Theory of accounting


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to provide students with a synthetic view of the theoretical and methodological basis of accounting, to explain the philosophy of accounting as a science, with an orientation on the theoretical basis applied in the current regulation of accounting both nationally and internationally. The content of the course ensures the acquisition of basic knowledge of accounting theory for better orientation of students in the constantly changing conditions in accounting practice. By completing the course the student should be able to: a) understand the theoretical and methodological basis of accounting and the content of economic information about the company in the context of accounting and reporting in the national and transnational dimension, b) understand the principles of reporting and valuation of various elements of financial statements using alternative valuation with their implications for decision-making; c) identify the state and development of the company's assets with a proposal for resolving individual situations; d) evaluate the information presented in the financial statements and / or annual reports in terms of reporting objectives and their impact on decisions.
The course aims to support students in the development of competent critical thinking in the theoretical evaluation and application of methodological tools in accounting and the ability to analyze the process of keeping accounting records focused on reporting objectives with adoption and defense of the opinion and proposed procedure in individual model situations with a derivation of consequences in individual decisions.
The student's skills to process, evaluate, and present the strengths and weaknesses of accounting procedures taking into interdisciplinary contexts in individual economic situations with application to a case study of a particular company are developed through teamwork and presentation of seminar work with the support of discussion based on the knowledge base context of other economic disciplines.

Indicative content

The importance of knowledge of individual areas of accounting theory created in different economic and political conditions with emphasis on their application and added information value in understanding accounting information. Generally accepted accounting principles, their interconnection, consistency and implementation in national and transnational accounting regulations with identification of consequences and approaches to their application. Value, price and their theoretical basis for application in accounting in terms of alternative valuation and its impact on accounting information and decision-making. Transposition the change in the value of assets into accounting and reported information with an analysis of the consequences of using possible alternatives in individual situations. The nature of assets, property substance and production capacity of the company and their preservation in accounting information. Static, dynamic and nominalist balance sheet theory in contemporary accounting. Organic, eudynamic and newer balance sheet theories and their reflection in current reporting. Real, fictitious, realized, distributable profit, their determination and significance in the decision-making process. Financial statements from the perspective of the decision-making process in the entity. The effect of inflation on the information in the financial statements. Information needs of users of financial statements and disclosure objectives. Theories of accounts and their reflection in current accounting. New trends in bookkeeping. Development and new concepts of corporate reporting in an international context.

Support literature

1. PAKŠIOVÁ, R. - JANHUBA, M.: Teória účtovníctva v kontexte svetového vývoja. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Iura Edition, 2012. ISBN 978-80-8078-445-4
2. PAKŠIOVÁ, R.: Majetková podstata podniku. Ekonóm, 2014, ISBN 978-80-225-3962-3
3. Current national and supranational accounting and reporting arrangements
4. EP and Council Directives, in particular 2013/34 / EU as amended.


1. The importance of knowledge of individual areas of accounting theory created in different economic and political conditions with emphasis on their application and added information value in understanding accounting information. 2. Generally accepted accounting principles, their interconnection, consistency and implementation in national and transnational accounting regulations with identification of consequences and approaches to their application. 3. Value, price and their theoretical basis for application in accounting in terms of alternative valuation and its impact on accounting information and decision-making. 4. Transposition the change in the value of assets into accounting and reported information with an analysis of the consequences of using possible alternatives in individual situations. 5. The nature of assets, property substance and production capacity of the company and their preservation in accounting information. 6. Static, dynamic and nominalist balance sheet theory in contemporary accounting. 7. Organic, eudynamic and newer balance sheet theories and their reflection in current reporting. 8. Real, fictitious, realized, distributable profit, their determination and significance in the decision-making process. 9. Financial statements from the perspective of the decision-making process in the entity. The effect of inflation on the information in the financial statements. 10. Information needs of users of financial statements and disclosure objectives. 11. Theories of accounts and their reflection in current accounting. 12. New trends in bookkeeping. 13. Development and new concepts of corporate reporting in an international context.

Requirements to complete the course

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
14 hours of preparation for the seminars
34 hours of elaboration of a seminar work with a case study and their presentation and defense
30 hours of preparation for the exam - written exam (test)
Total study load (in hours): 130

Student workload

26 hours of lectures
26 hours of seminars
14 hours of preparation for the seminars
34 hours of elaboration of a seminar work with a case study and their presentation and defense
30 hours of preparation for the exam - written exam (test)
Total study load (in hours): 130

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 19.12.2021