RNDr. Janka Pásztorová, PhD.

Faculty: Faculty of Commerce

Department: Department of International Trade

Position: Assistant Professor



Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person

Second degree of higher education

Study field and programme: Proximity Numerical Methods, ,

Third degree of higher education

Study field and programme: International Economic Relations, 2002, University of Economics in Bratislava

Current and previous employment

Assistant Professor
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce, Department of International Trade

UNIVERZITA KOMENSKÉHO Bratislava/ ZVL, Považská Bystrica, detached workplace in Bratislava: Mathematics- Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics Physics and Informations, Comenius University Bratislava
1.9.1985 - 31.10.1988

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

Business English/ ICT courses, courses - Business English
University of Economics in Bratislava,

Pedagogical Minimum
University of Economics in Bratislava

German Language
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

Number of defended theses

Bachelor's (first degree): 53

Diploma (second degree): 90

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 6

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 8

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva - PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka. Promoting EU Values in International Agreements. online. In Juridical Tribune – Tribuna Juridica Journal : Tribune of Comparative and International Law. - Bucharest : The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. ISSN 2248-0382, 2021, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 203-218

PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka - MINÁRIK, Marek. Role of the Logistics in Determining the Size and the Structure of the Transaction Costs in Export Price. [online]. In Economic Science, Education and the Real Economy: Development and Interactions in the Digital Age : Proceedings of the Jubilee International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the University of Economics – Varna. - University of Economics – Varna : University publishing house „Science and Economics", 2020. ISBN 978-954-21-1039-2, s. 475-486.

ZORKÓCIOVÁ, Otília a kol.:. Medzinárodný marketing, 1. vyd. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2016. 309 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4332-3.

MINÁRIK, Marek - ZÁBOJNÍK, Stanislav - PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka. Sources of Value-Added in V4 automotive GVCs: The Case of Transport and Storage Services and Firm Level Technology Absorption. online. In Central European Business Review.

 DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.301, Prepublished online: March 7, 2022.

FERENČÍKOVÁ, Soňa - ZÁBOJNÍK, Stanislav - PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka - HLUŠKOVÁ, Tatiana - KRAJČÍK, Daniel. Stratégia medzinárodného podnikania. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4898-4.

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva - PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka. Promoting EU Values in International Agreements. online. In Juridical Tribune – Tribuna Juridica Journal : Tribune of Comparative and International Law. - Bucharest : The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. ISSN 2248-0382, 2021, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 203-218

PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka - MINÁRIK, Marek. Role of the Logistics in Determining the Size and the Structure of the Transaction Costs in Export Price. [online]. In Economic Science, Education and the Real Economy: Development and Interactions in the Digital Age : Proceedings of the Jubilee International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the University of Economics – Varna. - University of Economics – Varna : University publishing house „Science and Economics", 2020. s. 475-486. ISBN 978-954-21-1039-2.

FERENČÍKOVÁ, Soňa - ZÁBOJNÍK, Stanislav - PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka - HLUŠKOVÁ, Tatiana - KRAJČÍK, Daniel. Stratégia medzinárodného podnikania. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4898-4.

KAŠŤÁKOVÁ, Elena - PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka. Vybrané aspekty podpory zahraničného obchodu na Slovensku. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. 72 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4792-5.

MINÁRIK, Marek - ZÁBOJNÍK, Stanislav - PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka. Sources of Value-Added in V4 automotive GVCs: The Case of Transport and Storage Services and Firm Level Technology Absorption. online. In Central European Business Review.

 DOI: 10.18267/j.cebr.301, Prepublished online: March 7, 2022.

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

VEGA 1/ 0420/19 - The importance of business cooperation between the EU and the countries of the Western Balkans in terms of the possibilities of expansion of business entities.

VEGA 1/0777/20 - China's Silk Road (Belt and Road Initiative) - opportunity or risk for EU and Slovak export competitiveness?

VEGA 1/0897/20 - Significance of the European Energy Union project for the strategic intentions of this grouping in the context of supporting the competitiveness of the Slovak economy

VEGA 1/0550/14 - New challenges in the field of European energy security and their impact on EU competitiveness in the horizon until 2020

003EU-4/2022 - Content innovation of the subject International marketing in the context of accepting the latest trends in the development of sustainable development and social responsibility of companies, as a starting point for increasing their competitiveness in the international business environment

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

VEGA 1/ 0420/19 - The importance of business cooperation between the EU and the countries of the Western Balkans in terms of the possibilities of expansion of business entities.

VEGA 1/0777/20 - China's Silk Road (Belt and Road Initiative) - opportunity or risk for EU and Slovak export competitiveness?

VEGA 1/0897/20 - Significance of the European Energy Union project for the strategic intentions of this grouping in the context of supporting the competitiveness of the Slovak economy

VEGA 1/0550/14 - New challenges in the field of European energy security and their impact on EU competitiveness in the horizon until 2020

003EU-4/2022 - Content innovation of the subject International marketing in the context of accepting the latest trends in the development of sustainable development and social responsibility of companies, as a starting point for increasing their competitiveness in the international business environment

Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

Academic Senate of the Faculty of Commerce
2015 -

Student Scientific Activity, organization
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce,