Business Insights from UniCredit Bank
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 3
- Faculty of Business Management
Included in study programs
Teaching results
An expanded view of the field of financial analysis, sources of business financing, and banking services for business entities. Verification and extension of the theoretical knowledge acquired in the prerequisite courses on examples from business practice - case studies. Awareness of the functioning of a commercial bank, the services, products provided to corporate clients (businesses) and processes in Corporate Banking with a focus on financing businesses of different sizes and from different industries and mitigating financial risks.
- Identify the basic departments and processes of a universal commercial bank and their roles in financing corporate clients,
- propose the most common forms of corporate financing,
- perform a financial analysis of a company from publicly available information, understand the structure of reports, their narrative value,
- analyse, evaluate and mitigate the risks to the bank arising from a lending relationship with a corporate client,
- design the parameters of sound financing for the individual needs of the business,
- propose basic measures to prevent the bankruptcy of the firm.
- Define and economically interpret the financial results of a business,
- objectively assess the financial situation of an enterprise by categorizing financial results, tracking trends of development, identifying relationships between ratios,
- perceive facts in their interrelation, synthesize them and then predict the financial situation of the enterprise,
- quantify the need for enterprise financing,
- analyse the suitability of different forms of financing for the needs of the enterprise,
- analyse, assess and evaluate the riskiness of the financing of the enterprise and its projects.
Indicative content
1. The model of a commercial universal bank
2. Corporate Banking (Banking services for business entities)
3. Trade Finance
4. Standard Business Financing Options - Investment Financing
5. Standard corporate finance options - operating finance
6. Identifying, measuring and calculating bank risks in business financing
7. Financial analysis of the enterprise
8. Design of sound corporate financing
9. Enterprise in crisis
10. Specifics of real estate financing
11. Specifics of project financing
12. Factoring as a form of financing the needs of the enterprise
13. Leasing as a form of financing of business needs
Support literature
Basic literature
1. ZALAI, Karol a kol. Finančno-ekonomická analýza podniku. 9. vyd. Bratislava : Sprint 2, 2016. 487 s. ISBN 978-80-89710-22-5.
2. TÓTHOVÁ, Alena – NAGY, Ladislav – ŠKRINIAR, Pavel. Finančno-ekonomická analýza podniku. Praktikum/finančná analýza. Bratislava : Sprint 2, 2014. 255 s. ISBN 978-80-89710-01-0.
3. ŠLOSÁROVÁ, Anna – BLAHUŠIAKOVÁ, Miriama. Analýza účtovnej závierky. 2. vyd. Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer, 2020. 440 s. ISBN 978-80-571-0166-6.
4. KOVANICOVA, Dana – KOVANIC, Pavel. Poklady skryté v účetnictví. Díl I. Jak porozumět účetním výkazům. Praha : Polygon, 1995. 504 s. ISBN 80-901778-4-0.
5. KOVANICOVA, Dana – KOVANIC, Pavel. Poklady skryté v účetnictví. Díl II. Finanční analýza účetních výkazů. Praha : Polygon, 1999. 504 s. ISBN 80-85967-88-X.
6. FETISOVOVÁ, Elena - NAGY, Ladislav - VLACHYNSKÝ, Karol. Aktuálne trendy vo financiách malých a stredných podnikov. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2014. 261 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3990-6.
7. FETISOVOVÁ, Elena a kol. Aktuálne problémy financií malých a stredných podnikov. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2012. 258 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3366-9.
8. SOBEKOVÁ MAJKOVÁ, Monika. Ako financovať malé a stredné podniky. Bratislava : Iura Edition, 2011. 228 s. ISBN 978-80-8078-413-3.
9. SIVÁK, Rudolf a kol. Kapitálová štruktúra podnikateľských subjektov. Bratislava : Sprint 2, 2019. 399 s. ISBN 978-80-89710-23-2.
9. HYRÁNEK, Eduard – NAGY, Ladislav. Finančné plánovanie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm, 2015. 201 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4171-8.
10. HYRÁNEK, Eduard - JÁNOŠOVÁ, Veronika - VAVROVÁ, Katarína. Dlhové financovanie. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2012. 185 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3365-2.
11. UniCredit Bank. Interný predpis číslo 4300_GR_003 Ratingové pravidlá
12. UniCredit Bank. Interný predpis číslo 4300_GR_008 Všeobecné zásady poskytovania úverových obchodov
13. UniCredit Bank. Interný predpis číslo 4300_GR_011 Collateral Guideline
14. UniCredit Bank. Interný predpis číslo 4320_ER_018 Používanie kovenantov a dodatočných podmienok pre klientov firemného bankovníctva
15. UniCredit Bank. Interný predpis číslo 4320_ER_004 Monitoring úverového portfolia - Korporátne úvery
Additional literature:
1. UniCredit Bank. Interný predpis číslo 4330_ER_002 Podnikové úvery
2. HRDÝ, Milan – KRECHOVSKÁ, Michaela. Podnikové finance v teorii a praxi. Praha : Wolters Kluwer, 2013. 267 s. ISBN 978-80-7478-011-0.
3. SIVÁK, Rudolf – GERTLER, Ľubomíra – KOVÁČ, Urban – HOCMAN, František –HOFREITER. Miloš. Riziko vo financiách a v bankovníctve. 5. vydanie, prepracované, rozšírené a upravené. Bratislava: Sprint 2, 2018. 485 s. ISBN 978-80-89710-45-4.
1. The model of a commercial universal bank Organisational structure and service model of a commercial universal bank, a banking group UniCredit Group's position in the world. Position of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., on the Czech-Slovak market. Presentation of the individual departments of the bank combined with a tour of the Bratislava branch headquarters. 2. Corporate Banking (Banking services for business entities) Presentation of one of the strongest pillars of UniCredit Bank Czech Republik and Slovakia, a.s. - departments, processes and services provided by the bank to support companies in the performance of their business activities, taking into account the segmentation criteria of companies. The process of opening a business account. Options for the appreciation of free funds of the enterprise. A brief overview of the options for financing the needs of the business. 3. Trade Finance. Introduction of the Trade Finance Department of UniCredit Bank Czech Republik and Slovakia, a.s. What products, services this department provides. When it is appropriate for the enterprise to use the given banking products, their biggest advantages and disadvantages for the enterprise. Case study on the topic Bank guarantee. A case study on Letter of Credit. 4. Standard business financing options - investment financing Presentation of product options within UniCredit Bank Czech Republik and Slovakia, a.s. What are the standard parameters of real estate financing, technology financing, acquisition financing. Calculation of the debt credit capacity of the company. Case study on the topic - Design of parameters of sound (bank-approvable) financing of an investment project of a company. 5. Standard options for financing a company - operational financing Presentation of product options within UniCredit Bank Czech Republik and Slovakia, a.s. What are the parameters of financing the operational needs of a manufacturing company, a trading company, an agricultural enterprise. Calculation of the operational financing needs of the enterprise. Case study on the topic - Design of parameters of sound (bank-approved) financing of operational needs of the enterprise. 6. Identification, measurement and calculation of bank risks in financing enterprises Introduction of the Risk Management Division of UniCredit Bank Czech Republik and Slovakia, a.s. - its departments and main tasks. Explanation of the current practice of identifying, analysing and managing risks in the case of corporate clients. Presentation of the current rating model of the bank for corporate clients - different rating models, their application, their main pillars and the impact of rating on the terms of financing of the enterprise. 7. Financial analysis of the company A financial analysis of the financial statements disclosed within the financial statements, as a basis for further work by the banker, the so-called business view of the financial statements of the enterprise. What data does the banker use to analyse the creditworthiness of the business. Case study - financial analysis of a particular business from publicly available information. 8. Designing sound financing for a business Based on the financial analysis of the enterprise, develop a proposal for a sound financial structure, sound financing, applying the golden balance sheet rule. Case study - proposal of an appropriate form of financing for the development needs of the enterprise, including the conditions for its provision. 9. Enterprise in crisis Unhealthy financing can also result in the enterprise falling into crisis. What are the signs of a firm in crisis? What are the most common reasons for falling into crisis? How to manage the relationship with an enterprise in crisis? Is it possible to come out of a crisis "alive and well"? Case study - on a specific enterprise presentation of warning signs, signs of crisis, risk management by the bank and the result of this process. 10. Specifics of real estate financing Introduction of investor and developer business model. Financing of residential real estate, commercial real estate, business real estate. Cash flow fundamentals and the main risks of this type of business. Case study. 11. Specifics of project financing Introduction to financing new projects that are repaid from future cash flow - creation of a cash flow plan, its starting points, specific risks of such transactions. Case study. 12. Factoring as a form of financing the company's needs Presentation of the possibilities of financing the supply and customer chain of a company in the form of factoring. Specifics of recourse, non-recourse and reverse factoring. Case study - the impact of factoring on the financial health of the enterprise. 13. Leasing as a form of financing the company's needs Introduction of UniCredit Leasing Slovakia, a.s. - its departments, products, services and processes. When it is appropriate for a company to use the services of UniCredit Leasing. Advantages and disadvantages of leasing compared to bank financing. Case study - financing of agricultural equipment.
Requirements to complete the course
active participation in solving the tasks assigned in the individual case studies 30% - condition: 51%, final presentation 70% - condition: 51%
Student workload
104 h (participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation of final presentation 52 h)
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 07.08.2024
Date of the latest change: 10.07.2024