Time Series Analysis


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Upon successful completion of the course, students will gain a theoretical and practical basis for various statistical methods of social and economic time series modelling and the construction of short-term statistical forecasts with the support of statistical software.
They will be able to make a statistical analysis of the real time series of economic indicators, to propose a suitable time series model, perform a statistical verification, justify the model and interpret the results of the statistical software outputs. Students will be able to determine ex-post statistical forecasts and verify the prognostic quality of the models and construct short-term ex-ante forecasts.
The course Time series analysis provides comprehensive knowledge of the theoretical principles, assumptions and procedures for time series analysis so that students will receive appropriate skills to be able to adequately use classical decomposition, adaptive techniques (random walk model, moving average techniques, exponential smoothing and forecasting models) and basics of application of the Box-Jenkinson methodology in the field of economics and management, both in practice and in research.
At the end of the semester, students will have a good overview of methods of time series analysis, more specifically:
students will acquire the following knowledge:
- About basic concepts, principles, methodological approaches and techniques of time series analysis such as a realisation of stochastic processes.
- About procedures and methods for modelling of the trend of time series, construction of forecasts (based on the trend-regression functions, naïve model, exponential smoothing - Brown models, Holt model).
- About principles and techniques of the Box-Jenkins methodology for modelling stochastic linear processes by ARIMA models,
- Understanding the modelling of trend and seasonality of time series by classical decomposition, and Holt-Winters model.
- On the basic concepts of Box-Jenkins methodology they will understand the construction of autoregressive models of linear stochastic processes with the construction of ex-ante forecasts using seasonal ARIMA (p, d, q) (P, D, Q)s models.
Students will acquire in particular the following skills:
- Students will be able to perform calculations for the statistical procedures with the use of professional analytical and statistical software.
- They will learn the practical steps of the analysis of social and economic time series and the construction of short-term forecasts by the most appropriate from models with use of classical, adaptive techniques and the technics of Box-Jenkins methodology.
- Students will learn to adequately apply the appropriate methodology of modelling real financial time series, they will acquire the skills to present and interpret the results of its application.
Students will acquire the following competencies:
- Students will be able to use the knowledge and skills appropriately as a tool for decision-making and solving practical tasks from economic practice.

Indicative content

The course Time Series Analysis provides students with knowledge and skills in the field of statistical analysis of one-dimensional time series of socio-economic variables, which are among the most commonly used statistical methods in economics and management, both in practice and in research. Students will use the knowledge gained in this course in related subjects (Econometrics, …), in the elaboration of final theses, as well as in follow-up research and practice.

Support literature

1. Rublíková, E. – Artl, J. – Arltová, M. – Libičová, L. (2007). Analýza časových radov – Zbierka príkladov. EKONÓM 2003, Bratislava, s.188. ISBN 80-225-1748-8.
2. Rublíková, E., 2007. Analýza časových radov. IURA Edition, Bratislava , s. 207. ISBN 978- 80-8078-139-2.
3. Rublíková, E. – Lubyová, M. (2016). Analýza časových radov 1 : praktikum. 1. EKONÓM, Bratislava, s.171. ISBN 978-80-225-4341-5.
4. Artl, J. – Artlová, M. – Rublíková, E. (2002). Analýza ekonomických časových řad s příklady. Praha VŠE. Dostupné on line: http://nb.vse.cz/~arltova/vyuka/crsbir02.pdf
5. Arlt, J. – Arltová, M.: Ekonomické časové řady. Professional Publishing. Praha. 1. vyd. 2009. ISBN 978-80-86946-85-6.
6. Cipra, T. (2013). Finanční ekonometrie. Ekopress, Praha, 2.vyd.
7. Cipra, T. (1986). Analýza časových řad s aplikacemi v ekonomii. Praha: SNTL. 248 s.
8. Brockwell, P. J. – Davis, R. A.: Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting. Springer Texts in Statistics. Third Edition. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 1996, 2002, 2016. ISSN 1431-875X ISSN 2197-4136 (electronic), ISBN 978-3-319-29852-8, ISBN 978-3-319-29854-2 (eBook). DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29854-2.
9. Bisgaard, S. – Kulahci, M. (2011). Time Series Analysis and Forecasting by Example. Series: Wiley series in probability and statistics. Kindle Edition. 400 p. ISBN-13: 978-0470540640; ISBN-10: 0470540648.
10. Robert F. Engle v osobnom rozhovore k výučbe odporučil učebné texty:
11. Hamilton, J. D. (1994). Time Series Analysis 1st Edition. Princeton University Press. 1994
12. Wooldridge, J. M. (2015). Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach (Upper Level Economics Titles).
13. Watson, M. W. – Stock, J. (2014). Introduction to Econometrics, Third Updated Edition, Addison-Wesley. ISBN-13: 978-1292071312, ISBN-10: 1292071311.
Literature will be continuously updated with the accessible latest scientific and professional titles.


1. Overview of methods of the course Time series analysis, conditions for completing the course. Objectives of the analysis of socio-economic time series, as realization of stochastic process, its properties, stationarity (weak, strong, Gaussian). Graphic methods of analysis of time series components (methods of extracting stochastic or analytical trend from time series; classical decomposition - mechanical smoothing and extracting from the components). 2. Random process and its moments. Stationary random process and its properties. Stationary time series and their extrapolations (naive forecasts, constant trend, terminal moving averages as forecast techniques). Stationarity tests. ACF and PACF of a random processes. Transformations of nonstationary series to stationary (differentiation, notation using the backward operator; Box – Cox transformation). 3. Trends in the time series (linear, quadratic, exponential, hyperbolic, Gomperz curve) and t-tests of their parameters in a statistical software application. Estimation of the random component and its variance. Average errors of model residuals, definition, interpretation (MSE, RMSE, ME, MAE, MAPE, MPE) and comparison of systematic bias of models according to software outputs. 4. Analysis of residuals. White noise and its properties (independence, homoscedasticity, normality). Results of graphical and numerical tests (nonparametric tests of independence in the time series application). Histogram, Box-Plot, normal probability plot in time series application – interpretation of the results. 5. Tests of non-correlation. Sample ACF and sample PACF (Bartlett test, empirical rule). Postmenteau tests (Box-Pierce, Ljung-Box). Their applications for time series and for the random component of models. 6. Partition into estimation and validation/verification period. Ex-post and ex-ante extrapolations. Comparison of model quality (interpolation and extrapolation period). Evaluation of the errors of extrapolation. Assessment of model suitability, including of information criteria for model selectin (AIC, BIC, Theil's U, Adjusted coefficient of determination). 7. Exponential smoothing and forecasting - Brown models. Holt model of exponential smoothing. 8. Autoregressive models of stationary process AR (p). Models of moving averages of stationary process MA (q). Properties of ACF and PACF of these processes. Random walk process - AR (1) process with unit root. 9. Models of stationary ARMA processes (p,q) and properties of their ACF and PACF. Integrated ARIMA models (p,d,q) and their properties. Preliminary determination of the number of parameters, verification of the initial assumptions of the models. Forecasting of non-seasonal time series by ARIMA models - applications. 10. Time series with seasonal component. Seasonal decomposition. Seasonal indices and seasonally adjusted time series. Extrapolation of seasonally adjusted series. Extrapolation of time series with seasonality. A combination of classical and adaptive forecasting methods. Holt-Winter model of exponential smoothing. 11. ARIMA models with seasonal component. 12. Practical advice and summary of the steps of the Box-Jenkins methodology in the phases of identification, estimation and verification. Verification of the accuracy of short-term forecasts. 13. Presentation of the results of an illustrative application of the studied curriculum - a case study on a real financial time series. Repetition and discussion of the subject problems

Requirements to complete the course

Preliminary Assessment:
− Test and activity in seminars (15 %),
− Individual assignments – project (25 %)
Final Assessment - written exam (60 %):
30% theoretical part,
30% practical – examples solution.

Student workload

Total study load (in hours): 156 hours
Distribution of study load
Lectures participation: 26 hours
Seminar participation: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for assignments: 26 hours
Elaboration of Semester project: 26 hours
Preparation for final exam: 26 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 02.02.2022