

Included in study programs

Teaching results

The student will gain knowledge about the basic need of a man – Nutrition and its realization by the catering and ability to manage commercial catering facilities and social catering facilities.
The student will gain skills to manage commercial catering facilities and social catering facilities and the ability to create f the catering offer for the various client segments in relation to the gender, age, social group.
The student will be able to make decision about the suitable and unsuitable nutrition and catering for the different client segments in relation to the gender, age, social groups.

Indicative content

The content of the subject Catering is concentrated on the nutrition of a man and its realization. The creation of the offer of food and beverages. The control of costs and revenues. The purchase, storage, production, realization and distribution of the food and beverages. The Commercial and Social catering management.

Support literature

1. Booth, M. L. (2020). Catering Business Startup Success: How to Start, Run, and Grow a Catering Business Successfully. Streets of Dream Press.
2. Kompasová, K. (2021). Gastronómia v kontexte, vývoja, vplyvov a trendov. Nitra : Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa.
3. Zeleňáková L. – Čapla, J. – Zajác, P. (2018). Hygiena výživy a stravovania. Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre.


1/ Man and Nutrition Positives of healthy nutrition. Negatives of unhealthy nutrition. Nutrition tables. Application of the selected nutrition software. Application of nutrition calculators. The importance of the healthy catering for the society. 2/ Nutrition and selected client segments Nutrition and the client segmentation. Mother nutrition. Children nutrition. Teenager nutrition. Adult nutrition. 40+ nutrition. 50+ nutrition.65+ nutrition. 3/ Gastronomy – History Prehistory nutrition. The structure of the nutrition and its influence on the human being. The gastronomy of the Antique Greece. Gastronomy of the Ancient Rome and Roman Empire. Middle age gastronomy. The Innovation trends in French gastronomy of the 19.-th. Century. 4/ Gastronomy in the present time Century Gastronomy. The influence of WWI. On the catering of the armies and civilians. The industrial production of the food stuffs, foods, beverages and products. The influence WWII. on the nutrition and the catering on the armies and citizens. The industrial production of the food stuffs, foods, beverages and products. Convenience Cooking. Fast Food. Slow Food. 5/ Gastronomy of the future The Cooks experts, education, specialization, professionality. The different views on the problems of catering and gastronomy. The cooperation between the professional Cooks and nutrition experts. The future way for the healthy nutrition and healthy catering on the local, regional, national and continental level. World Health Organization (WHO) , Polity of the healthy nutrition of the citizens. 6/ Commercial Catering Commercial Catering, characteristics. The strong and weak sides of the Commercial Catering. The needed and selection of the employees. For the work position in the Commercial Catering. The Education, professionality of the of the Commercial Catering. 7/ Commercial Catering – Facilities The organization of the Commercial Catering facilities on the local, regional, continental and global level. The characteristics of the selected types of the facilities of the Commercial Catering. 8/ Commercial Catering – Client Segmentation The client segmentation created on the base of the Commercial Catering. The client segmentation by the different accesses of various social groups and cultures. The client segmentation in relation to the age. 9/ Social Catering Social Catering characteristics. Strong and weak sides of the Social Catering. Organizational structure. The need and choice of the employees for the Social Catering. The education, professionality, specialization of the employees for the Social Catering. 10/ Social Catering – Facilities The organization of Social Catering facilities on local, regional and state level. The characteristics of the selected types of the Social Catering facilities. 11/ Social Catering – Client Segmentation The client segmentation based by the creation of the social policy of the social demand in the Social Catering. The client segmentation based on the access to different social cultures. The client segmentation by the age criteria. 12/ Spa Catering The historical development of the spa catering. The clients of the Spa Tourism and their need for the view of Spa Catering. The overview of the most frequent diet catering programs and plans for the guests. 13/ Congress Catering The historical development of the Congress Tourism. The catering of the Congress Tourism in the selected countries in relation to the cultural traditions. Congress Tourism in the Slovak republic. The catering cooperation of the Banquet Department with Congress Hall Management. Continental Congress Catering

Requirements to complete the course

Activity of the students on exercises, individual project, oral exam.
Seminars 40 %, of which:
Activity of the student: 20 %
Elaboration of an individual project: 20 %
Oral exam: 60 %

Student workload

Working load: 104 hours, of which:
Participation on exercises: 26 hours
Preparation for the exercises: 12 hours
Processing of the semester project: 12 hours
Preparation for the written verification of the knowledge: 12 hours
Preparation for the examination: 42 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course

The subject Catering is taught in Slovak language and in relation to demand in the English language also. Literature for this subject is in English language. There is a necessary that the student knows English language. The knowledge of the Slovak language and English language is necessary.

Date of approval: 12.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 20.02.2024