non-current assets, inventories, financial liabilities, assets and liabilities that are not included in the statement of financial position of the subsidiary, including contingent assets and contingent liabilities. 13. Identifying, measuring and recognizing an impairment loss of goodwill. The effect of the measurement of non-controlling interests on the recognition of an impairment loss of goodwill.

Requirements to complete the course

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
26 hours of preparation for the seminars
24 hours of preparation for the interim check test (40 % of the finally exam)
54 hours of preparation for the exam: of this 24 hours for the practical issues (30 % of the finally exam) and 30 hours for the theoretical issues (30 % of the finally exam).
Total study load (in hours): 156

Student workload

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
26 hours of preparation for the seminars
24 hours of preparation for the interim check test (40 % of the finally exam)
54 hours of preparation for the exam: of this 24 hours for the practical issues (30 % of the finally exam) and 30 hours for the theoretical issues (30 % of the finally exam).
Total study load (in hours): 156

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.12.2021