EU Instruments of Financial Aid


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Within the course, the student will get:
- Knowledge of financial instruments used in EU policies
- Knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of these tools
- Skills in the practical application of these instruments
- Skills in working in a team and sharing responsibility for the overall result of the work Competences to identify the conditions under which instruments to use

Indicative content

The student will get acquainted with the most important financial instruments that are used in various policies of the European Union - especially in the division into repayable (especially venture capital, loans or guarantee programs) and non repayable forms of assistance (especially grants). These instruments will be analyzed in terms of the various conditions of their use as well as the potential advantages and disadvantages that these instruments have in the economic development of both the supported entities and the state or the European Union itself. Students will get acquainted with the basic principles of creation, implementation, and evaluation of these tools.
Part of the course will be the preparation of their own proposal to create a basic framework for the operation of a selected financial instrument, where students verify the acquired knowledge in their practical application.
- What are financial instruments, basic breakdown and use of these instruments
- Overview of EU financial instruments, repayable vs. non-repayable financial instruments
- Specifics of financial instruments for the public sector
- European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) - purpose, development, thematic priorities,
- ESIF budget
- Principles of creating repayable assistance schemes - objectives, individual types of eligibility
- ESIF in the Slovak Republic - method of management, operational programs, financed priorities
- Efficiency and effectiveness of repayable financial instruments
- European Investment Bank schemes - loans
- European Investment Bank schemes - venture capital
- EU initiatives, Financial schemes focusing on social aspects
- EU repayable aid schemes in the Slovak Republic

Support literature

EC: European Structural and Investment funds 2014 – 2020, 2015
EIB: Introducing financial instruments for the European Social Fund, 2016
aktuálne publikácie o EIB aktivitách
aktuálne publikácie o ESIF aktivitách :
doplnková literatúra:
Pisár, P. Ľapinová, E. 2019. Financie Európskej únie. Banská Bystrica : Belianum. Vydavateľstvo Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici. Ekonomická fakulta, 2019

Requirements to complete the course

The course is completed by a final exam (70%), which consists in submitting a semester project. During the semester, the student presents partial parts of this project, the evaluation of which makes up 30% of the total evaluation. The exam conditions are the same for full time and part time study.

Student workload

The student's workload in full time study is 78 h (participation in seminars 26 hours,, preparation for seminars 26 hours, elaboration of a semester project within the exam 26 hours.

Language whose command is required to complete the course

Slovak, English

Date of approval: 14.03.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.03.2023