Process Management
- Credits: 3
- Ending: S
- Range: 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Business Management
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• Nowadays, it is essential to understand modern approaches of process management of enterprises. The course provides an explanation of the principles of process management, techniques and methods used in process management, as well as mastering the basics of process analysis.
• effectively use essential information about the enterprise as a business entity, its basic features, objectives, forms of associations and legal forms of business in practice,
• critically evaluate the course and specifics of the corporate transformation process,
• characterize the essence and evaluate the use of enterprise production factors with an impact on the enterprise's value processes,
• propose solutions and defend conclusions or recommendations to increase the efficiency of corporate activities.
• interpret the specifics of business entities, critically evaluate the possibilities of choosing the legal form of business,
• analyse the stages of the life cycle of a business,
• perform basic business analyses in the field of human resources, business assets, costs,
• perform basic business analysis in the area of corporate activities,
• perform basic business analyses in the area of value processes.
Indicative content
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Introduction
2. The evolution of process management
3. Content and essence of process management
4. Business Process Identification
5. Business processes can be divided in several ways
6. The result of the analysis of business processes
7. Process analysis
8. Process simulation
9. Process performance management
10. Process implementation
11. Information system
12. Interim assessment - written test.
13. Summary
Support literature
Basic literature:
1. DŽUBÁKOVÁ, Martina - LICHNEROVÁ, Linda. Procesný manažment. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2012. , ISBN 978-80-225-33799.
2. ROBSON, Mike - ULAH, Philip. Praktická příručka podnikového reengineeringu. Praha: Management Press, 1998. 178 s. ISBN 80-85943-64-6.
3. ŘEPA, Václav. Podnikové procesy: Procesní řízení a modelování. 2. vydání. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2007. 281 s. ISBN 978-80-247-2252-8.
4. ŠMÍDA, Filip. Zavádění a rozvoj procesního řízení ve firmě. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2007. 293 s. ISBN 978-80-247-1679-4.
5. ZÁVADSKÝ, Ján. Procesný manažment v praxi manažéra. Banská Bystrica : EF UMB, 2004. 237 s. ISBN 80-8083-010-X.
Supplementary literature:
1. HAMMER, Michael - CHAMPY, James. Reengineering – radikální proměna firmy. Manifest revoluce v podnikání. 3. vydání. Praha : Management Press, 2000, 212 s. ISBN 80-7261-028-7.
2. KAPLAN, Robert S. - NORTON, David P. Balanced Scorecard: strategický systém měření výkonnosti podniku. 4. vyd. Praha : Management Press, 2005. 267 s. ISBN 80-7261-124-0.
3. SLAMKOVÁ, Eva a kol. Priemyslové inžinierstvo. Žilina : Žilinská univerzita, 1997. 198 s. ISBN 80-7100-373-5.
4. SMITH, Howard S. - FINGAR, Peter. 2003. Business Process Management: The Third Wave. Tampa : Meghan-Kiffer Press, 2003. 311 pp. ISBN 9780929652337.
5. ZÁVADSKÝ, Ján. Procesný manažment v praxi. Trnava : SP Synergia, 2004. ISBN 80-968734-8-2.
Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Introduction: the essence and characteristics of process management. In the introductory session, students will be introduced to the course content, topics for term papers and assignments, as well as the criteria for continuous assessment of their work during the semester. 2. The evolution of process management: the first wave referred to as scientific management, the second wave referred to as reengineering, the third wave of business process management. Familiarity with new trends in process management. 3. Content and essence of process management. The difference between functional and process management: The content of process management is the identification, measurement and improvement of processes. Each item of process management content contains 4 basic managerial functions. It is planning, organizing, leading and controlling. 4. Business Process Identification: A process is a system of activities that uses resources to transform inputs into outputs. The result of a process is a product - hardware, software, service or processed materials. A process can be characterized as one-time, recurring or periodic. 5. Business processes can be divided in several ways (according to Hammer, Porter, ISO standards, etc.). 6. The result of the analysis of business processes. A process map can be called a view of a company's processes from the abstract to the detailed level. With the help of a process map we can observe processes from different perspectives. The aim of a process map is to increase the clarity of processes and to better navigate through them. 7. Process analysis. It is part of the manager's daily activities. Through process analysis, we identify, analyze and define the processes that are necessary for the achievement of the company's objectives and planned outputs. 8. Process simulation: simulation is experimenting with a computer model of a real process in order to optimize it. Simulation is a support tool that helps the designer to test the effects of his decisions on a simulation model in a test environment without having to intervene in the real process. For process simulation, software tools that allow modelling and simulation of processes such as Bizagi, ARIS and others are used in practice. 9. Process performance management: measurement and evaluation of process performance includes activities that are intended to provide objective and accurate information about the progress of individual processes so that these processes can be continuously managed by their owners in order to meet all the requirements that are placed on the processes. 10. Process implementation: explanation of the steps involved in process implementation. 11. Information system. Clarification of the models implemented through ARIS: The programs of the ARIS group allow the use of different types of models, from which anyone can choose the one that best suits the requirements of a particular person, adapted to the purpose of the model used in the company. 12. Interim assessment - written test. 13. Summary: Development and content of process management. Content of process management - classification and analysis of processes. Tools and methods of process analysis. Process optimization. Process performance and efficiency. Implementation of process management. Process monitoring, measurement and improvement.
Requirements to complete the course
30 % continuous written work, 70 % written examination
Student workload
78 h (attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 13 h, preparation for credit paper 13 h, preparation for examination 26 h)
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 12.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 26.07.2023