
Included in study programs

Teaching results

Students will have an overview of different types of professional theses, they will understand the structure of a bachelor's thesis and the meaning of its individual parts. Students will be able to process written material (seminars/final theses) in an understandable manner according to STN 01 6910, using the correct citation technique while observing ethical principles. Students will acquire knowledge, skills and competences in the area of ​​basic communication skills, they will be able to express themselves orally and in writing appropriately to the situation. They will be able to present information, defend written work, communicate through information and communication technologies.

Indicative content

Bibliographic and methodological standards for writing final theses, presentation skills, successful self-presentation at school and in the labor market The educational process focuses on the following areas: • Critical reading, understanding, interpretation and writing of academic texts • Rules for writing and editing texts according to STN 01 6910 • School/final/qualification papers and other types of academic papers • Elaboration of seminar papers, bachelor (diploma) theses • Ways of citations in academic papers • Importance and functions of communication • Rules for writing text on a PC and editing documents • Speech preparation • Preparation of the presentation • Successful self-presentation at school and in the labor market

Support literature

Chua, S. (2019). The Graduate Student as Writer: Encouragement for the Budding Scholar. Shuyi Chua. Meltzer, E. (2019). How to Write for Class: A student´s Guide to Grammar, Punctuation, and Style. The Critical Reader. Heard, S. B. (2016). The Scientist´s Guide to Writing. Princeton University Press. Wallwork, A., & Southern, A. (2020). 100 Tips to Avoid Mistakes in Academic Writing and Presenting. Springer. Interná smernica 11/2019 o záverečných, rigoróznych a habilitačných prácach. Bratislava: EU v Bratislave, 2019. STN 01 6910: 2011-04. Pravidlá písania a úpravy písomností. Atkinson, C. (2011). Beyond bullet points: Using Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentations that inform, motivate, and inspire. London: Pearson Education. Bradbury, A. (2006). Successful presentation skills (Vol. 51). London: Kogan Page Publishers. Presentitude. 10 ways to avoid death by bullet points [online]. presentitude.com [cit. 2020-02-20]. https://bit.ly/2WVFMN0 Reanolds, G. (2011). Presentation Zen: Simple ideas on presentation design and delivery. Indianapolis: New Riders.

Requirements to complete the course

Active participation in the educational process according to the regulations at the FNE UE in Bratislava. Individual work during the semester – several individual assignments. Written exam. Evaluation of individual assignments – 60 % Written exam – 40 %

Date of approval: 11.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 12.02.2024