Professional Communication in Foreign Language


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The aim of the course is to strengthen their conversational skills and professional terminology in a foreign language in the field of marketing, retail and foreign trade through active communication with students.

Knowledge: Active acquisition of professional terminology used in the field of corporate business and marketing in a foreign language. To be able to conduct a professional dialogue with representatives of business practice in a foreign language. Deepening and consolidation of acquired knowledge and their active use in business practice.

Competence: Ability to conduct business negotiations in a foreign language using active knowledge of terminology. Competence to actively use professional vocabulary in a foreign language. Ability to actively present the results of semester work in a logical structure.

Skill: Knowledge and deepening of communication knowledge in the field. Ability to conduct a professional dialogue with representatives of business practice in a foreign language. Ability to communicate with potential foreign working partners or employers.

Indicative content

Professional communication solving case studies during seminars with the active participation of students, either individually or as part of teamwork on the following topics:
Marketing mix,
Market segmentation,
Consumer behavior,
Sales promotion,
Communication strategies,
Foreign trade,
Payment system
Preparation for presentation of students' projects on selected topics.
Preparation for presentation of students' projects on selected topics.
Preparation for presentation of students' projects on selected topics.

Marketing mix,
Market segmentation,
Consumer behavior,
Sales promotion,
Communication strategies,
Foreign trade,
Payment system

Support literature

Elementary literature:
FARRAL, C. LINDSLEY, M.: Proffesional English in Use: Marketing. Cambridge University Press. 2008. ISBN 978-5217-026-90
CERAMELLA, N. – LEE, E.: Cambridge English for the Media. Student's Book with Audio CD. Cambridge University Press. 2008. ISBN 9780521724579
Supplementary literature:
EMMERSON, P.: Business English Handbook. Advanced. MacMillan. 2007. ISBN 978-1405-0860-59


Consultations: Professional communication solving case studies during seminars with the active participation of students, either individually or as part of teamwork on the following topics: Marketing, Marketing mix, Market segmentation, Consumer behavior, Advertising, Sales promotion, Communication strategies, Foreign trade, Payment system Logistics. Preparation for presentation of students' projects on selected topics. Preparation for presentation of students' projects on selected topics. Preparation for presentation of students' projects on selected topics. Self-study: Marketing, Marketing mix, Market segmentation, Consumer behavior, Advertising, Sales promotion, Communication strategies, Foreign trade, Payment system Logistics.

Requirements to complete the course

Project, active participation in consultations
active participation in consultations: 40%
presentation of the project: 60%
Evaluation: total for semester 100%
Total: – min. 51% for the sufficient evaluation and from the written exam min. 51% as well.

Student workload

Participation in consultations - 10 hours
Self – study - 16 hours
Preparation for exam – 52 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 17.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 04.07.2022