Informatics I


Included in study programs

Teaching results

After completing the course, students should be able to:
A. Orientate themselves in the application of current information and communication technologies in practice with emphasis on the use of PCs.
B. Understand in detail the hardware components of a computer (motherboard, processor, RAM, graphics cards, UPS, I / O devices, and others).
C. Assess the age and applicability of technologies.
D. Assess the applicability of technologies in specific areas.
E. Understand the basics of the Internet of Things and the possibilities of its application.
F. Distinguish basic network components and their role in a computer network.
G. Appropriately design the composition of the computer's hardware components.

Indicative content

Indicative content:
1. Basic concepts and terminology of computer science (data, information management, bit, byte, multiples, new denotation of multiples, location of computer science among disciplines).
2. The computer and its logical and physical structure (Harvard and Von-Neumann architecture, computer operation, memory, registers, memory management).
3. Processors, CPU architecture (division, CPU by manufacturers and use, CPU by instruction set, slot used) .
4. Motherboards, Graphics Cards (Divisions of MB by size, by processor, generation of CHIP sets, graphics card usage, GPU, GPU performance, CPU and GPU parameters, integrated CPU with GPU.
5. Memory and storage media (Types of ROM, RAM, Evolution of ROM, RAM, Generation of RAM, FDD, HDD, SSD, flash drive, memory cards, optical media).
6. I/O devices (historical overview, mechanical, magnetic input units, terminals, printers, South bridge and I/O device management.
7. Power supplies, UPS (power supply divisions, connectors, voltages on connectors, wiring of MB and all devices, UPS types and wiring).
8. Displays monitors (display technologies CRT, TFT, Plasma, LCD, LED, OLED, device parameters, proper setup, resolution, brightness, contrast, refresh rate, etc.).
9. Printers, plotters (division of printers historically, nature, different technologies, mechanical, optical, inkjet, thermal printers, division and use of plotters).
10. Interfaces. Communication interfaces. Keyboards, mice, tablets, headsets, microphone, VR glasses, R devices.
11. Networking components (nature of computer networks, PAN and LAN, media, metallic, optical, terminations, active and passive elements).
12. IoT basics (essence of technologies that belong to IoT, microcomputers, controllers, controllers, development platforms.
13. Sensors and communication units, interconnect arrays, device design using appropriate software design tool.
In the exercises students will master the spreadsheet and its use in solving economic problems.
1. Numerical operations: analysing, recording costs, creating various analyses, various financial analyses, etc.
2. Creating graphs - creating a wide variety of highly correctable graphs
3. Creating lists - creating and storing records efficiently in simple spreadsheets
4. Text operations - standardizing and editing text data
5. Search functions - application to an area, sheet, multiple sheets
6. Statistical functions - Chi-square, correlation, Poisson distribution etc. in statistical data processing
7. Accessing other data - Extraction of different data sources
8. Creating graphical dashboards - Simplification for macro analysis of large amounts of data
9. Creating charts and diagrams - Various graphical shapes or professional diagrams can be created through SmartArt
10. - 13. Automation of complex tasks - automation of tedious and routine processes

Support literature

Schmidt, P. – Kultan, J. – Procházka, P.: Informatika 1
Kultan, J. -Schmidt, P.: Informatika II
Schmidt,P.: IKT pre začinajúcich používateľov, Bratislava 2013, ISBN 978-80-971532-0-5
Jindřich Kaluža, Ludmila Kalužová. Informatika. Ekopress 2012, ISBN: 9788086929835

Requirements to complete the course

Prerequisites: 40% term paper, demonstrating competency in educational outcomes E, F, G.
60% written exam, demonstrating competency in educational outcomes A,B,C,D.

Student workload

Total study load (in hours):
182 h (participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, elaboration of a semester project 52 h, preparation for the exam 52 h)

Date of approval: 11.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 04.03.2025