Management of Technological Systems
- Credits: 4
- Ending: S
- Range: 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Business Management
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• Comprehensive overview of basic concepts and relationships of technology and technological system, inputs and outputs of technological system, basic tasks of technological systems management, focus activities, approach of modern technological strategies, definition of basic directions for introduction of low waste technologies and integrated complex technological systems, technological diagnostics of the company for formulation technological strategy and subsequent formulation of technological strategy in the company. Getting acquainted with foresight and its ability to provide systematic support based on the identification of the strategic orientation of the company - technology foresight.
• effectively use essential information on technology management in the company, define the essence of the technological system as a subject of managerial activity in the company and in business and as an important source of its economic prosperity,
• evaluate the course and specifics of technological diagnostics of the company,
• characterize the essence and evaluate the use of technological foresight,
• to propose solutions and recommendations to increase the efficiency of the technological level of the company.
• interpret the specifics of technological diagnostics,
• develop and use technological foresight,
• identify the strategic orientation of the company using foresight,
• propose potential scenarios for further technological development of the company.
Indicative content
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Technology, technological system. Basic concepts, starting points and relationships in MTS
2. Technological system as the basis of the transformation process of production. Inputs and outputs of the technological system
3. Low-waste technological systems, innovation in the technological system in the conditions of circular economy
4. The relationship of technology strategy to business strategy
5. Management of technological systems in the company
6. Technological diagnostics of the company
7. Strategic planning - Technological foresight
8. Technology foresight
9. Formulation of the company's technological strategy (SWOT, benchmarking correction)
10. STEEPVL analysis of selected technology resp. enterprise
11. Innovation Futures Wheel - scenarios of future development
12. Compatibility of the technological strategy with the corporate one and determination of innovative possibilities - innovative intention of the chosen technology
13. Vertical and horizontal technology transfer
Support literature
Basic literature:
1. SVATÝ, Fedor - JEMALA, Marek. Manažment technologických systémov. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2009. 248 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2833-7.
2. SVATÝ, Fedor. Manažment technologických systémov. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2004. 263 s. ISBN 80-225-1802-6.
3. SVATÝ, Fedor - ZÁHORÁK, Pavol. Manažment technologických systémov. Formulácia technologickej stratégie. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 1996. 241 s. ISBN 80-225-0808-X.
4. ZÁVADSKÁ, Zuzana - ZÁVADSKÝ, Ján. Industry 4.0 a inteligentné technológie v rozvoji manažmentu výroby podniku. Bratislava : Belianum 2019. 158 s. ISBN 978-80-557-1732-6.
5. HIDEG, Éva – KONONIUK, Anna – SACIO-SZYMAŃSKA, Anna – TOMMEI, Stefano – TYUKODI, Gergely. Foresight v podnikovom sektore. Random : Publishing House of the Institute for Sustainable Technologies - National Research Institute in Radom, 2017. 23 s. ISBN 978-83-7789-455-2.
Supplementary literature:
1. SACIO-SZYMAŃSKA, Anna – KONONIUK, Anna – TOMMEI, Stefano et al. Possible development scenarios of V4 economies and individual companies. Corporate foresight potential in Visegrad (V4) countries. Radom : Institute for Sustainable Technologies - National Research Institute in Radom, 2016, pp. 95-112. ISBN 978-83-7789-449-1.
2. MARKOVIČ, Peter – GUBOVÁ, Klaudia – BOOROVÁ, Brigita. Status quo of foresight in Slovakia. Corporate foresight potential in Visegrad (V4) countries. Radom : Institute for Sustainable Technologies - National Research Institute in Radom, 2016, pp. 64-75. ISBN 978-83-7789-449-1.
3. HILTUNEN, Elina. Foresight and Innovation. Howcompanies are Coping with the Future. New York : Palgrave Macmillan. 2013. 254 p. ISBN 978-1-137-33769-6.
4. ARNOLD, Heinrich - ERNER, Michael - MŐCKEL, Peter - SCHLÄFFER, Christopher. Applied Technology and Innovation Management. Springer Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York 2010. 218 pp. ISBN 978-3-540-88826-0.
5. THAMHAIN, J. Hans. Management of Technology: Managing Effectively in Technology-Intensive Organizations. 2nd Edition. New York : Wiley. 2008. 400 p. ISBN 978-0471415510.
Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Technology, technological system. Basic concepts, starting points and relationships in MTS Definition of basic concepts of technology, technological system and basic relations in the management of technological systems. Defining technological-economic units in order to describe the situation of the technological process at a given time. The content of the issue is the division of technological activities and their basic difference. Description of the technological system and the complex technological process. Definition of the types of incoming elements and their fundamental possible changes resp. transformation in the technological system. 2. Technological system as the basis of the transformation process of production. Inputs and outputs of the technological system Modern production activity as an indivisible unity of technology, technology and management. This is the ultimate goal of production and products, which aims to satisfy the needs of users. Approximation of the concept of production, the aim of which is to transform the input elements into the performance of the desired product. Factors entering the transformation process of production, which we divide into corporate production factors - dispositive, elementary and additional. Main used properties of raw materials and materials. Main used properties of raw materials and promising materials. 3. Low-waste technological systems, innovation in the technological system in the conditions of circular economy Part of the efficient use of raw materials and materials together with the ecological requirements of production is the consistent handling and processing of waste as secondary raw materials. The generation of waste is characteristic of most production processes, in which, in addition to finished products, by-products are also generated, such as failures, waste. This results in the definition of starting directions for the introduction of low-waste technologies and integrated complex technological systems. 4. The relationship of technology strategy to business strategy The primary condition for choosing a new technology, resp. technological strategy is compatibility with the strategic intentions of the company. It also includes the creation of a program of strategic and operational goals in business management. The definition of the functional effect of a category of objectives must be consistent with their substance. 5. Management of technological systems in the company Situation of developed industry requiring technology management, Focus activities of technology management, Signs of technologically dynamic space, Strategic character of new technologies, Characteristics of content, conditions and starting points of formulation of technological strategy of company, Key principles of strategic technology management, Relation of technological strategy to corporate, business economics, Strategic and operational procedures in the management of technological systems, Program of strategic and operational goals in the management of the company. 6. Technological diagnostics of the company Elaboration and evaluation of technological diagnostics - with regard to other strategic intentions of the company, which are formulated in the principles of technological strategy. Definition of the basic 3 steps of TDP as Step 1: technological level, step 2: need and resources of science, research and development, step 3: state of production technology of the company. Performance measures in relation to the current technological strategy. Technological characteristics of phases. Classification of strategic-competitive position of the company. 7. Strategic planning - Technological foresight Within the methodology of using foresight, the future orientation is estimated by identifying and systematically analyzing the future state of opportunities and threats, taking into account social, technological, economic, environmental and political factors as well as the system values of the company. 8. Technology foresight Foresight, forecasting and strategic planning, Key principles, goals and functions of foresight, forecasts. Foresight, Use of foresight and possible procedural shortcomings, Who can use foresight, Main types of foresight, by the most used methods. 9. Formulation of the company's technological strategy (SWOT, benchmarking correction) Problems in formulating technological strategy of a company, Clusters, Position of technological strategy in company strategy, Conditions of effect of investments in R&D on successful impact in production, Methodology of formulation of technological strategy, Methodical tools used in formulation of technological strategy. 10. STEEPVL analysis of selected technology resp. enterprise Application of STEEPVL analysis of selected technology. Determination of social factors, technological factors, economic factors, ecological factors, political factors, values and legal factors influencing the selected technology. Interpretation and determination of the mutual influences of the mentioned factors on the main subject of research. 11. Innovation Futures Wheel - scenarios of future development Use the Innovation Future Wheel to organize thoughts about future developments or trends. It can be used to collect structured and reduce possible impacts. The use of interconnecting lines makes it possible to visualize the interrelationships between causes and subsequent changes. Group brainstorming can be used to collect more development options in the future. Subsequently, using the scenario method, create 4 scenarios of the development of the investigated parameter by the influence of two basic factors influencing its development. 12. Compatibility of the technological strategy with the corporate one and determination of innovative possibilities - innovative intention of the chosen technology The relationship of technological strategy to business, the dynamizing role of technological strategy in business economics, technological strategy, technology as a strategically dynamizing element. Based on the findings of the benchmarking correction, propose innovative options and an innovative plan for the selected technology. Interpretation of proposals that are in line with the scenarios of the development of the examined parameter, taking into account the influence of the main factors of STEEPVL. 13. Vertical and horizontal technology transfer The process from scientific invention to industrial implementation, Technology transfer The process of transferring technical solutions, knowledge and experience from the field of their creation to practical use or from one application area to another. Directions and processes of technology transfer, Process of technology transfer, Technology transfer: the process of transfer of technological innovations in several directions, not only between R&D and the business sphere, but also within individual industries, resp. between different sectors, Key issues in technology transfer, Main advantages and disadvantages of technology transfer.
Requirements to complete the course
30% continuous written work, 70% combined exam
Student workload
104 h (participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation for credit paper 26 h, preparation for exam 26 h)
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 12.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 26.07.2023