Database Systems II


Included in study programs

Teaching results

After completion of the course, students should be able to
A. Become familiar with the Data Warehouse and with OLTP and OLAP technologies.
B. create a program in PL/SQL and PHP.
C. design and develop a functional application in PL/SQL /PHP/, based on a given assignment.-
D. Generate outputs from Oracle database in the form of XML-
E. independently debug an existing program in PL/SQL /PHP language (in terms of identifying and removing the cause of the error).
F. Create a small information system designed to perform analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.

Indicative content

Advanced analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise
2. Data analysis - multidimensional analysis
3. Central data warehouses and data marts. Data warehouses in the environments of selected database vendors. Ways of presenting data and information..
4. Data warehouse, essence, terminology. Areas and reasons for data warehouse use.
5. Process of data acquisition into the data warehouse. Transformation mechanism.
6. Data cube and data cube operations
7. Data warehouse creation, data structure in data warehouse, data models in data warehouse
8. Querying, data mining, monitoring and data warehouse administration.
9. OLTP and OLAP technologies. Comparison of data warehouses and relational databases. Methods of creating reports in databases and data warehouse
10. Programming in PL/SQL
11. Using PHP to create the IS application layer
12. Tools for creating web applications
13. Current BI systems

Support literature

1. Schmidt, P. – Bandurič, I.: 2015. Úvod do tvorby webu. Ekonóm. Bratislava 2015. ISBN 978-80-225-4209-8
2. KULTAN, Jaroslav - SCHMIDT, Peter. Pokročilé využitie databáz pre ekonomické školy : vybrané otázky. Recenzenti: Jozef Stašák, Pavol Jurík. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019. 173 s. [12 AH]. ISBN 978-80-225-4612-6.
3. KULTAN, J.: Databázové systémy. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2012. 126s. ISBN 978-80-225-3350-8
4. LABERGE, R. et al.: Datové sklady Agilní metody a business intelligence. Bratislava: Computer Press, 2012. 352 s. ISBN 978-80-251-3729-1
5. ZÁVODNÝ, P., KRISTOVÁ, G., PRAŽENKA D.: Distribuované spracovanie dát. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2010. 267 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2901-3
6. PETTEY, C., MEULEN, R. Gartner Reveals Five Business Intelligence Predictions for 2009 and Beyond. [online]. [2.4.2013]. Dostupné na internete: .
7. LUHN, H. P. 1958. A Business Intelligence System. In IBM Journal. [online]. [31.7.2013]. Dostupné na internete: .
8. ETL - Extract, Transform, Load. [online]. [25.5.2013]. Dostupné na internete: .HANUSEK, L., MÁŠA, P. Technologie pro data warehousing a data mining. [online]. [25.5.2013]. Dostupné na internete: .
9. INMON, W. H. Building the Data Warehouse: Getting started. [online]. [26.5.2013]. Dostupné na internete:>
10. OLTP vs OLAP - Definition and Differences. [online]. [26.5.2013]. Dostupné na internete: .
11. OLAP cube [online]. [30.5.2013]. Dostupné na internete: .
12. SEDLÁČEK, J.: Finanční analýza podniku. Brno: Computer Press, a.s., 2007. ISBN 978-80-802-251-1830-6.
13. KISLINGEROVÁ, Eva: Manažerské finance. 3. vyd. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2010. 811 s. ISBN 978-80-740-0194-9

Requirements to complete the course

Requirements to complete the course:
40% continuous written work, 20% semester work, 40% exam

Student workload

Total study load (in hours):
Student's workload (for a course that has 4 credits): 104 h (participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 13 h, elaboration of a semester project 13 h, preparation for the exam 26 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 18.05.2022