Official Statistics


Included in study programs

Teaching results

● Acquisition of basic skills in data interpretation to effectively communicate complex data insights and statistical results to different audiences in a simple, persuasive, and accessible manner.
● Developing skills in selecting and organizing relevant datasets to create data-driven articles/reports that support evidence-based decision-making and facilitate a deeper understanding of key trends and patterns.
● Gaining proficiency in using statistical software and tools for processing large datasets, conducting data analysis, and generating meaningful statistical reports and visualizations.
● Developing persuasive communication skills that enable data storytellers to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams and present insights to stakeholders to support decision-making for positive changes and policy awareness.
● Ability to critically evaluate statistical data and assess their relevance, quality, and limitations, enabling decision-making and policy formulation based on data and facts.
● Understanding of the fundamental principles and methods of official statistics, including data collection, processing, analysis, and interpretation, ensuring the production of high-quality statistical information (Basic Principles of National Statistics and Criteria for Quality of National Statistics, Code of Practice for European Statistics).
● Utilization of various data visualization tools and methods to create visually appealing and effective data presentations for better understanding and transfer of statistical information.
● The role of official statistics in supporting various sectors as well as overall economic and social development, including government institutions in policy formation and measuring social progress.
● Development of critical thinking and analytical skills for critically interpreting data stories and evaluating their accuracy, objectivity, and potential biases while adhering to ethical standards of data-based narratives.
● Support and understanding of ethical aspects of official statistics, including data protection, confidentiality, responsible use, and dissemination of statistical information to maintain public trust and integrity in this field.
Upon completing the course, students will gain a comprehensive view of the issues related to official statistics, its roles, and significance in state governance. Graduates of the course will thus become valuable participants in decision-making policies based on data in all socio-economic areas.

Indicative content

Students will gain a comprehensive overview of the field of official statistics, understand its importance in today's information and digital era, and grasp how statistics, as both a science and an information tool, influences decision-making across various societal domains. They will become familiar with the history of statistics and its evolution in relation to social, technical, and political changes. They will also comprehend the role of statistical institutions in data collection and provision. Emphasis will be placed on data quality, building public trust, and exploring how official statistics impact society, policy-making, and other sectors. Effective communication through modern tools and working with Big Data will also receive significant attention. This course will provide students with a strong foundation in understanding official statistics and its crucial role in shaping our world.
Outline of Lectures:
● Official Statistics: Public Information Infrastructure
o Official Statistics / Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and its position in the global and European context
o How the statistical office prepares statistical Information
o National Statistical System
o Social Statistics and Demography
o Macroeconomic Statistics
o Business Statistics
o Electoral Statistics
● Science and Society: Reflective Approach to Official Statistics
o Economic and Social Indicators
● Official Statistics 4.0: Era of Digitalization and Globalization
o Informatics and Statistics: The role of informatics in statistics
o Information Systems and Information and Communication Technologies
o Data Storytelling
o Statistical Products
o Ethics in Data Sciences
In the practical part of the course, students acquire a comprehensive set of skills for effective communication of complex statistical data. They focus on data visualization, using storytelling within official statistics, and developing critical thinking and communication skills for creating data-driven narratives.
Data analysis, which plays a key role in creating meaningful and persuasive stories. Students will learn to implement acquired knowledge through practical examples. They will apply statistical methods to identify patterns, trends, and deviations in data. They will also learn to interpret the results of their analysis and connect them to the context of official statistics, revealing significant information.
The combination of data analysis and data storytelling will not only allow them to present data engagingly but also uncover deeper insights that will help others better understand the significance and implications of official statistics. Upon completing the course, students will be capable of analysing data, uncovering fundamental patterns, and deriving valuable insights, preparing them for successful careers in data analysis and information communication.
Outline of Practical Seminars:
● Data Analysis
o Understanding basic concepts
o Data handling skills
o Application of statistical methods
o Data visualization
o Modeling and prediction
o Interpreting results
o Practical software usage
o Ethical aspects
o Communicating results
● Data Storytelling
o Understand the context
o Choose an appropriate visual display
o Eliminate Clutter
o Focus attention where you want it
o How to Tell a story based on data

Support literature

Radermacher, W. J. (2020). Official Statistics 4.0: Verified Facts for People in the 21st Century. Springer International Publishing.
Knaflic, C. N. (2015). Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals. John Wiley & Sons.
Knaflic, C. N. (2015). Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice!, John Wiley & Sons.
O´Neill, O. (2005). Assessment, Public Accountability and Trust. Retrieved from:
Fabio Ricciato, A. W. (19. Jun 2020). Trusted Smart Statistics: How new data will change official statistics. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from:


● Official Statistics: Public Information Infrastructure o Official Statistics / Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and its position in the global and European context o How the statistical office prepares statistical Information o National Statistical System o Social Statistics and Demography o Macroeconomic Statistics o Business Statistics o Electoral Statistics ● Science and Society: Reflective Approach to Official Statistics o Economic and Social Indicators ● Official Statistics 4.0: Era of Digitalization and Globalization o Informatics and Statistics: The role of informatics in statistics o Information Systems and Information and Communication Technologies o Data Storytelling o Statistical Products o Ethics in Data Sciences

Requirements to complete the course

Assignments 40 %:
● Projects and Assignments
Exams 60 %:
● Final Exam

Student workload

• Seminars participation: 26 hours
• Seminars preparation: 13 hours
• Preparation for continuous test: 13 hours
• Preparation for written assignment: 26 hours
• Final paper preparation: 26 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 06.11.2023

Date of the latest change: 16.05.2024