
Included in study programs

Teaching results

• students learn the basic theoretical knowledge in the field of quality management. As future employees of companies, they will become familiar with a comprehensive view of quality management, including the procedures for its provision, which they will use in their future professional activities
• to effectively use essential information about quality management, its historical development, personalities, basic and new tools, process approach, quality management concepts, quality management system, implementation and certification of quality management,
• to critically explain quality assurance procedures,
• to characterise the essence and evaluate the use of comprehensive quality management,
• to propose changes in business entities towards the application of quality management methods.
• to be able to interpret important terms and concepts related to quality management, critically evaluate an overview of quality development factors,
• to analyse basic and new quality management tools and techniques,
• to analyse quality management concepts,
• to analyse the quality management system,
• to analyse the implementation and certification of quality management.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. History, development and background of quality management
2. Comparison of quality management in the world
3. Basic methods and tools of quality management
4. New quality management methods and tools
5. Quality management improvement tools
6. Trademarks and their role in quality management
7. Process approach in quality management
8. International standardisation and ISO standards
9. Metrology in quality management
10. Total Quality Management (TQM)
11. Quality management system
12. Certification in quality management
13. Consumer protection position against poor quality
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Quality management in the 21st century
2. Personalities in quality management
3. Changes in quality management
4. Quality management concepts
5. Normative assurance of quality management systems
6. Structure of ISO standards
7. Metrology, conformity assessment in the quality system
8. Quality assurance in the sense of TQM
9. Total quality management models
10. Economic aspects of quality management
11. Quality management system integration
12. Trends and direction of quality management
13. Quality Management and Industry 4.0

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. LEŠČIŠIN, Michal. Manažment kvality. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2011. 262 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3290-7.
2. DŽUBÁKOVÁ, Martina. Manažment kvality: príručka pre interný audit systému manažérstva kvality. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2016, 106 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4243-2.
3. DŽUBÁKOVÁ, Martina - KAPUSTA, Ján - LICHNEROVÁ, Linda. Manažment kvality : vybrané metódy zlepšovania kvality. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2011. 140 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3198-6.
4. PAULOVÁ, Iveta. Komplexné manažérstvo kvality. 3. dopln. vyd. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer, 2018. 160 s. ISBN 978-80-8168-834-8.
5. NENADÁL, Jaroslav. Management kvality pro 21. století. Praha: Management Press, 2018. ISBN 978-80-7261-1561-2.
6. NENADÁL, Jaroslav. a kol. Moderní management jakosti: principy, postupy, metody. 1. vyd. Praha: Management Press, 2008. 377 s. ISBN 978-80-7261-186-7.
Supplementary literature:
1. LUDVÍK, Filip. Efektivní řízení kvality. Praha: Pointa, 2019. 238 s. ISBN 978-80-907530-5-1.
2. NENADÁL, Jaroslav. Systémy managementu kvality: co, proč a jak měřit?. Praha: Management Press, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7261-426-4.
3. MATEIDES, Alexander. Manažérstvo kvality : história, koncepty, metódy. Bratislava : EPOS, 2006. 751 s. ISBN 80-8057-656-4.
4. DONEY, Jeffry A. Total Quality Management (TQM): Concepts, Implementation and Applications. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2019. 111 p. ISBN 978-1-53615-601-0.
5. SUNIL Sharma. Total Quality Management: Concepts, Strategy and Implementation for Operational Excellence. New Dehli: SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2018. 478 p. ISBN 978-9351502814.
6. DALE, B G - BAMFORD, David R, VAN, Anthony. Managing Quality : An Essential Guide and Resource Gateway. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley. 2016. 352 p. ISBN 978-1-119-13092-5.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. History, development and background of quality management Individual organisations differ from each other in the way their processes are managed. This has an impact on the overall effectiveness of each organisation. In order to maintain an organisation's competitiveness, it is important to address quality issues and implement quality management, which should be a natural part of any organisation's management. 2. Comparison of quality management in the world There are differences between American and Japanese quality management. These main directions of development are linked to important events in quality management, as they laid the foundations for several methods and tools that are still implemented in companies today. The aim of this issue is a clear comparison of quality management with regard to the division according to the main directions of development in the world. 3. Basic methods and tools of quality management Quality management must ensure that individual activities are carried out objectively and that its principles are effective and efficient. This is achieved through the application of methods and tools in quality management. Seven basic tools are an essential part of the methods and tools in quality management: flow chart, cause and effect diagram, histogram, scoring chart, information gathering table, pareto diagram, control chart. 4. New quality management methods and tools The development of quality management has given rise to new quality management methods and tools. The new quality management methods and tools (affinity diagram, correlation diagram, systematic (tree) diagram, matrix diagram, matrix data analysis, PDPC diagram, network diagram) do not replace the seven basic methods and tools, but help comprehensive quality management to improve quality planning. 5. Quality management improvement tools An essential and natural part of quality management is its improvement through appropriate product and process quality improvement tools. The quality management improvement tools include Lean management, Lean production, Six Sigma, Poka - Yoke, PDCA cycle, 5 Whys, 8D, FMEA, QFD, Reengineering. 6. Trademarks and their role in quality management Trademarks belong to the group of industrial rights that are not only linked to the results of an individual's intellectual activity, but are rights linked to the use of the results of creative activity in the corporate environment, as they have potential property value and add value to the company. In contemporary business, it is important to note that the initial information about the quality of a product is already given in its trademark. 7. Process approach in quality management The process approach in the management of any organization is based on the principle of management and interaction of all processes in the organization in order to meet the set objectives. Each process must be planned, implemented, controlled and improved. The quality management system and its approach includes the area of processes, the importance of which is constantly growing due to the constant changes that lead to continuous process improvement. 8. International standardisation and ISO standards International standardisation is the provision, determination and regulation of the most appropriate solutions for repetitive tasks in terms of safety, quality and economy. In international standardisation, international and national organisations in the field of standardisation - International Organisation for Standardisation, International Electrotechnical Commission, European Committee for Standardisation, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, Slovak Standards Institute - have an indispensable place. 9. Metrology in quality management Metrology activities, calibration, testing and measurement enable the creation of products, services and at the same time provide confidence in products and processes in everyday life and business relationships. The functioning of markets requires buyers and sellers to be mutually convinced of the reliability of trading partners. One way to do this is through the implementation of technical standards/norms in conformity assessment and verification/certification/testing to demonstrate compliance. 10. Total Quality Management (TQM) Total quality management is a systematic approach to management in an organization. Its main benefit is to continuously increase the value to the customer. Total quality management is a system that consists of organizational, administrative and technical procedures and methods. 11. Quality management system The quality management system is a comprehensive set of standards, regulations and standardised procedures intended to manage and organise all production and support processes in an organisation in such a way as to result in consistently and repeatedly high quality of all products and services. 12. Certification in quality management Certification is an activity of a body independent of the manufacturer and the consumer, the purpose of which is to objectively assess whether the product, but in particular the entire quality system, meets and complies with the specified requirements. Certification differs from the traditional testing function in that it does not only assess the quality of the final product (product, service), but also the overall level of all the production conditions in which the quality is produced. 13. Consumer protection position against poor quality Quality development is preferably directed towards meeting customer needs. Protecting them from poor quality is the culmination of consumer care. Protecting consumers from poor quality is an essential part of modern quality management. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Quality management in the 21st century Quality management in the 21st century is influenced by the intensifying competitive environment, the disappearance of natural monopolies, the digitalisation of society, the rational use of natural resources, more demanding requirements of customers who place emphasis on safety, innovation pressure, the interconnection of information systems between supplier and customer. On the basis of these facts, it is necessary to define the position and development of quality management in the 21st century. 2. Personalities in quality management Personalities have an irreplaceable place in quality management and have a significant contribution to the development and evolution of quality management. Many American experts have implemented their knowledge and approaches in Japan. Significant personalities include Deming - PDCA cycle, Juran - Juran's quality trilogy, Crosby - PAF model, Feigenbaum - TQM and others. 3. Changes in quality management Under the pressure of the competitive environment and scientific and technological development, the requirements for the quality of products, processes and enterprises have gradually changed, which has also led to the development of quality assurance principles and tools. The aim of the problem is to present the development of quality assurance with a focus and identification of changes and factors that have occurred in quality management with the gradual evolution and have conditioned the development of new methods and tools. 4. Quality management concepts As a consequence of the development, three basic concepts of quality management have emerged in quality management. These concepts can be seen as strategic approaches that develop quality management in different environments and with different intensity. 5. Normative assurance of quality management systems The quality management standard is defined as a set of rules, procedures and requirements for the management of an organisation to ensure the quality of the end product. Standards can be considered as a basic methodological tool by which an organisation can better prepare itself for the process of implementation and subsequent certification. 6. Structure of ISO standards In recent years, building and implementing a quality management system based on ISO standards has been regarded as the basic form of quality organisation. The STN EN ISO 9000 series of standards represents one of the possible quality management systems that must adapt to changing market conditions, changing customer requirements, whether customers or end consumers of the organisation's products. 7. Metrology, conformity assessment in the quality system The quality of products has a dominant position and is a decisive factor in the development of society. The basic prerequisite for ensuring the quality of products and services is the correct, accurate and uniform evaluation of basic parameters, the choice of correct and accurate measuring instruments and methods, ensuring the basic conditions of measurement quality at the required professional level. The professional level of the personnel is a decisive factor to which primary and increased attention must be paid. These aspects, together with legislation and organisational measures, are covered by the concept of metrological assurance. 8. Quality assurance in the sense of TQM TQM (Total Quality Management) is a comprehensive management method that emphasises the management of quality in all dimensions of an organisation. In doing so, it goes beyond quality management and becomes a method of strategic management and a management philosophy for the entire organisation. 9. Total quality management models Comprehensive quality management models are found all over the world. The competitive struggle is also reflected in the drive of organisations to continuously improve quality and performance with the aim of public recognition. As in other fields, there are awards in quality management at the supranational and national levels. The Deming Prize, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the European Quality Award, and the National Quality Award are considered to be the most important. 10. Economic aspects of quality management The economic aspects of quality management represent a wide range of issues from product economic analysis and its various methods to the overall impact of quality on the economic efficiency of production and the whole organisation. The starting point for the economic synthesis of quality are cost and price analyses. 11. Quality management system integration The integration of the quality management system represents a commitment to sustainable development in the area of customer relations, as well as in relation to the environment and occupational health and safety, management information security. 12. Trends and direction of quality management The current trends and direction of quality management focuses not only on the creation of a quality product that should satisfy the increasing demands of customers, but the priority is to benefit all stakeholders in the form of sustainable development, when we can talk about the shift of product quality to the quality of the organisation. 13. Quality Management and Industry 4.0 Industry 4.0 in conjunction with quality management is a journey of new and advanced technologies and innovations that will be a significant way to respond most effectively to ever-changing market demands and a way to remain competitive against fast-growing global economies. Quality management under the influence of Industry 4.0 will embrace change, it will use Industry 4.0 technologies, it will continuously evolve and change.

Requirements to complete the course

20 % seminar paper, 80 % written exam

Student workload

130 h (attendance at lectures 26 h, attendance at seminars 26 h, elaboration of seminar work 26 h, presentation of seminar work 13 h, preparation for exam 39 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 26.07.2023

Date of the latest change: 26.07.2023