doc. PhDr. Mgr. Tatjana Grigorjanová, CSc.

Faculty: Faculty of Applied Languages

Department: Department of Romance and Slavic Languages

Position: Associate Professor


Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person

Second degree of higher education

Study field and programme: Russian Language and Literature, 1984, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Third degree of higher education

Study field and programme: Linguistics of specific language groups, specialization: Russian language, 1994, Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Associate professor

Study field and programme: Linguistics of specific language groups, specialization: Russian language, 2010, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra

Current and previous employment

Associate Professor
University of Economics in Bratislava
18.09.2017 - present

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Studies
University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava

independent researcher
Slavonic Cabinet of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

PhD student, researcher
Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

University of Economics

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

Training on Russian language teaching methodology for foreign students of Russian studies
Saint Petersburg State University

Training on working with language corpora
Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Microsoft Office 365 online training for users, introduction to Office 365
University of Economics in Bratislava

Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

Number of defended theses

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 5

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 3

Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 3

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

The meaning of a word in context and in confrontation : (Lexical-semantic analysis of verbs of visual perception in Russian and Slovak)

AAB Význam slova v kontexte a v konfrontácii : (Lexikálnosémantická analýza slovies zrakového vnímania v ruštine a slovenčine) / Tatjana Grigorjanová. - 1. vyd. - Bratislava : VEDA, vydavateľstvo SAV, 1995. – 76 s. - ISBN 80-224-0431-4.

Slovak-Russian Law and Economics Dictionary

BAB Slovensko-ruský právnicko-ekonomický slovník = Slovacko-russkij juridičesko-ekonomičeskij slovar. /Grigorjanová Tatjana, Dezider Kollár/ Bratislava : Slovenské pedagogické nakladateľstvo, 2000. - 255 s. - ISBN 80-08-03041-0.

Slovak-Russian dictionary I.-II. [electronic resource] 

BAB Slovensko-ruský slovník I.-II. [elektronický zdroj] / D. Kollár, T. Grigorjanová. - [Bratislava] :, s.r.o., 2011. - 1 CD-ROM (1087 s.). - ( - Elektronický slovník. - ISBN 978-80-969670-5-6.

Dynamic aspects of the vocabulary of modern Slavic languages : a monograph

AAA : Dinamičeskie aspekty leksiki sovremennych slavjanskich jazykov : monografija / Markova Elena Michajlovna, Grigorjanová Tatiana/. - 1. vyd. - Brno : Tribun EU, 2016. - 187 s. - ISBN 978-80-263-0566-8.

"Envy" in poetic and prose texts in Russian, English and Slovak Languages

ADF "Zavisť" v poetičeskich i prozaičeskich tekstach russkogo, anglijskogo i slovackogo jazykov / Tatjana Grigorjanova, Marina Stanislavovna Matycina, 2016. In: Slavica Slovaca. - ISSN 0037-6787, Roč. 51, č. 1 (2016), s. 44-51."

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

Corpus Linguistics Technology in Teaching Foreign Languages / Grigorjanová, Tatjana - Matytcina, Marina. In: 1st International Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education. Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education. - Lipetsk : IEEE, 2021. ISBN 978-1-6654-4396-8, pp. 152-154 online.

English Discourse of Immigration in the Aspect of Corpus Linguistics / Grigorjanová, Tatjana - Matytcina, Marina. Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - Volgograd : Volgograd State University. ISSN 2409-1979, 2021, god. 20, no. 6, s. 29-41 online.

ABC Dynamische Prozesse im lexikalischen System der gegenwärtigen russischen Sprache. In Usuelle Wortverbindungen in der deutschen Wirtschaftssprache und ihre Widerspiegelungen in mehreren Sprachen. - Hamburg : Verlag Dr. Kovač, 2020. ISBN 978-3-339-11020-6, s. 65-116 [3,1 AH].

English Discourse of Immigration in the Aspect of Corpus Linguistics / Grigorjanová Tatiana, Matycina Marina Stanislavovna- Registrovaný: Web of Science. In Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. - Volgograd : Volgograd State University. ISSN 2409-1979, 2021, god. 20, no. 6, s. 29-41 online.

Structural-Semantic Phraseological Modifications in Slovak and Russian Media Text

ADN Štruktúrno-sémantické frazeologické modifikácie v slovenskom a ruskom mediálnom texte.In: Slavica Slovaca, Roč. 55, č. 2 (2020), s. 211-222 Grigorjanová, Tatjana [Autor, 70%] ; Spišiaková, Andrea [Autor, 30%]. – SCOPUS

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

Media. Language. Society: Problems and Perspectives, member of the research team, 2016-2017 (Inter-university project with Prof. Zlatarev University in Burgas, Bulgaria)

KEGA 013UCM-4/2017 Delineating the specifics of the model of the "Russian world" in Russian language, literature and culture, member of the research team, 2017-2019

VEGA 2/0067/18 Interlingual homonymy in Slavic languages, Deputy Project Leader 2018-2021, from 2021 Project Leader

KEGA 018EU-4/2020 Professional Russian language and ICT in an online environment, member of the research team, 2020-2022

VEGA 1/0344/20 The language of right-wing extremism. A Politolinguistic Perspective, Deputy Project Leader, 2020-2022

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

Media. Language. Society: Problems and Perspectives, member of the research team, 2016-2017 (Inter-university project with Prof. Zlatarev University in Burgas, Bulgaria)

KEGA 013UCM-4/2017 Delineating the specifics of the model of the "Russian world" in Russian language, literature and culture, member of the research team, 2017-2019

VEGA 2/0067/18 Interlingual homonymy in Slavic languages, Deputy Project Leader 2018-2021, from 2021 Project Leader

KEGA 018EU-4/2020 Professional Russian language and ICT in an online environment, member of the research team, 2020-2022

VEGA 1/0344/20 The language of right-wing extremism. A Politolinguistic Perspective, Deputy Project Leader, 2020-2022

Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

Executive Editor of the scientific interdisciplinary journal Slavica Slovaca
Slavonic Cabinet of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Member of the editorial board of Rossica Nitriensia, a journal for the theory of Russian language and literature
University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra

Journal of Applied Linguistics and Lexicography (JALL), Member of the editorial board
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

Ghent Centre for Slavic and East European Studies, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, Ghent, Belgium
2005 May,
Ghent Centre for Slavic and East European Studies, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25, Ghent, Belgicko
2007 May,
Department of Slavonic Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Arna Nováka 1, Brno, Czech Republic
The Invited Lecturers Series


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