Diplomacy in Practice I.


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The course provides students with a unique insider's view through regular meetings with representatives of the diplomatic corps of countries around the world accredited for the Slovak Republic or representatives of international organizations with the aim of sharing their experience in diplomatic service.
Knowledge: acquiring theoretical, but especially practical knowledge about the functioning of international economic and political relations and diplomatic practice in various countries of the world with a focus on current economic and political developments, familiarization with historical contexts, and ability of critical thinking.
Competences: understanding of various dimensions of economic, political and cultural diplomacy, ability to identify key issues and specifics of the development of individual dimensions of diplomacy.
Skills: analyze and actively work with relevant information sources, respond to non-standard intercultural situations, and effectively communicate with foreign diplomatic representatives.
After completing the subject, the student should:
 identify and summarize the basic characteristics of diplomatic practice;
 clarify the basic elements of the practice of public diplomacy, including the functioning of diplomatic missions, their activities and personnel;
 identify the political, economic and cultural specificities of the respective country;
 orient oneself in the possibilities of professional application and diplomatic career prospects;
 read with understanding, analyze and critically evaluate relevant professional literature;
 critically discuss current topics related to diplomatic development.

Indicative content

Introduction. Terminology, basic historical background, and explanation of the relationships between the different dimensions of diplomacy. Instructions for the semester assignments. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. Final colloquium

Support literature

1. BERRIDGE, G. R.: Diplomacy. Theory and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. ISBN 978-1-137-44552-0.
2. BERRIDGE, G. R. – James, A.: Dictionary of Diplomacy. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. ISBN 978-1403915368.
3. KISSINGER, H.: Diplomacy. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994. ISBN 978-0671510992.
4. MELISSEN, J. (Ed.): The New Public Diplomacy (Soft Power in International Relations). London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. ISBN 978-1-4039-4516-7.


Interactive presentations by invited heads of diplomatic missions or representatives of international organizations on issues related to current issues of international economic and political relations in their home countries. A special space is dedicated to a moderated discussion. The names of invited guests will be announced before the start of classes in the respective semester. 1. Introduction Terminology, basic historical background, and explanation of the relationships between the different dimensions of diplomacy. Instructions for the semester assignments. 2. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 3. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 4. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 5. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 6. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 7. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 8. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 9. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 10. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 11. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 12. Relevant country - current developments with a focus on economic diplomacy, political situation and cultural specificities. 13. Final colloquium

Requirements to complete the course

The evaluation of the subject is based on the continuous control of the study during the teaching part of the semester and the final evaluation.
Continuous evaluation: 50% of the total evaluation of the subject consists of continuous control during the semester (participation 30%, activity within the discussion 20%).
Final evaluation: 50% of the total evaluation of the subject includes an oral presentation focusing on the economy, politics, international relations and cultural peculiarities of the respective state in the form of a quiz (25%) and elaboration of discussion questions and circuits on the given issue in the relevant week of the semester (25%).

Student workload

participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 13 h, processing of the semester presentation 20 h, preparation of discussion questions and circuits 19 h

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 27.06.2023

Date of the latest change: 27.06.2023