Economic Analysis II


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The graduate of the course will gain an introduction to the ability to explain the basic economic phenomena by formulating solving and interpreting economic models.
- Ability to solve simple economic problems using economic models.
- Introduction to economic theory; understanding the basic principles of economic growth, business cycles, inflation, money non-neutrality, monetary theory.
- Ability to evaluate the effects of basic economic policies and shocks, the basic ability to formulate and express the theoretical economic foundations for statistical economic (econometric) analysis, especially.

Indicative content

1. Economic performance observations over many periods – economic growth, business cycles and inflation phenomena.
2. Economic growth.
3. Growth model, differences between rich and poor countries.
4. Unemployment, unemployment model.
5. Business cycle models, closed economy.
6. Model of small open economy.
7. Money and business cycles.
8. Money in small open economy model.
9. Business cycle theories with flexible prices and wages.
10. New Keynesian theory of business cycles.
11. Inflation, Phillips Curve and Neo-Fischer effects.
12. Money, inflation and banks.
13. Monetary economy.

Support literature

1. Barro, R.J. Macroeconomics – A Modern Approach. Thomson South Western, 2008.
2. Doepke, M., Lehnert, A., Sellgren, A.W. Macroeconomics. (október 2019).
3. Schmitt-Grohe, S., Uribe, M., Woodford, M. International Macroeconomics. (október 2019).
4. Wang, Susheng (2018). Microeconomic Theory. Singapore: Springer.
5. Williamson, S.D. Macroeconomics. Harlow: Pearson, 2018.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % assignments;
60 % final exam

Student workload

130 hours
Lectures participation: 26 hours
Seminar participation: 26 hours
Semester work: 30 hours
Preparation for final exam: 48 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 17.05.2022