Circular Economics


Included in study programs

Teaching results

The course is aimed at understanding the importance, benefits and challenges of the transition to a circular economy that uses resources more efficiently. It provides knowledge of the basic principles and tools that support the formulation and evaluation of resource-efficient circular measures. By researching case studies, examples of the use of strategies and business models of the circular economy in tourism, it allows students to gain knowledge and inspiration. Students synthesize knowledge and apply the acquired knowledge in designing circular measures, taking into account social, economic and environmental aspects.
Graduates of the course will be able to understand the connections between economics and environmental sustainability, the difference between linear and circular economics, understand the principles, strategies and business model of circular economy in tourism. Gain knowledge and inspiration from case studies focused on the use of the principles of circular economy in tourism. Formulate and critically evaluate resource-efficient circular measures, their potential benefits and limitations in tourism. Take into account actors, their opportunities, barriers and drivers in the transition to a more resource-efficient circular economy. Identify and take into account the role of the consumer and its impact on the circularity of tourism. Design circular business models in tourism taking into account technical, economic and environmental aspects. To develop systems thinking, to apply value creation in the circular economy to the whole ecosystem of cooperating companies. To effectively communicate the acquired knowledge and experience with a focus on the development of tourism using the principles of circular economy.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to formulate proposals for the use of the principles of circular economics in the creation of business models and circular measures in tourism in the transition from linear to circular economics. Create clear arguments and useful recommendations for creating circular economy strategies in tourism from an environmental, economic and societal perspective.
Students gain skills in using methods of creating and evaluating measures in the conditions of circular economy in tourism. Work effectively as an individual and in a team. Use the Design Thinking methodology and an interdisciplinary approach in creating circular solutions. Use the methodology of the analytical framework and a systems approach to value creation.

Indicative content

Introduction to circular economics. Basic framework and principles of circular economy in tourism. Circular business models in tourism. Waste as a resource, eco-design, sharing, reuse, repair and recycling of products and materials. Closing the loops. Applying Design Thinking principles in new ideas creation in tourism based on circularity. Gamification. Consumer in circular economy, collaborative consumption. The process of socio-technological transformation, consumer habits, legislation, infrastructure, networks in connection with the transition to sustainability in tourism. Framework for the analysis of potential activities of the circular economy in tourism. Case studies of circular strategies in tourism. Ecosystem of enterprises cooperating with tourism enterprises. Collaboration and joint value creation as a new competitive advantage.

Support literature

1. Business Models for the Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Policy. (2019). OECD.
2. Ellen Mcarthur Foundation. Design and the circular economy
3. Hanuláková, E., Oreský, M. (2021). Circular Economy: Eight Challenges for Business and Marketing. RAM-Verlag.
4. Chomová, K. (2023). Spoločenská zodpovednosť firiem. Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM. Bratislava
5. Kislingerová, E. (2021). Cirkulární ekonomie a ekonomika: společenské paradigma, postavení, budoucnost a praktické souvislosti. Grada Publishing.
6. Musová, Z. (Ed.). (2021). Aplikácia princípov kruhovej ekonomiky na Slovensku: zborník vedeckých prác II z projektu VEGA 1/0705/19. BELIANUM.
7. Oreský, M. (Ed.). (2021). Kruh sa uzatvára. Cirkulárna ekonomika očami mladých výskumníkov a state skúsených vedcov: zborník vedeckých statí z riešenia vedeckého projektu VEGA č. 1/0587/19. Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM.
8. Skees, S. (2023). Purposeful Brands: How purpose and sustainability drive brand value and positive change. KoganPage. London
9. Stefanakis, A., & Nikolaou, I. (Eds.). (2022). Circular Economy and Sustainability. Elsevier.


1. Introduction to the circular economy. Differences between linear and circular economics. Limitations and risks of today's linear economy. The relationship between the circular economy and sustainable development. Biological, technological and social resources. Basic framework and principles of circular economy. Framework and principles of circular economy in tourism. Transition from linear economy to circular economy. 2. Reconfiguration of tourism after the COVID-19 pandemic on the principles of circular economy. Changing trends on the demand and on the supply side. 3. Circular business models in tourism. Waste as a resource. Eco-design. Sharing. Reuse. Repair and recycling of products and materials. Closing the loops. System level solutions. 4. Use of Design Thinking principles and tools in creating new business ideas in tourism based on circularity. Principles of interdisciplinary approach. 5. Business ideas creation and project preparation based on the principles of circular economy in tourism through the game. Using the Gamification approach. 6. The role of the consumer in the circular economy. Collaborative consumption and its impact on tourism. Environmental consumer behavior. The importance of the meaning and sustainability of tourism. 7. The relationship between the circular economy and innovation. The process of socio-technological transformation, consumer habits, legislation, infrastructure, networks in connection with the transition to sustainability in tourism. Biological cycles. Nature as inspiration for innovation. New technologies in the circular economy. 8. Framework for the analysis of potential activities of the circular economy in tourism. Examples and brainstorming. 9. Sustainability of tourism with a focus on blue and green tourism, tourism as an experiential economy, the guest-host relationship. 10. Case studies of circular strategies in tourism. Evaluation. Identification of opportunities and barriers. 11. Ecosystem of enterprises cooperating with tourism enterprises. Collaboration and joint value creation as a new competitive advantage. Circular purchasing and market positioning. 12. Presentation of semester projects focused on the creation of circular business models in tourism. 13. Brainstorming on the topic of tourism development in Slovakia using the principles of circular economy. Evaluation of opportunities and threats.

Requirements to complete the course

30% continuous semester assessment
40% semester project working out and presentation
30% written test

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 23.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 17.10.2023