- Credits: 4
- Ending: Examination
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• A comprehensive look at the nature and creation of the supply chain, its management, active and passive elements, their role and importance in the supply chain, outsourcing in supply chain management, reasons, advantages versus disadvantages, material management, and warehousing in the supply chain, transport in the supply chain, information flows and technologies in the supply chain, green and reverse logistics, integrated supply chain.
• effectively use essential information about the supply chain, its management, its objectives and tasks in B2B and B2C,
• critically evaluate the specifics of logistics activities and processes with an emphasis on the supply chain,
• characterize the nature and evaluate the use of active and passive elements in the supply chain,
• propose solutions and justify conclusions or recommendations regarding the optimization of the supply chain.
• interpret the specifics and impact of logistics processes and activities within the supply chain, critically evaluate the possibilities of optimizing the supply chain,
• analyze the methods and tools of the supply chain of a business entity,
• perform basic analyses of logistics processes within an integrated supply chain,
• perform basic analyses of the supply chain of a business entity.
Indicative content
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. The position and role of logistics in supply chain management
2. The essence of the supply chain in the enterprise
3. Supply chain formation
4. Supply chain management
5. Outsourcing in supply chain management
6. Materials management and warehousing in supply chains
7. Transport in supply chains
8. Information flows and technology in supply chains
9. Green supply chain
10. Reverse supply chain
11. Integrated supply chain management
12. Presentation of the experience of the representative of the economic practice I.
13. Presentation of the experience of the representative of the economic practice II.
Support literature
Basic literature:
1. DUPAĽ, Andrej. Logistika. Bratislava : Sprint 2, 2018. 287 s. ISBN 978-80-89-710-44-7.
2. RATHOUSKÝ, Bedřich – JIRSÁK, Petr – STANĚK, Martin. Strategie a zdroje SCM. Praha : C. H. Beck, 2017. 272 s. ISBN 9788074006395.
3. CHRISTOPHER, Martin. Logistics & Supply Chain Management. 5th edition. Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2016. 495 pp. ISBN 978-1-292-08379-7.
4. MANGAN, John – LALWANI, Chandra – BUTCHER, Tim. Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Chippenham, Wiltshire : Antony Rowe Ltd, 2008. 372 pp. ISBN 978-0-470-06634-8.
5. PERNICA, Petr. Logistika (Supply Chain Management) pro 21. století. 1. - 3 díl. Praha : Radix, 2005. 1698 s. ISBN 80-86031-59-4.
Supplementary literature:
1. DUPAĽ, Andrej et al. Manažment výroby. Bratislava : Sprint 2, 2019. 365 s. ISBN 978-80-89710-50-8.
2. DUPAĽ, Andrej - MAREČKOVÁ, Zuzana. Vplyv zelenej a reverznej logistiky na tvorbu a ochranu životného prostredia. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2011. 119 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3193-1.
3. SIXTA, Josef – MAČÁT, Václav. Logistika teorie a praxe. Brno : CP Books, 2005. 315 s. ISBN 80-251-0573-3.
4. DUPAĽ, Andrej – BREZINA, Ivan. Logistika v manažmente podniku. Bratislava : Sprint vfra, 2006. 326 s. ISBN 80-89085-38-5.
5. MYERSON, Paul. Lean Supply Chain and Logistics Management. Ebook USA: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2012. 334 pp. ISBN 978-0071766265.
6. MYERSON Paul, A. Supply Chain and Logistics Management Made Easy: Methods and Aplications for Planning, Operations, Integration, Control and Improvement, and Network Design. Old Tappan : Pearson Education, Inc. 2015. 353 pp. ISBN 978-0-13-399334-9.
7. BOWERSOX, Donald, J. Supply Chain Logistics Management. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2012. 544 pp. ISBN 9780071326216.
8. VAN WEELE, Arjan J. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. London : Cengage Learning EMEA, 2014. 250 pp. ISBN 9781408088463.
9. RICHARDS, Gwynne – GRINSTED, Susan. The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit. 2nd edition. London : Kogan Page, 2016. 400 pp. ISBN 9780749475574.
10. AKKÜÇÜK, Ulas. Ethical and Sustainable Supply Chain Management in a Global Context. Hershey : IGI Global, 2019. 350 p. ISBN 9781522589709.
Thematic definition of exercises: 1. The position and role of logistics in supply chain management The essence and role of logistics in the supply chain management of a company and its definition on the basis of case studies. The importance and necessity of logistics in enterprise supply chains in practice, the strategic advantage of applying optimal logistical activities in integrated supply chains. Identification and definition of project phases and, on the basis of the above steps, the elaboration of practical projects on specified topics in supply chain management. 2. The essence of the supply chain in the enterprise Definition and essence of the supply chain in the enterprise. The supply chain represents the application of logistics to the management of business processes. It integrates the processes ensuring the movement of materials, semi-finished goods, products, and services from the acquisition of raw materials to final consumption. Supply chain concept. Tangible and intangible aspects of the supply chain. Definition of active and passive elements in the supply chain. 3. Supply chain formation Supply chain formation and its links. Types of supply chains (SCH). Basic principles and infrastructure of SCH. Flexibility is the most strategically important required characteristic of supply chains. To achieve high flexibility, it is necessary to remove redundant links and operations from the chain and then align the activities of all active elements with passive ones. Classification and conceptualization of the context regarding the nature and formation of the supply chain, on the main object of investigation. 4. Supply chain management Assumptions, components, links of logistics management that make up an effective logistics system. Basic factors that have a direct impact on supply chain management. The importance of information flows and their relation to supply chain management. Presentation of the links and practical explanation of the components and links of logistics management in the form of project work. 5. Outsourcing in supply chain management Part of SCH is the need to outsource logistics activities. Clarification of the main reasons for outsourcing logistics activities, advantages, disadvantages and benefits of its implementation. The most commonly allocated logistics activities within SCH. Logistics centers - logistics service providers within SCH. Main functions of logistics centers and their services. Characteristics of logistics outsourcing levels 1PL - 5PL, LLP - Lead Logistics Provider. 6. Materials management and warehousing in supply chains Characteristics and content of the material flow. Material flow objective in SCH. Warehouse functions. Essence, logistics operations, procurement, purchasing, supply, warehousing processes in the supply chain. Types of warehouses in SCH. The technology used in warehousing in SCH. Methods of warehousing in SCH. Classification of warehouses and conceptualization of the context regarding the nature and formation of material management and warehousing in the supply chain of an enterprise. 7. Transport in supply chains Transport is of great importance and is the most important component in the logistics system. Topics include the functions of transport, modes of transport, their advantages disadvantages, transportation, alternative fuels and infrastructure, new trends and innovations in the transport of logistics chains in the context of Industry 4.0. Combined transport terminals, combined, multimodal and intermodal transport, intermodal transport unit. 8. Information flows and technology in supply chains Information is a decisive and key factor towards integrated logistics management. IT connects suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and customers through an appropriate information system in order to achieve optimal productivity, overall satisfaction and good relations at the lowest possible cost. Information in the enterprise is a valuable commodity in logistics systems, enabling the location, size and other characteristics of deliveries to be determined. Definition of LIS. The role of IT in SCH. The technology used in SCH in the context of Industry 4.0. 9. Green supply chain We will focus on input of supply chain management and strategies that reduce the negative energy footprint of logistics operations on the environment. On the creation, goals, objectives, challenges, opportunities, requirements of green supply chains. On the emergence of the so called "green consumer", not only the end customer but also industrial customers within B2B. Main standards: reducing externalities of freight transport, urban logistics, reverse logistics, corporate environmental strategies towards logistics and green supply chain. 10. Reverse supply chain The topic deals with the provision of reverse material, financial and information flow from the consumer, through the supplier back to the manufacturer across the supply chain, in the form of claims for defective or unwanted or unconsumed goods, defective products (e.g. recall of defective products from the market by batch - food, medicines, etc.), as well as the return of returnable transport packaging (crates, pallets, etc.). Emphasis is placed on the recycling of the municipal and industrial waste in order to meet the environmental requirements of the legislation, recycling of materials, defective goods and non-renewable sources of raw materials. 11. Integrated supply chain management Characteristics of the internal and external, horizontal and vertical dimensions of integrated SCH. In the linking of purchasing and supply processes with production and sales inside the enterprise (internal integration). The link between the company (final producer) and its suppliers and the distribution and trading links, up to the end customers of the SCH, extending also to the return flows of advertised or unsold goods and the flows of packaging and waste for recycling or disposal (external integration). Synthesis and summary of the results of the solved projects on selected topics in supply chain management. Definition of basic attributes, factors influencing supply chain management. Definition and identification of key benefits in the optimization of corporate or integrated supply chains.
Requirements to complete the course
30 % semester project and its presentation, 70 % written exam
Student workload
104 h (attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars, preparation of semester project and presentation 26 h, preparation for exam 52 h)
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 12.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 26.07.2023