Attributes of entrepreneurship in foreign practice


Included in study programs

Teaching results

- Acquire a basic knowledge of doing business abroad within the European Union, focusing on the economic characteristics of the EU in general and on individual policies
- acquisition of specific information on business conditions in EU member countries and the possibilities of developing activities for Slovak enterprises
- To effectively use essential information about doing business abroad and the business environment in the European Union in practice,
- critically evaluate current opportunities and aspects of doing business in EU member states, EU external relations, general development policy of EU member states
- characterise the nature and evaluate the economy of EU Member States, general taxation and social policy, consumer protection, financing and the implications of policy differentiation in the EU, common policies in the EU and their impact on specific businesses.
- Analyse the appropriateness of operating a business in an international environment
- ability to assess business and cooperation opportunities for Slovak businesses with different EU countries and identify different aspects and specificities in cooperation with foreign countries
- knowledge of business opportunities for our companies abroad and for foreign entities in our country
- assessment of economic policies (tax and social) of EU member states, consequences of policy differentiation in the EU on our business entities

Indicative content

1. A specific country and its determining realities as a member of the European/world economy
2. A specific country and its most important common policies of the EU/other groupings
3. Selected (relevant) country-specific economic policies
4. Country-specific business support
5. Consumer protection and food security
6. Country-specific tax policy
7. Country-specific social policy
8. Environment and environmental protection
9. Country specific in relation to the EU budget and EU/other groupings funding
10. A specific country and its foreign and security policy, with an emphasis on the economy and financing
11. Country-specific education, especially in the field of economics and management
12. Corporate social responsibility/sustainable business development in a specific country
13. Final student presentations

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. BICCHI, Federica – BREMBERG, Niklas. 2019. European Diplomacy in Practice. Routledge 2019. ISBN 978-0-36789-245-6.
2. AUST, H. Philipp – KLEINLEIN, Thomas 2021. Encounters between Foreign Relations Law and International Law: Bridges and Boundaries. Cambridge University Press ISBN ‏978-1-10883-774-3.
3. BAIASU, Sorin – LORIAUX, Sylvie 2021. Sincerity in Politics and International Relations. Routledge 2021. ISBN 978-1-03209-695-7.
4. BALÁŽ, Peter. 2020. Medzinárodné podnikanie. Bratislava: Sprint dva, 2020. ISBN 978-80-89710-51-5.
5. KLEINER, Jurgen. 2009. Diplomatic Practice: Between Tradition And Innovation World. Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, 2009. ISBN 978-9-81427-124-0.
Supplementary literature:
6. LIPKOVÁ, Ľudmila a kol. 2011. Európska únia. Bratislava: Sprint dva, 2011. ISBN 978-80-89393-33-6.
7. KAREN A. Mingst and col. 2018. Essentials of International Relations. WW Norton & Co. ISBN 978-0-39367-519-1.
8. 151/2010 Z. z. o zahraničnej službe a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov
11. Európska komisia. 2014. Podnikanie. Politiky EÚ. Nová priemyselná revolúcia. Luxemburg Úrad pre vydávanie publikácií. 2014. 16 s. ISBN 978-92-79-42061-1

Requirements to complete the course

40 % preparation and active participation in seminars, 40 % semester written work, 20 % presentation of semester work

Student workload

52 h (attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation of term paper and preparation for presentation 52 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 23.05.2022