Commercial activity
- Credits: 4
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 3
- Faculty of Commerce
Included in study programs
Teaching results
Bachelor's degree students will acquire knowledge of current trends in the commercial sphere as well as practical experience in the implementation of commercial activities in specific situations. They can orientate themselves in the most frequent, difficult decision-making situations in which it is necessary to take decisions and measures in order to successfully implement business activities.
The subject is also devoted to the acquisition of knowledge and skills from the organization and implementation of domestic and foreign business trips, business negotiations, missions, presentations and establishing partnerships with other market entities. The student will acquire skills in the field of operational planning and organizing commercial work. The subject also develops negotiation and soft skills.
After completing the subject, the student will acquire competence in the field of cooperation, resolution of commercial disputes. The subject increases communication and negotiation competence. After completing the course, students will be competent in the commercial sphere to take qualified positions in connection with decisions about the next steps of a business entity in a demanding competitive environment.
Indicative content
The subject Commercial activity deals with several aspects of commercial business not only in the domestic but also in the international business environment. He pays attention to the specifics of commercial activity, business relations, cooperative partnerships. It also focuses on business negotiations, business missions, the position of culture and ethics in business relations as an important aspect of forming a qualified commercial worker.
Support literature
1. BOYCE, T., LAKE, C. The Commercial Manager, 2013, 210 p. ISBN 978-1-854-18422-1
2. HAMBÁLKOVÁ, M. Komerčná činnosť. Nitra: Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2002, 186 s. ISBN 80-8069-039-1
3. KHELEROVÁ, V. Komunikační a obchodní dovednosti manažera. 3. doplněné vydání. 2010, 144 s. ISBN 978-80-247-3566-5
4. LOWE, D. Commercial Management: Theory and Practice. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 528 p. ISBN 978-1-405-12468-3
5. MURA, L. Manažérska psychológia. Paneurópska vysoká škola, 2016, 107 s. ISBN 978-8089453-21-4
6. MURA, L. Základy etiky. Bratislava: Paneurópska vysoká škola, 2017, 80 s. ISBN 978-8089453-35-1
7. SEKNIČKA, P., PUTNOVÁ, A. Etika v podnikání a hodnoty trhu. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2016, 199 s. ISBN 978-80-247-5545-8
8. ŠIMO, D., MURA, L. Manažment organizácií. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2015. 264 s. ISBN 978-80-8168-242-1
9. UBREŽIOVÁ, I., JANOŠKOVÁ, M., MURA, L., DIAČIKOVÁ, A., SOKIL, O. Teória a prax medzinárodného manažmentu a podnikania v multikulturálnom prostredí. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2021, 235 s. ISBN 978-80-248-4516-6
10. ZADRAŽILOVÁ, D. Mezinárodní management. Praha: Oeconomica, 3. přepracované vydání, 2020, 160 s. ISBN 978-80-245-2368-2
1. Requirements for completing the course. Introduction to the issue of commercial activities. Commercial and non-commercial activities (business entities, social enterprises, non-profit organizations, public institutions). 2. Activity and specifics of business entities in commercial activity: retail and corporate business relations. 3. External and internal factors of business success of commercial entities. Proactive and reactive factors of development of business entities. Principles and features of strategic building of a successful business on the market. 4. Development strategies of commercial business in the international and domestic business environment. 5. Cooperative business of commercial entities. Requirements for the creation and implementation of cooperative partnerships. Business networks and cluster initiatives. 6. Organization of domestic and foreign work trips, business missions and internships. 7. Business negotiations in commercial practice. Planning, organization and management of business negotiations. Presentation skills of a commercial specialist. 8. Resolution of conflicts and commercial disputes. Position and tasks of mediation, conciliation, facilitation, negotiation in commercial and commercial-obligation disputes. 9. Culture in commerce and cultural diversity in an international environment. Important specifics (position of women and religions). Cultivation of a commercial manager and requirements for his appearance. 10. Personality of the commercial manager. The social-psychological side of a commercial specialist (personality maturity, coping with stress and difficult situations, active listening, empathy, IQ, EQ). 11. From classical (code of ethics, principle of prudence, teamwork) to modern tools (mentoring, social and ethical audit, ombudsman, continuous education) of cultivating ethics in commercial activity. 12. From classic (dialogue, consensus, practical reasoning) to modern (social responsibility, corporate governance, interest groups) tools for applying business ethics in the commercial sphere. 13. The future of commercial activity and new challenges for the commercial sphere in the 21st century. (freelancers, digitization, intellectual property, climate change, environmental protection and creation).
Requirements to complete the course
20 % student activity during the semester
20 % student activity on partial tasks
60 % examination (written exam)
Student workload
Student workload in total: 104 hours, thereof:
- seminars: 26 hours
- individual preparation for seminars: 13 hours
- processing of the semester project: 13 hours
- processing of the semester event: 14 hours
- Individual preparation for the examination: 34 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 06.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 05.10.2023