- Credits: 4
- Ending: Examination
Included in study programs
Teaching results
After completing the course, the student should be able to (level of knowledge and understanding):
- understand the multidimensional context in the tourism topics (case studies) covered in this course, in terms of business, economics and the nature of tourism
- identify the key problem and find different solutions to the problem
- to master a professional dictionary in tourism
After completing the course, the student should be able to (skills and competences):
- apply knowledge from various subjects in solving complex case studies
- demonstrate skills in analyzing the issue, argue, understand and accept counter-arguments in solving the case study
- have the competence to communicate effectively in case study solutions
- fluent communication and argumentation on various topics of tourism
Indicative content
The subject is a cross-section of various topics and issues from tourism. It focuses on the area of business in various tourism services as well as on the destination level of tourism.
Support literature
MUNDT, Jorn, W. Tourismus. Munchen: Oldenbourg Verlag. 2013. ISBN 978-3-486-70451-8.
FREYER, Walter. Tourismus. Einfuhrung in die Fremdenverkehrsokonomie. Berlin, Munchen, Boston : Walter de Gruyter, 2015. ISBN 978-3-486-74194-0.
MICHÁLKOVÁ, Anna. Kulturdimensionen und ihr Einfluss auf die Widersprüche in Netzwerken. In Managing the Gaps of Intercultural Communication. MAGIC: Managing the Gaps of Intercultural Communication : Interkulturelle Projekte zum Erfolg führen. - Graz : Leykam Buchverlagsgesellschaft, 2016. ISBN 978-3-7011-0354-6, s. 57-74.
OECD. Trendy a politiky v cestovnom ruchu 2020. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2020. ISBN 978-92-64-62688-1.
Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie SR. Partnerská dohoda Slovenskej republiky na roky 2021 – 2027. Bratislava, 2020. Dostupné na: https://www.mirri.gov.sk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Ozn%C3%A1menie-Partnersk%C3%A1-dohoda-n%C3%A1vrh_final4.pdf
ŠÚ SR. Štatistiky cestovného ruchu dostupné na: https://slovak.statistics.sk/, http://datacube.statistics.sk
Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby SR. Analýzy zdrojových trhov cestovného ruchu Slovenska. Dostupné na: https://www.mindop.sk/ministerstvo-1/cestovny-ruch-7/statistika/analyzy-zdrojovych-trhov
Magazin für die touristische Praxis, Osterreich Werbung, Wien. Dostupné na https://www.austriatourism.com/
Hotel + Tourismus-Revue, die schweizer Fachzeitung für Tourismus. Bern : Hotellerie Suisse. dostupné na https://www.htr.ch/tourismus.html
1. Case study The complexity of a tourism product. Regional cards in tourism. 2. Case study Tourism in numbers, current data and selected indicators. 3. Case study Entrepreneurship in tourism and seasonality. 4. Case study Business in the hotel industry. 5. Case study Entrepreneurship in gastronomy. 6. Case study Entrepreneurship in a selected additional tourism service. 7. Case study Entrepreneurship in a selected additional tourism service. 8. Case study Success of a tourism destination. 9. Case study Life cycle of tourism centers. 10. Case study Tourist segmentation. 11. Case study EU funds and their use in tourism business. 12. Case study Cultural dimensions and their impact on business in tourism. 13. Case study Critique of tourism, mass tourism
Requirements to complete the course
40 % elaboration of semester project
60 % exam - project presentation and defense
Student workload
Total: 104 hours
Seminars: 26 hours
Individual preparation for seminars: 26 hours
Processing of the semester project: 26 hours
Preparation for the exam: 26 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 12.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 12.01.2022