E- Business


Included in study programs

Teaching results

After completing the course, students should be able to:
A. Orient and have an overview of e-business issues
B. Analyze user needs and formulate the essence of the task
C. Know the possibilities of using ICT in the field of customer relationship management, in the field of supplier-customer relations
D. Knowledge of the current conditions of application of the concept of e-business.
E. The essence of the successful implementation of a complete e-business solution
F. Realize that in order to implement the concept of e-business in practice, it is necessary to address the following areas: · deployment of business and information portals
G. Present and defend at a professional level their proposed solutions
H. Create and program a Website Project Design

Indicative content

1. The position of electronic business in the company and society. The influence of the EB on the organization
2. E-commerce strategies. Means to achieve strategic goals. Alliance building, global reach, rapid partial innovations, emphasis on individual customer needs, flexible management, teamwork, virtual teams, knowledge-based IS and application integration
3. Basic relationships between entities in e-business, e-business applications and their relationships
4. Search Engine Optimization. SEO in the case of a finished website. SEO in the case of a new website. Competition analysis.
5. Advertising, marketing and public relations on the Internet.
6. Online marketing campaign.
7. Electronic procurement, e-Procurement. Principles, possibilities and functions of electronic supply. Options, services and categories of electronic marketplaces.
8. Complex of applications and technologies for supply chain management - Supply Chain Management (SCM). Processes in SC. Principles of SCM solution.
9. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - customer relationship management as part of e-business. CRM processes. Processes and business cycle.
10. Mobile trading, principles of m-Commerce solution, possibilities and functionality of m-Commerce.
11. Security issues in the field of electronic business.
12. Use of DTP applications in business practice, creation and use of press documents for company presentation.
13. Website project design using the Wordpress content management system.

Support literature

DOMES, M.: SEO jednoduše, Computer Press, a.s. Brno 2011, ISBN 978-80-251-3456-63.
DORČÁK, P, - POLLÁK, F.: Marketing & e-business, EZO, s. r. o. Prešov 2010, ISBN 978-80-970564-0-74.
BELEŠČÁK, D.: Vytváříme e-shop ve WordPressu pomocí WooCommerce. Brno: Computer Press, 2014. 238 s. ISBN 978-80-251-4153-3.
BLAŽKOVÁ, M.: Ako využiť internet v marketingu, Praha, Grada Publishing 2005, ISBN 80-247-1095-15.
BEDNÁR, M. 2010. Programujeme internetový obchod. Košice. Vydavateľstvo Milan Bednár 2010.
208 s. ISBN 9788097048464
PEACOCK, M. 2011. Programujeme vlastní e-shop. Brno. Computer Press 2011. 336 s. ISBN
SEDLÁČEK, J. E-komerce, internetový a mobil marketing od A po Z. Praha: BEN – technická
literatúra, 2006. 351 s. ISBN 80-7300-195-
DOMES, M. 2008. Tvorba WWW stránek pro úplné začátečníky . Brno. Computer Press 2008. 246 s. ISBN 9788025121603
Redakčný systém Wordpress: http://sk.wordpress.org/

Requirements to complete the course

50 points elaboration and defense of the project - students develop a project during the semester on a selected topic assigned by the teacher at the beginning of the semester. Topics relate to the areas of e-business. This is how we verify the following learning outcomes: E., F., G.
Final rating 50%
50 points for the written exam - the exam consists of questions verifying the acquired knowledge from the following learning outcomes: B., C., D., F.

Student workload

Total study load (in hours): 78 hours
Distribution of study load
Seminar participation: 13 hours,
Preparation for seminars: 13 hours,
Final paper preparation: 26 hours,
Preparation of presentation and presentation itself: 26 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 27.05.2024