
Included in study programs

Teaching results

• An overview of theoretical approaches and methods used in innovation management. Practical application of methods such as forecasting, the method of determining the best value (benchmarking), methods of determining the price of the innovated product or. services used in the management of innovation, the adoption of procedures for evaluating the economic efficiency of innovation actions. By applying creative thinking methods such as Brainstorming, Mind Mapping, Delphi, Discussion 66, Morphological Analysis, Relevant Tree technique and other methods to support creativity, collectivity, inspiration, quantity and quality of students' ideas.
• characterize and define the basic steps of innovation management, their theoretical principles, content and procedures,
• define and apply methods for forecasting innovations and determining the reliability of forecasts,
• determine the specifics of the quality of future innovation and determine the price of the innovated product,
• characterize the basic approaches to evaluating the economic efficiency of innovation actions and apply the innovation plan in the business entity.
• management of innovation processes in connection with environmental requirements
• effectively use and apply the procedures of selected forecasting methods, determining the innovative intention of products through benchmarking methodology,
• evaluate and interpret the results of prognostic methods, benchmarking methodology and selected methods of creative thinking,
• apply the methodology of comparing competing products and use the methodological complex of value analysis to determine the content of new innovation, procedures for the application of methods of creative activity,
• practically apply creative thinking methods such as Brainstorming, Mind Mapping, Delphi, Discussion 66, Morphological Analysis, Relevant Tree technique and other intuitive and normative methods of creative thinking.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Basic concepts, subjects and sources of innovation and their importance in the business environment
2. Classification and differentiation of innovations and basic principles of innovation management in the company
3. Specification of life and innovation cycle phases of a successful product, dynamics of product life cycles and success factors of innovations on the market
4. The company's innovation strategy and the process of creating a new product in the process of innovation management
5. Determining the time of onset of a new innovation - approaches, methods of forecasting product innovations and reliability of forecasts
6. Benchmarking as a method of specifying the quality of existing products - the essence of the application of the "best value" method
7. Determining the price of an innovated product
8. Application of creative methods in the innovation process
9. Methodical complex of value analysis as a way of determining the innovative intention (parameters) of the product
10. Complexity of the innovation process - Open innovation
11. Evaluation of economic efficiency of innovations
12. The use of intellectual property rights in the decision-making process in the management of innovation in the company
13. Management of innovation processes in connection with environmental requirements. Three imperatives of innovation management in the conditions of circular economy.
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. The essence of innovation management at home and abroad
2. General characteristics of innovations and their classification
3. Innovation forecasting methods and forecast reliability as the first step in innovation management
4. Extrapolation and expert methods of prognostic analysis
5. Benchmarking as a tool for specifying the quality of future innovation
6. Determining the price of an innovated product based on the use of the „Quadrate Quotient technique”
7. Application of creative methods in the innovation process
8. Morphological matrix as a method of normative creative activity
9. Relevant Tree technique as a goal-oriented method of creative activity
10. The complexity of the innovation process
11. Evaluation of economic efficiency of innovations
12. Licensed trading in innovation management
13. Summary and synthesis of acquired knowledge of innovation management in the company

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. GUBOVÁ, Klaudia. Manažment inovácií v podniku. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2016. 122 s. ISBN 978-80-225-4374-3.
2. MOLNÁR, Pavol - DUPAĽ, Andrej. Manažment inovácií podniku. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2008. 170 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2483-4.
3. MOLNÁR, Pavol - JACHYMOVIČ, Viliam. Manažment inovácií podniku. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2011. 207 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3206-8.
4. DUPAĽ, Andrej - BARÁNEK, Ivan - FÜZYOVÁ, Ľuba. Manažment inovácií podniku. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 1997. 262 s. ISBN 80-225-0841-1.
5. HITTMÁR, Štefan – HRNČIAR, Miroslav – LENDEL, Viliam. Riadenie inovačných procesov v podniku. Teoretické a praktické otázky tvorby a uplatňovania inovačných procesov v podniku. Bratislava : Vydavateľstvo EDIS, 2017. 139 s. ISBN 9788055414140.
Supplementary literature:
1. AFUAH, A. Innovation management. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. 390 s. ISBN 978-0-19-514230-3.
2. ARNOLD, Heinrich - ERNER, Michael - MŐCKEL, Peter - SCHLÄFFER, Christopher. Applied Technology and Innovation Management. Springer Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York, 2010. ISBN 978-3-540-88826-0.
3. DODGSON, Mark – GANN, David. M. – PHILLIPS, Nelson. The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2015. 700 p. ISBN 978-0-19-969494-5.
4. HILTUNEN, Elina. Foresight and Innovation. How companies are Coping with the Future. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 254 p. ISBN 978-1-137-33769-6-X.
5. JÁČ, Ivan – RYDVALOVÁ, Petra – ŽIŽKA, Miroslav. Inovace v malém a středním podnikání. Brno : Computer Press, 2005. 180 s. ISBN 80‑251‑0853‑8.
6. MOLNÁR, Pavol. International Business I., Innovation management. Vol. 2. Nitra : ForPress Nitrianske tlačiarne, 2014. 126 p. ISBN 978-80-89731-18-3.
7. RICHNÁK, Patrik – PORUBANOVÁ, Klaudia. Innovations in Logistics: Digitalization Challenges in Logistics. Praha : Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2019. 144 s. ISBN 978-80-7598-627-6.
8. THIEL, Peter. Zero To One. London : Virgin Books, 2014. 210 s. ISBN 9780753555200.
9. TIDD, J. – BESSANT, J. 2011. Managing Innovation. Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. 4th Edition. England : John Wiley & Sons. Ltd. 622 p. ISBN 978-0-470-99810-6.
10. YORDANOVA, Zornitsa. The Business Innovation Book. 1st Edition. Zornitsa Yordanova©, 2018. 344 p. ISBN 978-619-91152-3-7.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Basic concepts, subjects and sources of innovation and their importance in the business environment Approximation of basic concepts of innovation management, types of innovations and changes that cause them. The basic difference between innovation, business innovation and innovation management. Defining the actors that create the demand for innovation and their benefits. The main driving forces of innovation, identification of factors causing the emergence of innovation and their importance in the business environment. 2. Classification and differentiation of innovations and basic principles of innovation management in the company Defining the concept of innovation, invention and discovery. Defining the relationship between inventions and innovations during the product life cycle. Approximation of basic innovation orders (Valent's innovation spectrum) in order to differentiate and classify innovations in terms of their content and significance. Determination of product innovation waves according to innovation stages, frequency of their occurrence, factors influencing the length of product innovation waves on the market. 3. Specification of life and innovation cycle phases of a successful product, dynamics of product life cycles and success factors of innovations on the market In order to manage innovation processes, it is necessary to perform an analysis of previous and current life cycles of product innovations and define the difference and essence of the life and innovation cycle. Determination of factors influencing the length and course of the innovation wave and the content of individual phases of the product innovation life cycle. In connection with the permanent onset of a new innovation of the same utility value of a product, it is necessary to talk about the dynamics of life cycles of successful products and the factors of innovation success. 4. The company's innovation strategy and the process of creating a new product in the process of innovation management Innovation management consists of 4 basic steps of innovation management. In the above steps, using the appropriate methods and techniques, the time of onset of innovation is most likely sought. In order to have the most reliable forecast results, it is required to prepare comprehensive forecasts - product forecasts. Definition of the terms forecast and forecasting and with regard to the tasks of strategic departments of companies, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive business forecast. 5. Determining the time of onset of a new innovation - approaches, methods of forecasting product innovations and reliability of forecasts Basic forecasting approaches as exploratory and normative can be used to innovate various elements and areas of comprehensive business forecasting, but especially in determining the future development of the parameters of the product. Defining the use of basic forecasting methods depends on the quality and quantity of information and data obtained on a given parameter. The compilation of a forecast requires the application of a combination of several forecasting methods. This increases the quality and reliability of the result of the predicted parameter. 6. Benchmarking as a method of specifying the quality of existing products - the essence of the application of the "best value" method Defining the concept of benchmarking according to various authors, defining the algorithm of benchmarking application, determining the possibilities of data acquisition for benchmarking comparison, application of benchmarking methodology in combination with the best value method and determining the innovative intention of the product. 7. Determining the price of an innovated product Determining the price of an innovated product is one of the most important activities in the process of creating innovations. The graphical representation and economic interpretation of the quadratic dependence of the price and quality of the product is the basis for the application of the „Quadrate Quotient technique”. The practical application and procedure of the application of the mentioned method is based on the benchmarking methodology and shows the difference between the linear and quadratic dependence between the quality and the price of the product. 8. Application of creative methods in the innovation process Creative methods in the innovation process are intuitive methods, systematic and methods of normative creative activity. These innovative methods are used to generate new innovations and increase human potential. Creativity and invention arise from a combination of new ideas and the action of the three basic laws of Aristotle, the law of association, the law of analogy and the law of contrast. 9. Methodical complex of value analysis as a way of determining the innovative intention (parameters) of the product One of the proven tools for achieving the planned goals is the application of the methodology of the methodological complex of value analysis. After a comparative analysis of product parameters using benchmarking, the innovation goals of individual parameters are determined on the basis of expert determination and percentage determination of goals. The determination of the three basic principles applied in the value analysis and the five basic variants of the development of the efficiency indicator is the content of this lecture. 10. Complexity of the innovation process - Open innovation Based on the fact that no partial innovation is isolated from its surroundings and in addition to stimulating innovation, innovations arise in other areas as well, the theory of complex innovation and the principle of chaining complex innovation at the vertical and horizontal level of the production system. The radius of action defines the area of innovation triggered by stimulating innovation. 11. Evaluation of economic efficiency of innovations Evaluating the economic efficiency of innovative development is an important activity in the process of deciding on the inclusion of a plan in the innovative development of a company. We recognize the evaluation of non-investment innovative shares, which includes the basic model of effectiveness of non-investment innovative shares and the evaluation of investment innovative shares, which is based on two approaches, static and dynamic approach to the process of evaluation of investment innovative shares. 12. The use of intellectual property rights in the decision-making process in the management of innovation in the company A very important opportunity to implement innovative processes of obtaining new solutions from sources of foreign intellectual property is licensing trading, which takes the form of active and passive licenses. The subject of licensed trading may be inventions, design, utility model, trademark and know-how. In the decision-making process on the implementation of innovation processes on the basis of licensed trading or own research and development, it is essential to determine the effectiveness of the two methods. 13. Management of innovation processes in connection with environmental requirements. Three imperatives of innovation management in the conditions of circular economy. Management of innovation processes in relation to customer requirements - "CRM", "B2C" cooperation in creating innovations, customization and customization, "B2B" cooperation in creating innovations using the application "lead user" concept understood as the use of "main customer" for cooperation in creating innovation and using the application of the "lead user" concept as an analogy with a more progressive industry, management of innovation processes in relation to environmental requirements "ERM", customer requirement for timely launch of innovation "JIT". Thematic definition of exercises: 1. The essence of innovation management at home and abroad Concepts and sources of innovation and their definition based on the processing of case studies. Defining the essence of innovation and imitation in practice, the strategic advantage of innovation management and defining the four dimensions of innovation. Identification of four steps of innovation management and on the basis of the above steps elaboration of practical projects on identified topics. 2. General characteristics of innovations and their classification Classification of innovations based on Valent's innovation spectrum and definition of frequency waves. Based on the above breakdown, presentation and explanation of practical examples of innovation based on innovation levels. Detailed presentation of new factors influencing the length of innovation waves and connection to the content of the life and innovation cycle of products. 3. Innovation forecasting methods and forecast reliability as the first step in innovation management Practical use of prognostic methods in the form of processing the project part of the seminar work. Graphical representation of the selected forecasting parameter and its subsequent economic interpretation. Defining the basic differences between forecasting approaches and forecasting methods 4. Extrapolation and expert methods of prognostic analysis Graphic processing of selected extrapolation methods such as the envelope curve, the leading trend, the method of factor decomposition and their economic interpretation. Practical explanation and pointing out the basic differences of expert methods. Linking the use of extrapolation and expert methods in practice and then determining the reliability of forecasts of a given predicted parameter. 5. Benchmarking as a tool for specifying the quality of future innovation Methodology of quantification of quality of selected parameters of a certain product resp. services of selected competitors. Determining the order of importance of selected parameters, determining their tendency, units and calculating the weight of importance of parameters. Subsequent quantification of the quality of the parameter of the selected product, quantification of the quality of the whole product resp. services and determining the innovation intent of a new innovated product. 6. Determining the price of an innovated product based on the use of the „Quadrate Quotient technique” Calculation of the price of the innovated product using the share quadrate methodology. Defining the basic difference between the best value methodology and the „Quadrate Quotient technique” in practice. Graphic representation and economic interpretation of quadratic dependence of price and product quality resp. services in practice. 7. Application of creative methods in the innovation process Use of creative methods, namely intuitive methods, systematic methods in practice. Elaboration of case studies, demonstrations of selected methods and explanation of their basic differences in theory and practice. Defining the benefits and shortcomings of the methods used in the innovation management process. 8. Morphological matrix as a method of normative creative activity Characteristics of the essence of a morphological matrix as a science of structure. Practical use of morphological matrix based on selected product and its parameters. Explanation of selected variants, systems and subsystems forming the morphological matrix of the analyzed product and its parameters. Subsequent quantification of the number of combinations of selected variants of the innovation solution. 9. Relevant Tree technique as a goal-oriented method of creative activity Application of the algorithm of the Relevant Tree technique of a selected goal-oriented, dynamic problem and subsequent determination of the order of significance of the proposed innovations and economic interpretation of the chosen solution. 10. The complexity of the innovation process The use of action radio as a solution to the complexity of the innovation process, which ensures all the innovations of development in its field. Identification of stimulating innovation in a certain innovation stage and area of the business unit. Subsequent determination of horizontal and vertical chaining caused by stimulating innovation and its impact on individual areas of the organizational system in the company. 11. Evaluation of economic efficiency of innovations Graphical representation of evaluation and comparison of investment and non-investment variants of innovative actions. It is an improvement of the current situation based on the search for the use of existing reserves in the given areas. Given the success of investment projects, economic efficiency is understood as the cost-effectiveness of the preparation and implementation of innovative development. 12. Licensed trading in innovation management Characteristics of intellectual property rights and definition of basic differences in the use of intellectual property rights in practice. Protection of intellectual property and its moral aspect in business. Processing of domestic and foreign case studies. Possibilities of commercialization and use of intellectual property. Graphical representation of the advantage of using licenses in comparison with the company's own research and development and its subsequent economic interpretation. 13. Summary and synthesis of acquired knowledge of innovation management in the company Synthesis and summarization of the results of solved innovation management projects in the company. Defining the basic attributes, factors influencing the management of innovation in the company. Defining and identifying the basic shortcomings and benefits arising from the life and innovation cycle of a particular product.

Requirements to complete the course

30% continuous written work, 70% combined exam

Student workload

130 h (participation in lectures 26 h, participation in seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation for credit paper 13 h, preparation for exam 39 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 26.07.2023

Date of the latest change: 26.07.2023