Dr. habil. Ing. Eva Jančíková, PhD.

Faculty: Faculty of International Relations

Department: Department of International Economic Relations and Economic Diplomacy

Position: Associate Professor



Scientific-pedagogical characteristics of the person

Second degree of higher education

Study field and programme: foreign trade economics, 1986, University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce

Third degree of higher education

Study field and programme: international economic relations, 2002, University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce

Associate professor

Study field and programme: Economy and management, 2017, Sopron university, Sopron, Hungary

Current and previous employment

Associate Professor
Univerzity of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of International Relations
2017- present

Assistant Professor
Univerzity of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of International Relations

CFO, board member
ČSOB Factoring, a.s., Bratislava

Trade finance division director
Československá obchodná banka, a.s., Foreign Branch, Bratislava

L/C and forfaiting department manager
Československá obchodná banka, a.s., Foreign Branch, Bratislava

Development of pedagogical, professional, language, digital and other skills

The Jack T. Conn Graduate School
Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma, USA
1995, 1996, 1998

McIntire International Banking School
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA

Future Banking Manager
ÖNB, Vienna

Banking Seminar
Girozentrale, Vienna

Overview of activities within the teaching career at the university

Number of defended theses

Bachelor's (first degree): 26

Diploma (second degree): 54

Dissertation (third degree): 4

Overview of the research/artistic/other outputs

Number of the research/artistic/other outputs registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 11

Number of citations registered in the Web of Science or Scopus databases: 76

Number of invited lectures at the international, national level: 4

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs

V3 Internationalization of Renminbi and the Real Effective Exchange Rate / Eva Jančíková, Leonid Raneta, Denys Braga. In: Ekonomický časopis : časopis pre ekonomickú teóriu, hospodársku politiku, spoločensko-ekonomické prognózovanie = journal for economic theory, economic policy, social and economic forecasting = Journal of economics : journal for economic theory, economic policy, social and economic forecasting. Bratislava : Ekonomický ústav SAV : Prognostický ústav SAV, 2016. ISSN 0013-3035. Roč. 64, č. 7 (2016), s. 666-685. (2016: 0.720 - IF, 0.355 - SJR, Q3 - JCR Best Q). [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (34%) - RANETA, Leonid (33%) - BRAGA, Denys (33%)] Registrované v databáze: WOS, SCOPUS, CCC; Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADD

V3 Business Analytics of Enterprises in Terms of Strategy / Helene Kościelniak, S. Łęgowik-Świącik, Eva Jančíková. In: Polish Journal of Management Studies. Czestochowa : Faculty of Management, Czestochowa University of Technology. ISSN 2081-7452. Vol. 16, no. 1 (2017), pp. 67-76. (2017: 0.302 - SJR). [KOŚCIELNIAK, Helene (34%) - ŁĘGOWIK-ŚWIĄCIK, S. (33%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (33%)] Registrované v databáze: WOS, SCOPUS; Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADM

V3 Promoting EU Values in International Agreements / Eva Jančíková, Janka Pásztorová. In: Juridical Tribune – Tribuna Juridica Journal : Tribune of Comparative and International Law. Bucharest : The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. ISSN 2248-0382. Vol. 11, no. 2 (2021), pp. 203-218 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (55%) - PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka (45%)] Registrované v databáze: WOS, SCOPUS; Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADM

V2 Hybridization of the Organization's Activities: A Case Study of Trends in Development for Network Business Models / Helene Kościelniak, Eva Jančíková, Katarzyna Brendzel-Skowera. In: Hybridization in Network Management [elektronický zdroj] / Editor: Adam Jabłoński. New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2019. ISBN 978-1-53614-407-9. Pp. 137-148. [KOŚCIELNIAK, Helene (34%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (33%) - BRENDZEL-SKOWERA, Katarzyna (33%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

V3 Analyzing Service Failures when Shopping for Supplements Online among College Students / Thomas Oliver Uitz, Eva Jančíková. In: Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues. Split : Ekonomski fakultet. ISSN 1331-0194. Vol. 27, no. 1 (2022), pp. 17-30 online. (2022: 0.7 - IF, 0.215 - SJR). [UITZ, Thomas Oliver (50%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%)] Registrované v databáze: WOS, SCOPUS; Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADM

The most significant research/artistic/other outputs over the last six years

V2 Russian Participation in Global Value Chains : Role of the Northern Sea Route / Lenka Fojtíková, Eva Jančíková, Petra Doleželová. In: The Handbook of the Arctic : A Broad and Comprehensive Overview. Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore, 2022. ISBN 978-981-16-9249-9. Pp. 1-17. [FOJTÍKOVÁ, Lenka (30%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (40%) - DOLEŽELOVÁ, Petra (30%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

V3 Money Attitudes Comparison between Austrian and Albanian Students / Reinhard Furtner, Elida Motro-Iljazi, Eva Jančíková. In: Economic Research Guardian [elektronický zdroj]. - Dumbravita : Weissberg SRL. - ISSN 2247-8531. - Vol. 11, no. 1 (2021), pp. 14-26 online. (2021: 0.210 - SJR). [FURTNER, Reinhard (40%) - MOTRO-ILJAZI, Elida (30%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (30%)]. Registrované v databáze: SCOPUS; Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADM

V3 Promoting EU Values in International Agreements / Eva Jančíková, Janka Pásztorová. In: Juridical Tribune – Tribuna Juridica Journal : Tribune of Comparative and International Law. Bucharest : The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. ISSN 2248-0382. Vol. 11, no. 2 (2021), pp. 203-218 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (55%) - PÁSZTOROVÁ, Janka (45%)] Registrované v databáze: WOS, SCOPUS; Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADM

V2 Hybridization of the Organization's Activities: A Case Study of Trends in Development for Network Business Models / Helene Kościelniak, Eva Jančíková, Katarzyna Brendzel-Skowera. In: Hybridization in Network Management [elektronický zdroj] / Editor: Adam Jabłoński. New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2019. ISBN 978-1-53614-407-9. Pp. 137-148. [KOŚCIELNIAK, Helene (34%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (33%) - BRENDZEL-SKOWERA, Katarzyna (33%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

V3 An Issue of Age in the Labour Market in Slovakia / René Pawera, Eva Jančíková. In: Economic annals-XXI [elektronický zdroj] : Research Journal. Kiev : Institute of Society Transformation, 2017. ISSN 1728-6239. Vol. 168, no. 11-12 (2017), pp. 93-99 online. (2017: 0.219 - SJR). [PAWERA, René (50%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%)] Registrované v databáze: SCOPUS, WOS; Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADM

The most significant citations corresponding to the research/artistic/other outputs

Academy of Science of the Czech RepublicGlobal Conflicts and Local Connections, member, 2017 - 2022. The project examines conflicts with respect to the particularism and universalism and, given the interaction between global, macro-regional (especially European), national and local arrangements. The project analyzes cultural contradictions and intercultural dialogue, social, gender or economic contradictions, inequalities and issues of moral responsibility. https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/aktualne-projekty/medzinarodne-projekty/421-globalni- konflikty-a-lokalni-souvislosti. Output: V2 Iniciatíva pásu a cesty – nové výzvy v projektovom financovaní / Eva Jančíková. Strategie AV21. In: Čína a její partneři: interakcev eurasii / Marek Hrubec, Emil Voráček a kol. ; recenzenti: Svetozár Krno, Jozef Lysý. Bratislava : VEDA, 2021. ISBN 978-80-224-1877-5. S. 222-250. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AED

  1. VEGA 1/0490/19 Islamic Factor in the World Economy, Deputy Head, 2019 - 2021. The aim of the project was to research the impact of Islamic religion within international economic relations and functioning of the banking sector. The issue has its historical genesis and currently has significant potential for further growth.The researched issue has its historical genesis and currently shows significant potential for further growth. The research was based on the definition of the position and influnce of Islam in the current multipolar arrangement of international relations. https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/aktualne-projekty/projekty-vega/416-islamsky-faktor-vo-svetovej- ekonomike. Outputs: 1. V2 Islam in Albania / Eva Jančíková, Elida Motro-Iljazi. VEGA 1/0490/19. In: Medzinárodné vzťahy 2019: Aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky [elektronický zdroj] = International Relations 2019: Current Issues of World Economy and Politics : zborník príspevkov z 20. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej v Smoleniciach 28. – 29. novembra 2019 = Conference Proceedings 20th International Scientific Conference at Smolenice Castle 28th - 29th November 2019 / zostavovatelia/Editors: Andrianna Baleha, Zuzana Beňová, Peter Jančovič, Tomáš Kajánek, Martin Karas, Jakub Szabó, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Kristína Baculáková, Katarína Brocková, Peter Csányi. Bratislava : EKONÓM publishing, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4686-7. ISSN 2585-9412. P. 435-445 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - MOTRO-ILJAZI, Elida (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 2. V2 Albánska cesta k slobode vierovyznania a mierového spolužitia obyvateľov rôznych vierovyznaní = Albanian Way to Freedom of Region and Peaceful Coexistence of Population from Different Religions / Eva Jančíková, Elida Motro-Iljazi. VEGA 1/0490/19. In: Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov 2020 [elektronický zdroj] = Economic, Political and Legal Issues of International Relations 2020: Proceedings of an International Scientific Conference / zostavovatelia zborníka/editori: Andrianna Baleha, Zuzana Beňová, Peter Jančovič, Tomáš Kajánek, Jakub Szabó, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Kristína Baculáková, Peter Csányi, Ľubomír Čech... [et al.]. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225- 4728-4. ISSN 2585-9404. S. 160-165 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - MOTRO-ILJAZI, Elida (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 3. V2 Západná a islamská perspektíva vnímania peňazí = Western and Islamic Perspective on the Perception of Money / Eva Jančíková, Anton Aufner, Reinhard Furtner. VEGA 1/0490/19. In: Aktuálne otázky islamskej ekonomiky a finančníctva [elektronický zdroj] = Current Issues of the Islamic Economy and Finance : zborník vedeckých prác = Volume of Scientific Papers / zostavovateľky zborníka/Editors: Zuzana Rozkošová, Lenka Tomečková, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Pavol Hrivík, František Škvrnda. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4768-0. S. 34-45 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (34%) - AUFNER, Anton (33%) - FURTNER, Reinhard (33%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 4. V2 Islamské financie a bankovníctvo vo svete = Islamic Finance and Banking in the World / Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0490/19. In: Islamské ekonomické myslenie – mýtus alebo realita? [elektronický zdroj] = The Islamic Economic Thinking – Myth or Reality? : zborník vedeckých prác = Volume of Scientific Papers / zostavovateľky/Editors: Kristína Krupová, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Pavol Hrivík, František Škvrnda. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4654-6. S. 42-50 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AED. 5. V1 Islamské financie a bankovníctvo vo svete / kolektív autorov ; recenzenti: Anton Korauš, Milan Kurucz. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. 98 s. [4,98 AH] [4,98 AH]. VEGA 1/0490/19.ISBN 978-80-225-4922-6 [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (36,8% 1,83) - JANUBOVÁ, Barbora (35,7% 1,78) - KARAS, Martin (27,5% 1,37) - KORAUŠ, Antonín (rec.) - KURUCZ, Milan (rec.)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AAB. Citations : 1. [2] JANUBOVÁ, Barbora. Islamské myslenie a sociálna spravodlivosť. In Aktuálne otázky islamskej ekonomiky a finančníctva : zborník vedeckých prác = Volume of Scientific Papers. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4768-0, s. 46-52 online. VEGA 1/0490/19. 2. KARAS, Martin. Islamské financie v USA. In Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov 2021. medzinárodná vedecká konferencia. Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov 2021 : zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej online 4. júna 2021 = Proceedings of an International Scientific Conference Held Online June 4, 2021. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4832-8. ISSN 2585-9404, s. 205-209 online.

Taiwan Fellowship Programme established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan). The aim: to allow foreign experts and scholars (PhD holders or PhD students) interested in researches related to Taiwan, cross-strait relations, mainland China, Asia-Pacific region or Chinese studies to conduct advanced research at universities or academic institutions in Taiwan. Output: 1. V2 Belt and Road Initiative - New Challenges in Project Financing = Iniciatíva pásu a cesty - nové výzvy pre projektové financovanie / Eva Jančíková. In: Almanach [elektronický zdroj] : aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky : vedecký časopis = Almanach: Actual Issues in World Economics and Politics: Scientific journal. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM EU v Bratislave, 2020. ISSN 1339-3502. Roč. 15, č. 1 (2020), s. 13-35. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADF

VEGA 1/0732/21 „The new normal" and the PRC's changing position in the world economy, member 2021 – 2022, head deputy 2023, (2021 – 2023). The aim of the project is to identify the key elements of the "new normal" and its effect on the position of the Chinese economy in the world economy. The leveling of disproportions in the Chinese economy is characteristic of the development stage referred to as the "new normal". https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/aktualne-projekty/projekty-vega/582-novy-normal-a-meniace-sa-postavenie-clr-vo-svetovej-ekonomike. Outputs: 1. V2 Čína a boj proti praniu špinavých peňazí = Anti Money Laundering in China / Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0732/21. In: Medzinárodné vzťahy 2021: Aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky [elektronický zdroj] = International Relations 2021: Current Issues of World Economy and Politics : zborník vedeckých prác z 22. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie= Proceedings of Scientific Works from the 22th International Scientific Conference / zostavovatelia/Editors: Andrej Kiner, Zuzana Beňová, Ján Dančo, Jakub Pernický, Zuzana Rozkošová, Terézia Seresová, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Michael Augustín, Lucia Bocková, Katarína Brocková... [et al.]. Bratislava : EKONÓM publishing, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4904-2. ISSN 2585-9412. S. 353-359 online.[JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 2 V2 The Position of Chinese Juan in the World Economy / Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0732/21. In: Medzinárodné vzťahy 2023: Aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky [elektronický zdroj] = International Relations 2023: Current Issues of World Economy and Politics : Conference Proceedings 24th International Scientific Conference 23rd - 24th November 2023 : zborník príspevkov z 24. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej 23. - 24. novembra 2023 / zostavovatelia/Editors: Ján Dančo, Katarína Holjenčíková, Rostyslav Karakash, Júlia Kromková, Sabina Lacušová, Jakub Pernický, Juraj Sýkora, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Ľudmila Lipková, Eleonóra Kováčová, Petra Grigelová. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5128-1. ISSN 2585-9412. S. 218-224. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)]

VEGA 1/0836/21 Creating an appropriate model of behavior for the ethics and integrity of institutions in the field of scientific research activities based on international comparison and setting a system of determining attributes for its effective implementation and functioning, member, (2021 – 2023). The aim of the project is to create for institutions a model of behavior in the field of scientific research activities based on international comparison and setting a system of determining attributes for its effective implementation and functioning. https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/archiv-projektov/projekty-vega/686-vytvorenie-zodpovedajuceho-modelu-spravania-pre-etiku-a-integritu-institucii-v-oblasti-vedeckovyskumnych-aktivit-na-baze-medzinarodnej-komparacie-a-nastavenie-systemu-determinujucich-atributov-pre-jeho-efektivnu-implementaciu-a-fungovanie. Outputs: 1. V2 Corporate Governance & ESG Principles = Corporate Governance a ESG princípy / Gabriela Dubcová, Natália Tarišková, Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0836/21 (50%), KEGA 019EU-4/2022 (50%). In: Strengthening the Position of Institutionalized Sustainable Development and Inclusion by Supporting Agenda 2030 Research and Education and Inclusive Diversity Behavior : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : KEGA 019EU-4/2022 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Editorial and Compilation Work: Natália Tarišková ; Scientific Reviewers: Petr Suchánek, Pavol Ochotnický. No. I. Brno : Masaryk University, 2022. ISBN 978-80-280-0182-7. Pp. 56-67. [DUBCOVÁ, Gabriela (34%) - TARIŠKOVÁ, Natália (33%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (33%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC. 2. V2 Corporate Governance & ESG Principles in Chosen Bank = Corporate Governance & ESG princípy vo vybranej banke / Eva Jančíková, Gabriela Dubcová. VEGA 1/0836/21 (50%), KEGA 019EU-4/2022 (50%). In: Creating an Appropriate Model of the Behaviour for Ethics and Integrity of Institutions in the Area of Scientific Research Activities Based on International Comparison and Setting a System of Determining Attributes for Its Effective Implementation and Functioning : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : VEGA 1/0836/21 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Editorial and Compilation Work: Ľubica Foltínová ; Scientific Rewiewers: Aneta Bobenič Hintošová, Petr Suchánek. NO.II. Brno : Masaryk University, 2022. ISBN 978-80-280-0183-4. Pp. 75-85. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - DUBCOVÁ, Gabriela (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC. 3. XXX Sustainable Behaviour of Economics Entities : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : VEGA 1/0836/21 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Scientific Reviewers: Eva Jančíková, Aneta Bobenič Hintošová. NO. III. 1st Edition. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. 114 s. VEGA 1/0836/21. ISBN 978-80-225-5072-7 [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (rec.) - BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, Aneta (rec.)]

KEGA019EU-4/2022 Strengthening the position of institutionalized sustainable development and inclusion through the support of research and education of the 2030 Agenda and inclusive diversity behavior, member, (2022 – 2024)

The project primarily focuses on the highly topical issue of sustainable development and inclusion with the concretization of raising social awareness, strengthening the level of knowledge and sustainability of business, educating the institutionalization of sustainable development and inclusive diversity through the support of research and education of the 2030 Agenda and inclusive diversity behavior for the purposes of study programs 1 to 3rd degree of higher education, education of teaching and non-teaching staff, employees of the corporate sector and society.https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/aktualne-projekty/projekty-kega/710-posilnenie-pozicie-institucionalizovaneho-udrzatelneho-rozvoja-a-inkluzie-prostrednictvom-podpory-vyskumu-a-vzdelavania-agendy-2030-a-inkluzivneho-diverzitneho-spravania. Outputs: 1. V2 Corporate Governance & ESG Principles = Corporate Governance a ESG princípy / Gabriela Dubcová, Natália Tarišková, Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0836/21 (50%), KEGA 019EU-4/2022 (50%). In: Strengthening the Position of Institutionalized Sustainable Development and Inclusion by Supporting Agenda 2030 Research and Education and Inclusive Diversity Behavior : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : KEGA 019EU-4/2022 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Editorial and Compilation Work: Natália Tarišková ; Scientific Reviewers: Petr Suchánek, Pavol Ochotnický. No. I. Brno : Masaryk University, 2022. ISBN 978-80-280-0182-7. Pp. 56-67. [DUBCOVÁ, Gabriela (34%) - TARIŠKOVÁ, Natália (33%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (33%)] ategória publikácie do 2021: AEC . 2. V2 Corporate Governance & ESG Principles in Chosen Bank = Corporate Governance & ESG princípy vo vybranej banke / Eva Jančíková, Gabriela Dubcová. VEGA 1/0836/21 (50%), KEGA 019EU-4/2022 (50%). In: Creating an Appropriate Model of the Behaviour for Ethics and Integrity of Institutions in the Area of Scientific Research Activities Based on International Comparison and Setting a System of Determining Attributes for Its Effective Implementation and Functioning : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : VEGA 1/0836/21 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Editorial and Compilation Work: Ľubica Foltínová ; Scientific Rewiewers: Aneta Bobenič Hintošová, Petr Suchánek. NO.II. Brno : Masaryk University, 2022. - ISBN 978-80-280-0183-4. - Pp. 75-85. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - DUBCOVÁ, Gabriela (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

European Social Fund, Operational Program Effective Public Administration. ITMS2014+:314011CDW7 Increasing Slovakia's resistance to hybrid threats by strengthening public administration capacities, member, (2021 – 2023). The main goal of the national project is to increase Slovakia's resistance to the effects of hybrid threats by implementing a complex set of measures including optimization of processes in security agencies, adjusting the regulatory framework, increasing capacities and acquiring new competencies and skills by security agencies.https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/archiv-projektov/medzinarodne-projekty/766-zvysenie-odolnosti-slovenska-voci-hybridnym-hrozbam-pomocou-posilnenie-kapacit-verejnej-spravy. Outputs: 1. V2 Hybridné hrozby vo finančnom systéme a možnosti nových technológií v boji proti týmto hrozbám / Eva Jančíková, Stanislava Veselovská. ITMS2014+:314011CDW7. In: Zvýšenie odolnosti Slovenska voči hybridným hrozbám pomocou posilnenia kapacít verejnej správy : zborník príspevkov / recenzenti: Miroslav Lisoň, Robert Odler. Bratislava : Akadémia Policajného zboru v Bratislave, 2024. ISBN 978-80-8293-010-1. S. 163-174. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - VESELOVSKÁ, Stanislava (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 2. V3 Európska únia a Slovenská republika v boji proti hybridným hrozbám = European Union and Slovak Republic in the Fight against Hybrid Threats / Eva Jančíková. ITMS2014+:314011CDW7. In: Politologické fórum = Political Science Forum. Trenčín : Trenčianska univerzitaAlexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, 2023. ISSN 1338-6859. Roč. 12, č. 2 (2023), s. 45-54. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADF. 3. V3 Ensuring Financial System Sustainability: Combating Hybrid Threats through Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-terrorist Financing Measures / Antonín Korauš, Eva Jančíková, Miroslav Gombár, Lucia Kurilovská, Filip Černák. ITMS2014+:314011CDW7. In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 1911-8066. Vol. 17, no. 55 (2024), pp. 1-16. [KORAUŠ, Antonín (20%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (20%) - GOMBÁR, Miroslav (20%) - KURILOVSKÁ, Lucia (20%) - ČERNÁK, Filip (20%)] Registrované v databáze: SCOPUS

Participation in conducting (leading) the most important research projects or art projects over the last six years

Academy of Science of the Czech RepublicGlobal Conflicts and Local Connections, member, 2017 - 2022. The project examines conflicts with respect to the particularism and universalism and, given the interaction between global, macro-regional (especially European), national and local arrangements. The project analyzes cultural contradictions and intercultural dialogue, social, gender or economic contradictions, inequalities and issues of moral responsibility. https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/aktualne-projekty/medzinarodne-projekty/421-globalni- konflikty-a-lokalni-souvislosti. Output: V2 Iniciatíva pásu a cesty – nové výzvy v projektovom financovaní / Eva Jančíková. Strategie AV21. In: Čína a její partneři: interakcev eurasii / Marek Hrubec, Emil Voráček a kol. ; recenzenti: Svetozár Krno, Jozef Lysý. Bratislava : VEDA, 2021. ISBN 978-80-224-1877-5. S. 222-250. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AED

  1. VEGA 1/0490/19 Islamic Factor in the World Economy, Deputy Head, 2019 - 2021. The aim of the project was to research the impact of Islamic religion within international economic relations and functioning of the banking sector. The issue has its historical genesis and currently has significant potential for further growth.The researched issue has its historical genesis and currently shows significant potential for further growth. The research was based on the definition of the position and influnce of Islam in the current multipolar arrangement of international relations. https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/aktualne-projekty/projekty-vega/416-islamsky-faktor-vo-svetovej- ekonomike. Outputs: 1. V2 Islam in Albania / Eva Jančíková, Elida Motro-Iljazi. VEGA 1/0490/19. In: Medzinárodné vzťahy 2019: Aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky [elektronický zdroj] = International Relations 2019: Current Issues of World Economy and Politics : zborník príspevkov z 20. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej v Smoleniciach 28. – 29. novembra 2019 = Conference Proceedings 20th International Scientific Conference at Smolenice Castle 28th - 29th November 2019 / zostavovatelia/Editors: Andrianna Baleha, Zuzana Beňová, Peter Jančovič, Tomáš Kajánek, Martin Karas, Jakub Szabó, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Kristína Baculáková, Katarína Brocková, Peter Csányi. Bratislava : EKONÓM publishing, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4686-7. ISSN 2585-9412. P. 435-445 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - MOTRO-ILJAZI, Elida (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 2. V2 Albánska cesta k slobode vierovyznania a mierového spolužitia obyvateľov rôznych vierovyznaní = Albanian Way to Freedom of Region and Peaceful Coexistence of Population from Different Religions / Eva Jančíková, Elida Motro-Iljazi. VEGA 1/0490/19. In: Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov 2020 [elektronický zdroj] = Economic, Political and Legal Issues of International Relations 2020: Proceedings of an International Scientific Conference / zostavovatelia zborníka/editori: Andrianna Baleha, Zuzana Beňová, Peter Jančovič, Tomáš Kajánek, Jakub Szabó, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Kristína Baculáková, Peter Csányi, Ľubomír Čech... [et al.]. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225- 4728-4. ISSN 2585-9404. S. 160-165 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - MOTRO-ILJAZI, Elida (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 3. V2 Západná a islamská perspektíva vnímania peňazí = Western and Islamic Perspective on the Perception of Money / Eva Jančíková, Anton Aufner, Reinhard Furtner. VEGA 1/0490/19. In: Aktuálne otázky islamskej ekonomiky a finančníctva [elektronický zdroj] = Current Issues of the Islamic Economy and Finance : zborník vedeckých prác = Volume of Scientific Papers / zostavovateľky zborníka/Editors: Zuzana Rozkošová, Lenka Tomečková, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Pavol Hrivík, František Škvrnda. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4768-0. S. 34-45 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (34%) - AUFNER, Anton (33%) - FURTNER, Reinhard (33%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 4. V2 Islamské financie a bankovníctvo vo svete = Islamic Finance and Banking in the World / Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0490/19. In: Islamské ekonomické myslenie – mýtus alebo realita? [elektronický zdroj] = The Islamic Economic Thinking – Myth or Reality? : zborník vedeckých prác = Volume of Scientific Papers / zostavovateľky/Editors: Kristína Krupová, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Pavol Hrivík, František Škvrnda. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2019. ISBN 978-80-225-4654-6. S. 42-50 online. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AED. 5. V1 Islamské financie a bankovníctvo vo svete / kolektív autorov ; recenzenti: Anton Korauš, Milan Kurucz. 1. vydanie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. 98 s. [4,98 AH] [4,98 AH]. VEGA 1/0490/19.ISBN 978-80-225-4922-6 [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (36,8% 1,83) - JANUBOVÁ, Barbora (35,7% 1,78) - KARAS, Martin (27,5% 1,37) - KORAUŠ, Antonín (rec.) - KURUCZ, Milan (rec.)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AAB. Citations : 1. [2] JANUBOVÁ, Barbora. Islamské myslenie a sociálna spravodlivosť. In Aktuálne otázky islamskej ekonomiky a finančníctva : zborník vedeckých prác = Volume of Scientific Papers. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2020. ISBN 978-80-225-4768-0, s. 46-52 online. VEGA 1/0490/19. 2. KARAS, Martin. Islamské financie v USA. In Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov 2021. medzinárodná vedecká konferencia. Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov 2021 : zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej online 4. júna 2021 = Proceedings of an International Scientific Conference Held Online June 4, 2021. - Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4832-8. ISSN 2585-9404, s. 205-209 online.

Taiwan Fellowship Programme established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan). The aim: to allow foreign experts and scholars (PhD holders or PhD students) interested in researches related to Taiwan, cross-strait relations, mainland China, Asia-Pacific region or Chinese studies to conduct advanced research at universities or academic institutions in Taiwan. Output: 1. V2 Belt and Road Initiative - New Challenges in Project Financing = Iniciatíva pásu a cesty - nové výzvy pre projektové financovanie / Eva Jančíková. In: Almanach [elektronický zdroj] : aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky : vedecký časopis = Almanach: Actual Issues in World Economics and Politics: Scientific journal. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM EU v Bratislave, 2020. ISSN 1339-3502. Roč. 15, č. 1 (2020), s. 13-35. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADF

VEGA 1/0732/21 „The new normal" and the PRC's changing position in the world economy, member 2021 – 2022, head deputy 2023, (2021 – 2023). The aim of the project is to identify the key elements of the "new normal" and its effect on the position of the Chinese economy in the world economy. The leveling of disproportions in the Chinese economy is characteristic of the development stage referred to as the "new normal". https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/aktualne-projekty/projekty-vega/582-novy-normal-a-meniace-sa-postavenie-clr-vo-svetovej-ekonomike. Outputs: 1. V2 Čína a boj proti praniu špinavých peňazí = Anti Money Laundering in China / Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0732/21. In: Medzinárodné vzťahy 2021: Aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky [elektronický zdroj] = International Relations 2021: Current Issues of World Economy and Politics : zborník vedeckých prác z 22. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie= Proceedings of Scientific Works from the 22th International Scientific Conference / zostavovatelia/Editors: Andrej Kiner, Zuzana Beňová, Ján Dančo, Jakub Pernický, Zuzana Rozkošová, Terézia Seresová, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Michael Augustín, Lucia Bocková, Katarína Brocková... [et al.]. Bratislava : EKONÓM publishing, 2021. ISBN 978-80-225-4904-2. ISSN 2585-9412. S. 353-359 online.[JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 2 V2 The Position of Chinese Juan in the World Economy / Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0732/21. In: Medzinárodné vzťahy 2023: Aktuálne otázky svetovej ekonomiky a politiky [elektronický zdroj] = International Relations 2023: Current Issues of World Economy and Politics : Conference Proceedings 24th International Scientific Conference 23rd - 24th November 2023 : zborník príspevkov z 24. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej 23. - 24. novembra 2023 / zostavovatelia/Editors: Ján Dančo, Katarína Holjenčíková, Rostyslav Karakash, Júlia Kromková, Sabina Lacušová, Jakub Pernický, Juraj Sýkora, Eva Vlková ; recenzenti/Reviewers: Ľudmila Lipková, Eleonóra Kováčová, Petra Grigelová. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. ISBN 978-80-225-5128-1. ISSN 2585-9412. S. 218-224. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)]

VEGA 1/0836/21 Creating an appropriate model of behavior for the ethics and integrity of institutions in the field of scientific research activities based on international comparison and setting a system of determining attributes for its effective implementation and functioning, member, (2021 – 2023). The aim of the project is to create for institutions a model of behavior in the field of scientific research activities based on international comparison and setting a system of determining attributes for its effective implementation and functioning. https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/archiv-projektov/projekty-vega/686-vytvorenie-zodpovedajuceho-modelu-spravania-pre-etiku-a-integritu-institucii-v-oblasti-vedeckovyskumnych-aktivit-na-baze-medzinarodnej-komparacie-a-nastavenie-systemu-determinujucich-atributov-pre-jeho-efektivnu-implementaciu-a-fungovanie. Outputs: 1. V2 Corporate Governance & ESG Principles = Corporate Governance a ESG princípy / Gabriela Dubcová, Natália Tarišková, Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0836/21 (50%), KEGA 019EU-4/2022 (50%). In: Strengthening the Position of Institutionalized Sustainable Development and Inclusion by Supporting Agenda 2030 Research and Education and Inclusive Diversity Behavior : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : KEGA 019EU-4/2022 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Editorial and Compilation Work: Natália Tarišková ; Scientific Reviewers: Petr Suchánek, Pavol Ochotnický. No. I. Brno : Masaryk University, 2022. ISBN 978-80-280-0182-7. Pp. 56-67. [DUBCOVÁ, Gabriela (34%) - TARIŠKOVÁ, Natália (33%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (33%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC. 2. V2 Corporate Governance & ESG Principles in Chosen Bank = Corporate Governance & ESG princípy vo vybranej banke / Eva Jančíková, Gabriela Dubcová. VEGA 1/0836/21 (50%), KEGA 019EU-4/2022 (50%). In: Creating an Appropriate Model of the Behaviour for Ethics and Integrity of Institutions in the Area of Scientific Research Activities Based on International Comparison and Setting a System of Determining Attributes for Its Effective Implementation and Functioning : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : VEGA 1/0836/21 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Editorial and Compilation Work: Ľubica Foltínová ; Scientific Rewiewers: Aneta Bobenič Hintošová, Petr Suchánek. NO.II. Brno : Masaryk University, 2022. ISBN 978-80-280-0183-4. Pp. 75-85. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - DUBCOVÁ, Gabriela (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC. 3. XXX Sustainable Behaviour of Economics Entities : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : VEGA 1/0836/21 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Scientific Reviewers: Eva Jančíková, Aneta Bobenič Hintošová. NO. III. 1st Edition. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2023. 114 s. VEGA 1/0836/21. ISBN 978-80-225-5072-7 [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (rec.) - BOBENIČ HINTOŠOVÁ, Aneta (rec.)]

KEGA019EU-4/2022 Strengthening the position of institutionalized sustainable development and inclusion through the support of research and education of the 2030 Agenda and inclusive diversity behavior, member, (2022 – 2024)

The project primarily focuses on the highly topical issue of sustainable development and inclusion with the concretization of raising social awareness, strengthening the level of knowledge and sustainability of business, educating the institutionalization of sustainable development and inclusive diversity through the support of research and education of the 2030 Agenda and inclusive diversity behavior for the purposes of study programs 1 to 3rd degree of higher education, education of teaching and non-teaching staff, employees of the corporate sector and society.https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/aktualne-projekty/projekty-kega/710-posilnenie-pozicie-institucionalizovaneho-udrzatelneho-rozvoja-a-inkluzie-prostrednictvom-podpory-vyskumu-a-vzdelavania-agendy-2030-a-inkluzivneho-diverzitneho-spravania. Outputs: 1. V2 Corporate Governance & ESG Principles = Corporate Governance a ESG princípy / Gabriela Dubcová, Natália Tarišková, Eva Jančíková. VEGA 1/0836/21 (50%), KEGA 019EU-4/2022 (50%). In: Strengthening the Position of Institutionalized Sustainable Development and Inclusion by Supporting Agenda 2030 Research and Education and Inclusive Diversity Behavior : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : KEGA 019EU-4/2022 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Editorial and Compilation Work: Natália Tarišková ; Scientific Reviewers: Petr Suchánek, Pavol Ochotnický. No. I. Brno : Masaryk University, 2022. ISBN 978-80-280-0182-7. Pp. 56-67. [DUBCOVÁ, Gabriela (34%) - TARIŠKOVÁ, Natália (33%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (33%)] ategória publikácie do 2021: AEC . 2. V2 Corporate Governance & ESG Principles in Chosen Bank = Corporate Governance & ESG princípy vo vybranej banke / Eva Jančíková, Gabriela Dubcová. VEGA 1/0836/21 (50%), KEGA 019EU-4/2022 (50%). In: Creating an Appropriate Model of the Behaviour for Ethics and Integrity of Institutions in the Area of Scientific Research Activities Based on International Comparison and Setting a System of Determining Attributes for Its Effective Implementation and Functioning : Proceedings of Scientific Papers : VEGA 1/0836/21 / Gabriela Dubcová et al. ; Editorial and Compilation Work: Ľubica Foltínová ; Scientific Rewiewers: Aneta Bobenič Hintošová, Petr Suchánek. NO.II. Brno : Masaryk University, 2022. - ISBN 978-80-280-0183-4. - Pp. 75-85. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - DUBCOVÁ, Gabriela (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AEC

European Social Fund, Operational Program Effective Public Administration. ITMS2014+:314011CDW7 Increasing Slovakia's resistance to hybrid threats by strengthening public administration capacities, member, (2021 – 2023). The main goal of the national project is to increase Slovakia's resistance to the effects of hybrid threats by implementing a complex set of measures including optimization of processes in security agencies, adjusting the regulatory framework, increasing capacities and acquiring new competencies and skills by security agencies.https://fmv.euba.sk/veda-a-vyskum/projekty/archiv-projektov/medzinarodne-projekty/766-zvysenie-odolnosti-slovenska-voci-hybridnym-hrozbam-pomocou-posilnenie-kapacit-verejnej-spravy. Outputs: 1. V2 Hybridné hrozby vo finančnom systéme a možnosti nových technológií v boji proti týmto hrozbám / Eva Jančíková, Stanislava Veselovská. ITMS2014+:314011CDW7. In: Zvýšenie odolnosti Slovenska voči hybridným hrozbám pomocou posilnenia kapacít verejnej správy : zborník príspevkov / recenzenti: Miroslav Lisoň, Robert Odler. Bratislava : Akadémia Policajného zboru v Bratislave, 2024. ISBN 978-80-8293-010-1. S. 163-174. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (50%) - VESELOVSKÁ, Stanislava (50%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: AFD. 2. V3 Európska únia a Slovenská republika v boji proti hybridným hrozbám = European Union and Slovak Republic in the Fight against Hybrid Threats / Eva Jančíková. ITMS2014+:314011CDW7. In: Politologické fórum = Political Science Forum. Trenčín : Trenčianska univerzitaAlexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, 2023. ISSN 1338-6859. Roč. 12, č. 2 (2023), s. 45-54. [JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (100%)] Kategória publikácie do 2021: ADF. 3. V3 Ensuring Financial System Sustainability: Combating Hybrid Threats through Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-terrorist Financing Measures / Antonín Korauš, Eva Jančíková, Miroslav Gombár, Lucia Kurilovská, Filip Černák. ITMS2014+:314011CDW7. In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 1911-8066. Vol. 17, no. 55 (2024), pp. 1-16. [KORAUŠ, Antonín (20%) - JANČÍKOVÁ, Eva (20%) - GOMBÁR, Miroslav (20%) - KURILOVSKÁ, Lucia (20%) - ČERNÁK, Filip (20%)] Registrované v databáze: SCOPUS

Overview of organizational experience related to higher education and research/artistic/other activities

FIR scientific council (member)
University of Economics in Bratislava
2012 - present

Doctoral study sub-commission (member)
University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of International Relations
20017 - present

ALMANACH editorial board (member)
University of Economics in Bratislava
2015 - present

Slovak treasurers association (member)
Slovak treasurers association
2015 - present

Academic Senate of FIR (president)
University of Economics in Bratislava

The Journal of Business and Management editorial board (member) https://JBM.johogo.com
College of Management, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
2024 - present

Council of Universities SR (member)
Council of Universities SR
2019 - present

Ethical Commission of UEBA (member)
University of Economics in Bratislava
2019 - present

Program Board of FIR UEBA for 1.-3. Level of Study
University of Economics in Bratislava
2022 - present

Overview of international mobilities and visits oriented on education and research/artistic/other activities in the given field of study

University of Pula, Pula, Croatia
24.10. - 28..10.2019,
Fachhochschule Burgenland, Eisenstadt, Austria
28.10. - 31.10.2019,
Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taoyuan, Taiwan
29.12.2018 - 29.7.2019,
Taiwan Fellowship Programme
University of Akureyri, School of Business and Science, Akureyri, Iceland
5.3.-12.3 2016,
EEA Grants Project
University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, Litva
2.9. - 9.9.2015,
University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
Eszterházi Károly Catholic University, Eger, Eger, Hungary