World Politics


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The main objective of the subject "World Economy" at the 3rd level of study is deepening knowledge and conducting analysis in combination with extensive interdisciplinary knowledge from several fields of study. It will serve as a basis for research and development, formulation of solutions to economic and legal problems and the creation of new scientific knowledge in international economic relations. After completing the course, doctoral students will develop analytical skills to assess the peculiarities of historical development, the current state and forecasts of further development of individual regions of world politics. They will be able to assess the weight of individual regions in current world politics and outline alternatives for global policy development.
• In-depth understanding of the political context of shaping the development trends in international economic relations
• Ability to reflect and justify the causes of specific development trends in the most important regions
• Understanding and critical analysis of the power position of individual actors
• Understanding the implementation of the prediction of scenarios of the development of the position of individual regions
• To search for and analyze information from various scientific and other professional and specialized sources, on the issues of the world's most important regions,
• To carry out research at an appropriate level of qualification work
• To design and implement a specific research project.
• To design, justify and use research methods for a specific project
• To formulate scientific conclusions based on understanding and predicting broader

Indicative content

Historical peculiarities of the formation of individual regions of world politics. Changing the geopolitical position of the world's regions in a historical perspective. The EU as a global player. Geopolitical importance of the EU. The position of Member States. The rise of populism and extremism in Europe. The USA and alternatives of the position of the USA in world politics. The fission lines of American society. Contemporary Anglo-Saxon geopolitics. The Russian Federation and its place in European and world politics. Alternatives for the development of the position of the Russian Federation in world politics. Contemporary Russian geopolitics. The PRC and its place in the South East Asia region and in world politics. Alternatives to the development of the PRC 's position in world politics. Geopolitical significance of East and Southeast Asia and India. The special position of the Near East, Middle East and Turkey. Geopolitical and geostrategic importance of the Near East, Middle East and Turkey. Africa and its place in the world. The influence of global actors on the position of Africa. Geopolitical significance of Africa. Cooperative and competitive interests of the great powers in Africa. The specific position of Latin America. Democracy and democratization waves in Latin America. Geopolitical significance of Latin America. Cooperative and competitive relations of Latin American countries.

Support literature

NYE, J. S. – KEOHANE, R. O.: Transnational Relations and World Politics. Harvard University Press, 2014. 464 s. s. 329 – 349.
KAPLAN, M. A.: System and Process in International Politics. ECPR Press, 2005. s. 34 – 86. 258 s.
McDERMOTT, R.: Political Psychology in International Relations. s. 215 – 238. 320 s. ISBN 978-0472067015.
WALLERSTEIN, I.: The Decline of American Power. The New Press; Edition Unstated, 2003. Kapitoly 2, 3, s. 31 – 68. 324 s.
FRIEDEN, J. A., LAKE, D. A.: World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions. W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 2021.
HEYWOOD, A.: Global Politics. Springer, New York, 2016.
HUNTINGTON, S. P. 1997. The Clash of Civilisations. Remaking of World Order. Touchstone, New York, 1997.
MARSHALL, T. 2016. Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Explain Everything About the World (Politics of Place). Scribner Book Company, New York. 320 s. SHORT, J. 2021. Geopolitics: Making Sense of a Changing World. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, 386 s.


1. Historical peculiarities of the formation of individual regions of world politics. Changing the geopolitical position of the world's regions in a historical perspective. 2. The EU as a global player. Geopolitical importance of the EU. The position of Member States. The rise of populism and extremism in Europe. 3. The USA and alternatives of the position of the USA in world politics. The fission lines of American society. Contemporary Anglo-Saxon geopolitics. 4. The Russian Federation and its place in European and world politics. Alternatives for the development of the position of the Russian Federation in world politics. Contemporary Russian geopolitics. 5. The PRC and its place in the South East Asia region and in world politics. Alternatives to the development of the PRC 's position in world politics. Geopolitical significance of East and Southeast Asia and India. 6. The special position of the Near East, Middle East and Turkey. Geopolitical and geostrategic importance of the Near East, Middle East and Turkey. 7. Africa and its place in the world. The influence of global actors on the position of Africa. Geopolitical significance of Africa. Cooperative and competitive interests of the great powers in Africa. 8. The specific position of Latin America. Democracy and democratization waves in Latin America. Geopolitical significance of Latin America. Cooperative and competitive relations of Latin American countries.

Requirements to complete the course

40% semester work
60% final work

Student workload

260 hours (10 ETCSx26 hours)
Consultations: 16 hours
Preparation for consultations: 26 hours
Assignment processing: 108 hours
Final study processing: 108 hours
Consultations for the final study: 2 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 10.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 20.01.2022