
Included in study programs

Teaching results

The student will gain knowledge about the basic principles in the field of business data processing, information and knowledge, their storage and retrieval. They will be able to orient themselves in the available tools for collecting, storing business information.
Graduates will learn in practical exercises to use advanced data formatting and linking as well as evaluate data using advanced tables and graphs, conditional calculations, will gain the ability to correctly interpret the results of business data processing.
By completing the course, students will acquire competencies that will allow them to flexibly orient themselves in managerial, business or analytical positions in the available business data. To be able to use them correctly, to obtain and interpret from them the necessary information that is necessary to support decision-making.

Indicative content

The course deals with the processing of business and economic data. Through standard available tools, the subject deals with the creation of formulas and functions, their correct setting, interconnection, data import, their analysis, graphical interpretation. Last but not least, attention is paid to the automation of computational processes and new trends in the use of available tools in the field of data processing to support decision-making.

Support literature

1. KOKLES, Mojmír – ROMANOVÁ, Anita. Informatika. 2. rozš. a preprac. vyd. Vydavateľstvo Bratislava Sprint 2. Economics. 2020. ISBN 978-80-89710-40-9.
2. KLATOVSKÝ, Karel. Microsoft Excel 2021/365 nejen pro školy. Vydavateľstvo Prostějov Computer Media, 2023. ISBN 978-80-7402-451-1.
3. WINSTON, Wayne. et al. Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling (Office 2021 and Microsoft 365), 7th Edition. Vydavateľstvo Microsoft Press 2022. 1168 s.,
ISBN 978-0-13-761366-3


1. Introduction to the subject. IT tools for business and economic data processing 2. Data sharing, data protection and verification 3. Advanced work with tables in a big data environment 4. Formulas and functions - creating formulas and functions, testing and control, using standard formulas and functions 5. The use of logical and statistical functions in spreadsheets in the business agenda of the company 6. Use of database and text functions in spreadsheets in the business agenda of the company, conditional formatting 7. Analytical tool SOLVER - simulation and optimization of business models 8. Data import into spreadsheets, data editing 9. Database tables and their use for the analysis of economic data 10. Pivot tables and their use for data analysis 11. Creating graphic outputs, their use in processing of the results of analysis and evaluation in text and presentation formats 12. Use macros to set up automation of calculations 13. New trends, new tools in office software packages

Requirements to complete the course

40% continuous semester assessment
60% written exam

Student workload

Workload: 104 hours
Attendance at seminars: 52 hours
Preparation for seminars: 8 hours
Processing of continuous assignments: 8 hours
Preparation for written verification of knowledge: 10 hours
Preparation for the final exam: 26 hours

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 06.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 03.03.2024