Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business Management UE in Bratislava
Administration assistant for retail clients
Finančné centrum, a.s.
Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills
Skills for Success
Amcham, Business Service Center Forum
Number of defended theses
Bakalárske (prvý stupeň): 12
Diplomové (druhý stupeň): 2
Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs
Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 5
Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 1
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs
HOJDIK, Vladimír - HRUŠOVSKÁ, Dana - GRANČIČOVÁ, Katarína. Reputácia nielen v kontexte eko-inovácií: možnosti merania a hodnotenia reputácie a online reputácie : vedecká monografia. Recenzenti: Daniela Rybárová, Štefan Majtán. 1. vydanie. České Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2020. 159 s. [11,74 AH]. VEGA 1/0646/20. ISBN 978-80-7556-078-0.
HOJDIK, Vladimír. Inovačné trendy v sektore automobilového priemyslu. In Ekonomika a manažment : vedecký časopis Fakulty podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Fakulta podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave, 2020. ISSN 2454-1028, 2020, roč. 17, č. 1, s. 40-48 online. I-20-103-00.
KOZÁKOVÁ, Mária - HOJDIK, Vladimír. Online Reputation Assessment of Entities in Automotive Industry in the Slovak Republic. In Ekonomické rozhľady : vedecký časopis Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, 2018. ISSN 0323-262X, 2018, roč. 47, č. 2, s. 211-224. I-17-108-00.
HOJDIK, Vladimír - RAKOVÁ, Monika. Nabíjacia infraštruktúra ako aspekt rozvoja elektromobility v krajinách V4. In Ekonomika a manažment : vedecký časopis Fakulty podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Fakulta podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave, 2021. ISSN 2454-1028, 2021, roč. 18, č. 3, s. 43-52 online. I-21-107-00.
HOJDIK, Vladimír. Zákaznícke vnímanie značiek automobilového priemyslu v Slovenskej republike. In Ekonomika a manažment : vedecký časopis Fakulty podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave. - Bratislava : Fakulta podnikového manažmentu Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave, 2018. ISSN 2454-1028, 2018, roč. 15, č. 3, s. 85-91 online. VEGA č. 1/0876/17.
The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years
HOJDIK, Vladimír - HRUŠOVSKÁ, Dana - GRANČIČOVÁ, Katarína. Reputácia nielen v kontexte eko-inovácií: možnosti merania a hodnotenia reputácie a online reputácie : vedecká monografia. Recenzenti: Daniela Rybárová, Štefan Majtán. 1. vydanie. České Budějovice : Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2020. 159 s. [11,74 AH]. VEGA 1/0646/20. ISBN 978-80-7556-078-0.
HOJDIK, Vladimír. Assessing the Impact of Global Digital Environment on the Online Reputation of Selected Car Brands in Slovak and Global Market. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In DOKBAT. Annual International Bata Conference for Ph.D. Students and Young Researchers. DOKBAT : 15th Annual International Bata Conference for Ph.D. Students and Young Researchers, 6.-7.11.2019, Zlín. - Zlín : Tomas Bata University, Faculty of Management and Economics, 2019. ISBN 978-80-7454-893-2, pp. 375-385 online. VEGA 1/0876/17.
HOJDIK, Vladimír - MAJTÁN, Štefan. Online reputation management as an integral part of company business management. - Registrovaný: Web of Science. In ISCOBEMM 2017. International scientific conference of business economics, management and marketing. ISCOBEMM 2017 : proceedings of the [2nd] international scientific conference of business economics, management and marketing : may 25 - 26, 2017, Zaječí, Czech Republic. - Brno : Masaryk University, 2017. ISBN 978-80-210-8714-9, pp. 76-83 online. APVV-15-0511.
HOJDIK, Vladimír. Introduction to marketing metrics and characreristics of selected online marketing metrics. - Registrovaný: Web of Science.In DOKBAT 2017. Annual international Bata conference for Ph.D. students and young researchers. DOKBAT 2017 : conference proceedings : 13th annual international Bata conference for Ph.D. students and young researchers : 26.4.2017, [Zlín, Czech Republic]. - Zlín : Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7454-654-9, pp. 144-151 online. VEGA 1/0546/15.
HOJDIK, Vladimír. Evaluation of Slovak Automotive Industry Competitiveness Based on Market Concentration Indicators. In Current Problems of the Corporate Sector 2020. International Scientific Conference. Current Problems of the Corporate Sector 2020 : 17th International Scientific Conference. - Paris : Édition Diffusion Presse Sciences, 2020. ISSN 2261-2424, pp. [1-9] online. I-20-103-00.
The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs
Diffusion and consequences of green innovations in imperfect competition markets - VEGA 1/0646/20 - member of the research team
An analysis of factors for development of green mobility forms in context of Slovak republic business environment - I-21-107-00 - leader of the research team
Socio-economic determinants of sustainable consumption and production in terms of impact on performance and competitiveness of enterprises - VEGA 1/0708/20 - member of the research team
Analysis and evaluation of online reputation of subjects from automotive industry - I-17-108-00 - member of the research team
Research on cognitive-behavioral determinants of product innovation diffusion on EU markets - VEGA 1/0876/17 - member of the research team
Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years
Diffusion and consequences of green innovations in imperfect competition markets - VEGA 1/0646/20 - member of the research team
An analysis of factors for development of green mobility forms in context of Slovak republic business environment - I-21-107-00 - leader of the research team
Socio-economic determinants of sustainable consumption and production in terms of impact on performance and competitiveness of enterprises - VEGA 1/0708/20 - member of the research team
Analysis and evaluation of online reputation of subjects from automotive industry - I-17-108-00 - member of the research team
Research on cognitive-behavioral determinants of product innovation diffusion on EU markets - VEGA 1/0876/17 - member of the research team
Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities
Faculty Competition of Student Research Activity, member of commision for Faculty of Business Management
Faculty of Business Management, UEBA
Chair of the session "Sustainable Growth In The Context of Changes In The Global World", EDAMBA 2021 Conference
University of Economics in Bratislava