Entrepreneurial Skills Course


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge of the establishment and operation of own enterprise. Deepening knowledge in marketing, taxes, finance and legislation. Learning from the practical experience of lecturers.
• Orientation in the legislative environment of the Slovak Republic in the field of business. Acquisition of competence in the tax field.
• Competencies to prepare a marketing plan and conduct market research.
• Use creativity to start your own business.
• Setting up your own business.
• Preparation of the founding budget and cash flow plan to start a business and overcome the smooth phase of the business.
• Skills in business protocol and business etiquette.

Indicative content

1. Business skills
2. Preparation of the business plan
3. Specific legal skills
4. Financial skills
5. Founding budget and cash flow plan
6. Forms of business finance
7. Accounting skills
8. Business insurance skills
9. Marketing skills
10. Business protocol
11. Business etiquette
12. Communication skills
13. Presentation, discussion

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. MAJDÚCHOVÁ, Helena - NEUMANNOVÁ, Anna. Podnik a podnikanie. Bratislava : Sprint2, 2014. 214 s. ISBN 978-80-8971-004-1.
2. KOTLER, Philip - KELLER, Kevin L. 2017. Marketing management. 2017. ISBN 978-0-13-385646-0.
3. MAJTÁN, Štefan a kol.: Odbytová stratégia. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo Sprint2, 2013. 280 s. ISBN 978-80-89393-92-3.
4. MARCUS, Alfred A – HARGRAVE, Timothy J. Managing Business Ethics: Making Ethical Decisions. London : SAGE Publications, 2020. 448 s. ISBN 978-1-50638-859-5.
Supplementary literature:
1. MAJDÚCHOVÁ, Helena – RYBÁROVÁ, Daniela. Podnikové hospodárstvo pre manažérov. Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer, 2018. 272 s. ISBN 9788057100355.


1. Business skills 2. Preparation of the business plan 3. Specific legal skills 4. Financial skills 5. Founding budget and cash flow plan 6. Forms of business finance 7. Accounting skills 8. Business insurance skills 9. Marketing skills 10. Business protocol 11. Business etiquette 12. Communication skills 13. Presentation, discussion

Requirements to complete the course

40 % written assignments, 60 % combined test, presentation

Student workload

104 hours (participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 14 h, preparation for interim evaluation and case studies 32 h, preparation for exam 32 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 23.05.2022