International financial centres


Included in study programs

Teaching results

a) to create understanding of functions of the international financial centers in the global economy
b) to differentiate among various phases achieved in the economic integration of different regions of the world
c) to differentiate the individual international financial centers with respect to their functions in the global economy
d) to get familiar with classification, historical cases and models of financial crises and to benefits from their elimination
e) to applicate ethic values in differentiation of the importance of various international financial centers, especially off-shore centers
f) to demonstrate the ability to utilize analytical and quantitative methods in assessment of international financial centers
g) to be able to integrate theory into practice and to demonstrate creativity in problem solving
h) to be able to reflect on new challenges in global economy with regard to the changes in international financial architecture.
Knowledge and understanding:
a) to apply thorough and sectoral knowledge in the area of international financial centers and to take critical stance towards current theories in this area
b) to use the sophisticated methods and procedures of analysis on level corresponding to international standards
c) to utilize obtained knowledge in solving key research issues in creation of international financial centers
d) to demonstrate the ability to collect and to analyze data and information from various sources and construct recommendations for improvement the functionality of international monetary system
Practical skills and competences:
a) to demonstrate the ability to work in team
b) to select and to use appropriate techniques and research methods
c) to be able to collect, to select and to analyze data
d) to take critical stance towards own results as well as to the results of other researchers
e) to formulate understandable and compelling presentations of own results
f) to demonstrate creativity and intellectual curiosity in this specialization and to utilize them in following research

Indicative content

1. Functions and role of international financial centers (IFCs) in the global economy
2. International banking as a key factor in the process of IFCs creation
3. International financial institutions and their importance for IFCs (BIS, EIB, CEB, EBRD, IMF, The World Bank Group, regional development banks)
4. International monetary system and its impact on the formation of IFCs
5. International role of key currencies – their future stance – schemes of international reserve currency, central bank digital currencies, recycling of USD
6. Progress in economic (monetary) integration as a factor of IFCs creation– mainly in other regions of the world – Africa, Asia and America
7. On-shore and off-shore centers
8. Risks in the IFCs activities, the role of rating, index of global financial conditions index
9. Financial crises (types, generations, models) as a factor affecting the structure of IFCs, crises solutions
10. Comparison of the main IFCs in the world – stock exchange, OTC, institutions, economies
11. Changes in the global financial architecture
12. New leaders of the global economy
13. Global imbalance, trends and perspectives, global risks with outlook up to 2050

Support literature

1. Kotlebová, J. – Chovancová, B. (2010). Medzinárodné finančné centrá – zmeny v globálnej finančnej architektúre. Bratislava: Iura Edition 2010, ISBN 978-80-8078-299-3
2. Set of latest scientific papers related to the lecture topics – provided regularly
3. IMF. (2013) International Reserves anf Foreign Currency Liquidity – Guidelines for a data template.
4. Kotlebová, J. (2010) Future Stance of the Currencies in International Monetary System. Economic Analysis No 1-2/2010, Belgrade Serbia: Institut of Economic Sciences, ISSN 1821-2573
5. Kotlebová, J. (2010) New World Economic Leaders. NBS: Biatec 5/2010, ISSN 1335-0900
6. Aizenman, J. – Chin, M. D. – Ito, H.: Assessing the Emerging Global Financial Architecture: Measuring the Trilemma´s Configurations over Time. NBER Working Paper No. 14533, Cambridge, December 2008
7. Eichengreen, B. (2007) The Breakup of the Euro Area. NBER Working Paper No. 13393, Cambridge, September 2007
8. Eichengreen, B. – Bordo, M. D. (2002) Crises now and then: What Lessons from the Last Era of Financial Globalization? NBER Working Paper Series No. 8716, Cambridge, January 2002
9. Reinhart, C. M. – Rogoff, K. S. (2008) Banking Crises: An Equal Opportunity Menace. NBER Working Paper Series No. 14587, December 2008
10. Ivanička, K. et al. (2010) Overcoming Crisis – Creation of the New Model for Socio-economic Development of Slovakia. Bratislava: Ekonóm 2010, ISBN 978-80-225-2882-5
11. Kindleberger, Ch. P.(1974) The Formation of Financial Centres: A Study in Comparative History. International Finance No. 36, Princeton, New Jersey 1974
12. Gorostiaga, X. (1984) The Role of the International Financial Centres in Underdeveloped Countries. New York, St. Martin´s Press 1984
13. Wottava, M. (1997/98). Daňové ráje. British Royal Crown Trust
14. Annual Report of IMF, BIS, World Bank Group

Requirements to complete the course

30 % team presentation of project
70 % written exam
Passing the course is conditioned by obtaining at least 51% of the points set for the active form of teaching and at the same time at least 51% of the points set for the exam.

Student workload

- 13 hours lectures
- 13 hours seminars
- 22 hours preparation of project
- 30 hours study for final exam

Date of approval: 11.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 19.02.2025