- Credits: 4
- Ending: Examination
Included in study programs
Teaching results
By completing the course, the student will gain knowledge in the field of legislation related to organic farming, labelling and certification of organic food and organic products. He will know the importance and significance of organic food and organic products, which can also be a means of building consumer confidence in the environmental activities of operators in the tourism sector. He will be aware of the differences between organic and conventional products, he will know the position of organic products on the European and world market and the attitudes and preferences of consumers from different countries. Knowledge of the causes and consequences of food and packaging waste in general and directly in the tourism sector will enable them to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of packaging and packaging materials on the environment, including the possibilities of creating and using ecological packaging for tourism facilities.
By completing the course, the student will be able to identify the possibilities of sustainable development of the tourism sector in accordance with environmental principles, recognize the opportunities and risks of using organic food, local foods and organic products in tourism facilities. They will also be able to understand the growing demands of consumers on the environmental aspects of the activities of tourism service providers and the ability to be able to put it to practical use.
By completing the course, the student will be able to verify which organic food and organic products are certified and which certification bodies are accredited in specific countries. Use the concept of organic food and products as part of the offer of tourism facilities and apply appropriate tools to promote them. Using SimaPro software, make a realistic comparison of the environmental impact of organic food versus conventional food and organic versus conventional non-food products in tourism facilities. Develop and implement measures to reduce food waste and packaging / packaging materials in tourism facilities.
Indicative content
The course deals with the nature, conditions and development trends of organic agriculture in the European Union and Slovakia. It enables to gain knowledge about the quality, labelling and certification procedures of organic food and non-food products and the comparison of their quality with conventional products. By solving case studies, it makes it possible to properly understand the ecological aspects of operating hotels and restaurants, as well as the measures of reducing the negative impact on the environment. Students apply the acquired knowledge in the process of designing promotional activities for tourism enterprises that offer organic food and ecological products.
Support literature
Agency BIO. 2019. Organic Farming and Market in the European Union. France: Agency BIO. https://www.agencebio.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Organic_farming_market_EU_2019.pdf
BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation. 2021.The Consumer Voice in Europe. Climate Action as an Opportunity for All – how the green transition should and can benefit consumers’ daily lives. Brussels: European Union. https://www.beuc.eu/publications/beuc-x-2021-098_how_the_green_transition_should_and_can_benefit_consumer_daily_lives.pdf
Cosmetics Europe The Personal Care Association. 2019. Environmental Sustainability: the European Cosmetics Industry’s Contribution. Belgium: Cosmetics Europe - The Personal Care Association. https://cosmeticseurope.eu/files/3715/6023/8402/Environmental_Sustainability_Report_2019.pdf
Elsen., M., Van Giesen., R., Van den Akker., K., Dunne., A. 2019. Consumer testing of alternatives for communicating the Environmental Footprint profile of products. Final report. European Commission
European Commission. 2021. Understanding Product Environmental Footprint and Organisation Environmental Footprint methods. Publications Office of the European Union. https://ec.europa.eu/environment/eussd/smgp/pdf/EF%20simple%20guide_v7_clen.pdf
European Commisssion.(n/a). The EU Ecolabel for Tourist Accommodation Services.
IFOAM ORGANICS EUROPE. 2021. Organic in Europe. Prospects & Developments for Organic in National Cap Strategics Plans. Brussels: IFOAM ORGANICS EUROPE. https://www.organicseurope.bio/content/uploads/2021/06/ifoameu_advocacy_CAP_StrategicPlansAnd25Target_202106.pdf?dd
Willer., H., Travníček ., J., Meier., K., Schlatter., B.: 2021.The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2021. FiBL & IFOAM International. https://www.fibl.org/fileadmin/documents/shop/1150-organic-world-2021.pdf
World Tourism Organization and United Nations Development Programme. 2017. Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals – Journey to 2030, Madrid: UNWTO. https://www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284419401
1. Introduction to the issue. The nature and goals of organic agriculture. Legal conditions of organic farming in the European Union and Slovakia. New European rules for organic agriculture. 2. European Green Agreement for ensuring the sustainability of the EU economy. Organic farming versus integrated production. 3. The current situation in organic farming in the European Union and Slovakia and its development trends. Characteristics of the worldwide, European and Slovak organic food market. 4. Characteristics of selected types of organic food and comparison of their price, energy and nutritional value with conventional food. Comparison of the environmental impact of organic food and conventional food (LCA) using the SimaPro software. 5. Organic food, ecological products, regional and local food in the sector of tourism. 6. Consumers’ attitudes, behaviour and opinions on organic food and ecological products. 7. Organic food labelling. Organisations authorised to certify organic food. Promotion of organic food. 8. The voluntary European Eco-label scheme as a tool to promote environmentally friendly products and services. Characteristics of the conformity assessment criteria for different product categories and touristic accommodation services. 9. Basic classification and functions of packaging. Environmental impacts of packaging. Ecological packaging for the HORECA segment. 10. Ecological aspects in operating hotels and restaurants in tourism. 11. Measures to reduce food and packaging waste for the HORECA segment. 12. Promoting ecological products in tourism. Ecological products and ecotourism, sustainable tourism. 13. Worldwide, European and national organisations and associations dealing with organic food and ecological products.
Requirements to complete the course
20% - active participation in seminars
20% - preparation and presentation of a semester project
60% - written test
Student workload
Workload: 104 hours
Attendance in seminars: 26 hours
Preparation for seminars: 26 hours
Preparation and presentation of the semester project: 26 hours
Preparation for the exam: 26 hours
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Slovak, English
Date of approval: 06.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 22.05.2022