Practical internship II. (in English)
- Ending: Examination
- Range: 2C
- Semester: summer
- Faculty of Business Management
Included in study programs
Teaching results
- Verification of knowledge from the master's study and addition of new knowledge, resulting from the conditions and needs of economic practice.
- Identification and application of knowledge in solving specific problems and work tasks;
- linking the acquired knowledge to the specific assignment of the final (master's) thesis.
- The ability to define a work problem or work task;
- ability to propose a possible solution, explain the procedure and the reasons (arguments);
- ability to integrate into the work of a team (ability to perform work tasks).
Indicative content
After an initial meeting with the thesis supervisor to agree on the specific course and expected results of the practical placement, the student goes to the company from which he/she has been accepted for the practical placement. On the spot, he/she will familiarise himself/herself with the working conditions, internal regulations and discuss with the consultant (representative of the enterprise) the scope of the work tasks, the nature of the work, the organisational structure of the enterprise as well as other facts necessary for the performance of the traineeship. Throughout the traineeship, the trainee is in contact with the supervisor of the thesis, which enables any problems to be solved on an ongoing basis. At the end of the placement, the student will produce a report which will then be discussed (during the final assessment interview) with the thesis supervisor and the consultant from the company.
After an initial meeting with the thesis supervisor to agree on the specific course and expected results of the practical placement, the student goes to the company from which he/she has been accepted for the practical placement. On the spot, he/she will familiarise himself/herself with the working conditions, internal regulations and discuss with the consultant (representative of the enterprise) the scope of the work tasks, the nature of the work, the organisational structure of the enterprise as well as other facts necessary for the performance of the traineeship. Throughout the traineeship, the trainee is in contact with the supervisor of the thesis, which enables any problems to be solved on an ongoing basis. At the end of the placement, the student will produce a report which will then be discussed (during the final assessment interview) with the thesis supervisor and the consultant from the company.
Requirements to complete the course
Certificate of completion of the practical placement in the company; Preparation of the Report from the practical placement; Final evaluation interview
Student workload
78 h (participation in the internship in the company - 70 h, processing of the final report - 6 h, final interview 2 h)
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Slovak, English
Date of approval: 18.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 14.03.2024