Risk Management and Insurance


Included in study programs

Teaching results

After successful completion of this course, students will have knowledge of:
- understanding the basics of risk and the possibilities of its management for individuals as well as legal persons
- understanding the risk management process, including its phases, steps and tools
Practical skills and competencies consist in the ability to:
- identify relevant risk management methods for the specific situations
- understand the basic methods and tools of risk management, their advantages and disadvantages depending on the financial capabilities of the entity and other circumstances
- apply relevant and effective risk management methods to the specific situations
- analyze, interpret and compare types of insurance coverage, as well as other forms of risk transfer

Indicative content

The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic issues of risk management and insurance. The course focuses on the theoretical aspects of the definition of the risk, its classification and analysis from the perspective of various scientific disciplines. Attention is focused on risk management with an emphasis on insurance as a traditional risk management tool. The second group of problems is a closer analysis of the principles of insurance, including an analysis of types of insurers and their marketing systems, insurance regulation and pricing of insurance products. The course offers an opportunity to understand the basics and processes of life and non-life insurance.

Support literature

ONDRUŠKA, Tomáš - BROKEŠOVÁ, Zuzana - PASTORÁKOVÁ, Erika - SNOPKOVÁ, Andrea. Riadenie rizík a poisťovníctvo. 1. vydanie. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2022. 395 s. ISBN 978-80-7676-402-6.
REJDA, G. E., MCNAMARA, M. J., RABEL, W. 2019. Principles of Risk Management and Insurance. 14/e. Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780135641293.
TRIESCHMANN, J. S., HOYT, R. E., SOMMER, D.W. 2004. Risk Management and Insurance. 12/e. Thomson. ISBN 0-324-18320-8.
HARRINGTON, S., NIEHAUS, G. 2004. Risk Management and Insurance. 2/e. Irwin-McGraw Hill, New York. ISBN-10: 0072339705.


1. Risk in society 2. Insurance and risk, insurability of risks 3. Risk management process 4. Advanced topics in risk management 5. Types of insurers 6. Marketing systems in insurance companies 7. Distribution systems and insurance contracts 8. Processes in the insurance company 9. Underwriting and pricing of risks 10. Risks in life insurance 11. Risks in non-life insurance 12. Regulation in insurance and risk management 13. New trends in insurance and risk management

Requirements to complete the course

20% seminar assignments and case studies, 10% mid-term test, 10% group and teamwork assignments, 60% written exam (30% midterm test during the semester, 30% final exam)

Date of approval: 13.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 29.01.2025