

Included in study programs

Teaching results

Obtaining a systemic view of management issues with respect to current knowledge and trends in this area and with respect to the dynamics of the external and internal environment. Acquiring comprehensive basic knowledge of management theory in relation to the sustainable development of enterprises in terms of functional, decision-making and information. Understanding of key conceptual apparatus in relation to individual management functions. Acquisition of knowledge in terms of methods and tools used in the implementation of individual management functions. Understanding the interrelationships between the application of soft and hard management tools and the possibilities of their use in practice.
• to use a set of knowledge about the principles, methods, procedures, and techniques of business management in a market economy,
• to identify, analyze and apply the acquired knowledge in solving problems related to managerial functions,
• to direct the activities of business units, teams, and individuals through managerial functions to achieve set objectives,
• to understand and suggest ways to rationally solve management problems,
• to combine and integrate management knowledge with knowledge from related social science disciplines
• conceptually solve enterprise problems, identify the most important issues, tendencies, and probabilities of development, and understand things in relation to each other,
• apply specific methods and procedures in management practice,
• effectively guide business processes through techniques and methods of decision making, planning, organizing, human resource management, leading and controlling,
• motivate subordinates and communicate effectively with all company stakeholders,
• work effectively in a team and lead a team.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Characteristics and basic background of management.
2. Main concepts of management.
3. Managerial decision-making.
4. Information and information system.
5. Strategy and its implementation.
6. Planning.
7. Organizing as a function of management.
8. Management control.
9. Human resources management.
10. The essence and content of the leadership function of people, leadership styles.
11. Communication in management.
12. Employee motivation.
13. Ethics in management.
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Introduction to management issues.
2. Origin, development, and main approaches in management.
3. Decision-making processes in management.
4. Information and information system.
5. Strategic management.
7. The essence and content of the organization and organizational structure.
8. Management control.
9. Human resources management.
10. Leading of people.
11. Communication.
12. Motivation.
13. Ethics in management.

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. ROBBINS, Stephen P. – COULTER, Mary A. Management. Pearson Education, 2021. 624 p. ISBN 9780136714491.
Supplementary literature:
1. BATEMAN, Thomas et al. Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World. 13th ed. McGraw-Hill Education, 672 p. ISBN 978-12-5992-764-5.
2. CERTO, Samuel C. – CERTO, Trevis S. Modern Management: Concepts and Skills. 15th ed. New York, NY : Pearson, 2019, 501 p. ISBN 978-01-3472-913-8.
3. DAFT, Richard L. Management. 12th ed. Cengage Learning, 2015, 800 p. ISBN 978-13-0548-071-1.
4. DRUCKER, Peter. Management. Routledge, 2012. 576 s. ISBN 978-11-3600-689-0.
5. KOONTZ, Harold – WEIHRICH, Heinz. Essentials of management. 10th ed. Chennai: Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2015, 540 pp., Rs. 647, ISBN: 978-9-3392-2286-4.
6. LUSSIER, Robert N. Management fundamentals : concepts, applications, and skill development. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, 2019. 597 p. ISBN 9781506389394.
7. PLUNKETT, Warren R. Management. 10th ed. South-Western College Pub, 2012, 744 p. ISBN 978-11-1122-134-8.
8. SCHERMERHORN, John R Jr. – BACHRACH, Daniel G. Exploring Management. 6th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2017, 348 p. ISBN: 978-1-119-53760-1
9. WILKINSON, Adrian et al. The Oxford Handbook of Management. Oxford University Press, 2017, 571 p. ISBN 978-01-9870-861-2.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Characteristics and basic background of management. Nature, meaning and tasks of management. The content of management, including the individual functions. Descriptive and normative theory. A systems approach to management. Managerial roles and skills. Managerial competencies. Manager profile. Manager education. 2. Main concepts of management. Historical foundations of management. Modern approaches to management: classical, behavioral, modern, empirical school of management, situational approach. Territorial differences in management development. Management in a global environment. New management concepts. Specific management methods and concepts. 3. Managerial decision-making. The essence and place of decision-making in management. Elements of the decision-making process. Characteristics and types of decision-making processes and decisions. Stages of the decision-making process. Ways of preparing and taking a decision. Decision-making methods. 4. Information and information system. The essence and meanings of the term information. The importance of information for the work of a manager. Lack and excess of information. Classification, aspects, types, sources of information. Information activities and information system. Division of information system, essence, and role. Requirements for an effective information system. 5. Strategy and its implementation. Differences and common features of strategy and tactics, classification, and types of strategies. The personality of a strategic manager. Horizontal and vertical structure of strategic management. Corporate, entrepreneurial, functional, and competitive strategy. Strategic management process. Formulation of goals and strategies. Implementation and evaluation of the strategy. 6. Planning. The essence, content, and reasons for planning. Integrated business planning system. Types of plans, including a business plan. Functional components of plans. Algorithm for creating business plans. Qualitative and quantitative planning methods and techniques. 7. Organizing as a function of management. Organizational differentiation and organizational integration of activities. The process of organizing. Creation of organizational structures. Mechanistic and organic types of organizational structures. Centralization and decentralization. Formality and informality of relationships. Tendencies of development of organizational structures. 8. Management control. Stages of the control process, classification of control. Traditional and modern techniques, methods, and procedures of control. Requirements for an effective control system. Relationship among control, monitoring and controlling. 9. Human resources management. Content, tasks, theoretical basis of human resources management. Human resources planning and provision. Personnel functions in the company. Evaluation of work performance. Remuneration of employees, benefits. Personnel marketing and personnel audit. Personnel development, education, and career management. Current trends in changes in human resource development, including workplace diversity. 10. The essence and content of the leadership function of people, leadership styles. Contrast between manager and leader. Authority and power and its resources. Approaches to effective people management. Coaching and mentoring. 11. Communication in management. Structure, types, forms, means, types of managerial communication. Verbal and nonverbal communication. Communication competencies and communication skills. Principles of effective managerial communication. Teamwork. 12. Employee motivation. The meaning and content of motivation, stimulation. Behavior of people in the organization, individual and group motivation. The process of motivation. Content and process theories of motivation. Integrative approach in motivation. Motivational programs. Basis of application and approaches used in current motivation programs. 13. Ethics in management. Social responsibility and sustainability. Internal and external social environment of the organization. Ethical standards and codes of ethics. Institutionalizing and improving the effectiveness of standards. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Introduction to management issues. Content and management background. The essence, meaning and tasks of management. Management functions. Manager and his profile. Managerial roles. Managerial competencies. 2. Origin, development, and main approaches in management. Analysis of classical and contemporary management concepts in the world. Management in a global environment. New concepts and methods of management. 3. Decision-making processes in management. Types of decision-making situations. Decision-making methods. 4. Information and information system. Nature and classification of information. Division of information systems and their use in managerial practice. 5. Strategic management. Classification and types of strategies. Business environment analysis, formulation, implementation and evaluation and control of strategies. 6. Planning. Goals, resources, activities in the company. Nature and types of plans. Time and object criterion of division of plans. Information for the needs of the plan. Control techniques, methods, and procedures. 7. The essence and content of the organization and organizational structure. Creating the organizational structure of the company. The essence and dimensions of the organizational structure. Divisional structures. Matrix structures. 8. Management control. Types of control. Control techniques, methods, and procedures. 9. Human resources management. Job analysis, recruitment activities, selection of employees. Personnel development, remuneration of employees. 10. Leading of people. Content, leadership styles. Transformational and transactional leadership style. Visionary and team leadership. Coaching and mentoring. 11. Communication. Interpersonal and managerial communication. Intra-company communication. Communication skills - active listening, assertiveness, empathy. Teamwork. 12. Motivation. Content of motivation and stimulation. Motivational tools. Behavior of people in the organization. Theories of motivation. 13. Ethics in management. Social responsibility and sustainability. Analysis of participants as part of corporate social responsibility. Reporting and measuring social responsibility.

Requirements to complete the course

• mid term evaluation, written assigment - 40% - condition 51%,
• final exam - 60% - condition 51%.
Student's workload (in hours):
The student's workload: 156 h. (participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 13 h, elaboration of a semester project 39 h, preparation for the exam 52 h)

Date of approval: 11.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 10.03.2025