Expertise Practice
- Credits: 4
- Ending: Credits
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Business Economics with seat in Košice
Included in study programs
Teaching results
The main goal of the course is to ensure the connection of theoretical and practical part of the study and at the same time to enable students to solve their future employment during their studies so that they have the opportunity to demonstrate to employers at least partial practical experience.
• ability to identify practical problems related to the field of study,
• understand the practical knowledge related to the field of study.
• apply the acquired practical knowledge to solve a specific problem.
• summarize the experience gained related to the field of study,
• categorize the experience gained related to the field of study.
Indicative content
Linking economic study and practice, the student has the opportunity to gain practical experience related to the topic of the final thesis.
Support literature
Linking economic study and practice, the student has the opportunity to gain practical experience related to the topic of the final thesis.
Requirements to complete the course
In accordance with the focus of the field, the student completes an internship, which must be in the economic field. The rules for the recognition of internships of PHF EU students are developed in accordance with the EU Study Regulations in Bratislava. Place of internship, arrangement of internship, agreement on internship, remuneration for work during internship, conditions of internship, etc. students agree individually. Implementation of the internship is recommended in the form of pre-diploma internship focused on the elaboration of a diploma thesis, obtaining documents, consultations with experts, etc. - 100 %
Student workload
104 hours total
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 05.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 30.06.2022