Quantitative Economics II


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The graduate of the course is able to explain various economic phenomena with economic models.
- Students will be able to formulate, solve and interpret economic models describing known conomic phenomena and interactions.
- Graduates will gain current knowledge of economic theory – growth theory, business cycle theory, monetary theory, New Keynesian theory, inflation theory, new monetary theory based on model with banks.
- Students will be able to formulate and express the economic theoretical background needed in econometric analyzes used in modern research, in forecasts made by scientific research institutions or in the financial sector. Students are able to explain the basic economic processes, the effects of various shocks and policies.

Indicative content

1. Dynamic economic measures, economic growth, business cycles and inflation.
2. Growth theory.
3. Convergence and steady growth.
4. Search model.
5. Real business cycle model RBC.
6. Small open economy RBC model (SOE RBC).
7. Dynamic general equilibrium model (DGE).
8. Small open economy DGE model.
9. Flexible prices and wages in DGE models.
10. Sticky prices and wages in DGE models.
11. Neo-Fischer effects in DGE models.
12. Banks in DGE models.
13. Applications of DGE models.

Support literature

1. Barro, R.J. Macroeconomics – A Modern Approach. Thomson South Western, 2008.
2. Doepke, M., Lehnert, A., Sellgren, A.W. Macroeconomics. http://faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/~mdo738/book.htm (október 2019).
3. Schmitt-Grohe, S., Uribe, M., Woodford, M. International Macroeconomics. http://www.columbia.edu/~mu2166/UIM/ (október 2019).
4. Williamson, S.D. (2018). Macroeconomics. Harlow: Pearson.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % assignments; 60 % final exam

Student workload

156 hours
Lectures participation: 26 hours, Seminar participation: 26 hours, Semester work: 42 hours
Preparation for final exam: 62 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 16.05.2022