- Credits: 6
- Ending: S
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: summer
- Year: 1
- Faculty of Business Management
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• A comprehensive view of logistics and its processes through the definition of the essence of logistics, procurement in the enterprise, the relationship between logistics and production management, material management, material disposition in the enterprise, warehouse management in the enterprise, transport, and the possibilities of its optimization of corporate logistics, the theory of inventory sorting, the logistics information system, distribution logistics, methodological model and information approaches, organizational aspects of the logistics system in the enterprise, corporate supply chain management, sustainable development and environmentally oriented logistics, economic aspects of corporate logistics.
• effectively use essential information about logistics with a focus on corporate logistics, its basic features, objectives, boundaries of its individual areas, strategic and conceptual management of the logistics system,
• critically evaluate the processes and specificities of corporate logistics,
• characterize the essence and evaluate the use of material management with impact on the value processes of the enterprise,
• propose solutions and defend conclusions or recommendations to increase the efficiency of corporate logistics activities.
• interpret the specifics of logistics processes of business entities, critically evaluate the possibilities of selecting methods and tools for their optimization,
• perform basic corporate analyses in the field of logistics procurement, production, warehouse, distribution, logistics costs,
• perform basic corporate analyses in the field of logistics activities,
• perform basic corporate analysis in the field of logistics information systems.
Indicative content
Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Essence, content and aims of logistics
2. Purchasing and inventory logistics
3. Production logistics in the enterprise
4. Logistics and materials management in the enterprise
5. Logistics in warehouse management in the enterprise
6. Transport in corporate logistics
7. Logistics and inventory management theory
8. Logistics information system in the enterprise
9. Corporate distribution logistics
10. Methodological modeling and information approaches to support logistics in the enterprise
11. Organizational aspects of the corporate's logistics system
12. Corporate supply chain management
13. Sustainable development and environmentally oriented logistics in the enterprise
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. The essence of logistics at home and abroad
2. Material disposition of the enterprise
3. Material ordering
4. Inventory logistics and inventory management methods
5. Warehouse management, warehouses and warehousing methods
6. Warehouse strategy
7. Logistics outsourcing
8. Transport in logistics
9. Application of transport tasks in logistics
10. Vogel's approximation method
11. Index Method and Hungarian Method
12. Green logistics
13. Summary and synthesis of acquired knowledge from logistics
Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Essence, content and aims of logistics Definition and development of logistics, logistics management, aims of logistics. Boundaries of individual areas of corporate logistics. Strategies and conceptual management of the enterprise logistics system. Current tasks, trends and directions in corporate logistics. 2. Purchasing and inventory logistics The role of purchasing and inventories in the enterprise - procurement logistics in the enterprise, choice of strategy in procurement logistics, research, planning in procurement logistics, supplier selection in procurement logistics, supplier relationship management. 3. Production logistics in the enterprise Relationship between logistics and production management, functions, structure and content of production planning and management, operational production management and logistics in the enterprise, newer logistics concepts in production management. 4. Logistics and materials management in the enterprise The roles of logistics and materials management in the enterprise, traditionally oriented materials management in the enterprise, its definition and objectives, institutional boundaries of material management in the enterprise, material disposition in the enterprise. 5. Logistics in warehouse management in the enterprise Essential, types and organization of warehouse management in the enterprise, control, technical and operational systems in warehousing, warehouse management, the productivity of warehouse operations, tendencies of warehouse logistics in the enterprise. 6. Transport in corporate logistics Objectives of transport in corporate logistics, transport management in the enterprise, intra-enterprise transport systems, trends in transport logistics, possibilities of optimizing transport in corporate logistics. 7. Logistics and inventory management theory The link between logistics and the basic concepts of inventory management in the enterprise, the principles of inventory management, the costs associated with inventory, the symptoms of poor inventory management, process optimization and inventory management. 8. Logistics information system in the enterprise Building the logistics information system in the enterprise, the breakdown of the logistics information system in the enterprise, the content of the information system in the basic areas of corporate logistics, modularity of logistics information system in the enterprise. 9. Corporate distribution logistics Roles and functions of distribution logistics in the enterprise, distribution management, structure and variants of distribution chains, implementation of an integrated distribution chain of the enterprise. 10. Methodological modeling and information approaches to support logistics in the enterprise General methodological apparatus in corporate logistics, methodological apparatus in procurement logistics, methodological support for production, methodological apparatus in warehouse logistics, methodological support for distribution. 11. Organizational aspects of the corporate's logistics system Organizational support of logistics management in the enterprise, criteria and functional scope of the logistics organization, line-staff organization, divisional organizational arrangement, matrix structure and other organizational arrangement options. 12. Corporate supply chain management Essence, tasks and objectives of supply chain integration, synergistic aspects of corporate logistics and supply chain integration, logistics and supply chain management, trends in the development of integrated supply chain in the enterprise. 13. Sustainable development and environmentally oriented logistics in the enterprise Sustainable logistics development, environmentally oriented logistics in the enterprise, logistics and environment in contemporary enterprise development, green and reverse logistics in sustainable development strategy. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. The essence of logistics at home and abroad Concepts and essence of logistics and its definition on the basis of case studies. The importance and necessity of enterprise logistics in practice, the strategic advantage of applying optimal logistical activities in the enterprise. Identification and definition of project parts and, on the basis of these steps, the elaboration of practical projects on specified logistics topics. 2. Material disposition of the enterprise Determination of the material needs of the enterprise by selected methods using examples from the basic logistics topics related to the material disposition of the enterprise. Deterministic forecasting of material requirements. Optimization and sizing of supplies. 3. Material ordering Several methods are used to determine optimal order volumes. We will present selected methods using examples from the basic logistics topics related to material ordering. Through dynamic optimization, by comparing a combination of procurement costs for certain future periods (ex-ante), select the most suitable, optimal variant of a material order in the enterprise. 4. Inventory logistics and inventory management methods Presentation of the main methods of inventory management and their practical application in an enterprise by means of case studies and in the form of a seminar project. Different methods are suitable for different types of materials and different types of production and logistics activities. Practical explanation and demonstration of the possibilities of using specific inventory management methods in a selected area of corporate logistics. 5. Warehouse management, warehouses and warehousing methods Practical application of warehouse management, warehouses and warehousing methods in the form of a seminar project. Description and illustration of a selected type of warehouse and its management and warehousing methods. Definition of the basic differences between warehouses, warehousing approaches and warehousing methods. 6. Warehouse strategy Determine, with controlled material consumption, the quantities and dates of orders to replenish the warehouse. The content consists of selected types of examples related to storage strategy. Determining the number of storage units and calculating the size of useful (net) storage space. 7. Logistics outsourcing Characteristics of outsourcing of logistics activities. Phases of the outsourcing process. Description of the different stages of logistics outsourcing, advantages, disadvantages and risks of outsourcing. Insourcing vs. outsourcing of logistics. Practical application of logistics outsourcing in the form of a seminar paper. 8. Transport in logistics Characteristics of transport in logistics and definition of its basic differences of use. Concrete and practical use of individual modes of transport on the basis of domestic and foreign case studies. Trends in transport logistics in the context of Industry 4.0. Externalities of freight transport and its reduction possibilities. 9. Application of transport tasks in logistics Introduction of different types of deterministic allocation methods. Determination of the optimum quantity of material to be transported between suppliers and consumers, taking into account the capacity of suppliers and the satisfaction of consumer demands, so that transport costs are minimized. Northwest corner method and Modified method (row and column method). The essence, procedure and solution of the above methods of transportation tasks in logistics. Application of the above methods in selected types of examples. Determination of the value of the objective cost function. 10. Vogel's approximation method The essence, procedure and solution of the above method of transport tasks in logistics. Identification of a transportation plan from a specified number of suppliers to a specified number of consumers with respect to their capacities and requirements. Application of the above method in selected types of examples. Determining whether the solution by this method is final or the starting point for the Modified method. Determining the value of the objective cost function. 11. Index Method and Hungarian Method The essence, procedure and solution of the above methods of transportation tasks in logistics. Identifying a transportation plan from a specified number of suppliers to a specified number of consumers with respect to their capacities and requirements, so that the transportation cost is minimum. Application of the above methods in selected types of examples. 12. Green logistics Characteristics of green logistics and its importance in the environmental impact of logistics business activities. Definition of the 5 main standards of green logistics. Defining the environmental effects and opportunities to reduce the impacts of logistics activities in the enterprise as well as in the forward and reverse logistics chains. 13. Summary and synthesis of acquired knowledge from logistics Synthesis and summarization of the results of the solved projects on selected logistics topics. Definition of basic attributes, factors influencing logistics in the enterprise. Definition and determination of the basic benefits in the optimization of logistics processes in the enterprise.
Requirements to complete the course
30 % continuous written work, 70 % written exam
Student workload
156 h (attendance at lessons 26 h, attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars and written test 26 h, preparation of semester project and presentation 26 h, preparation for exam 52 h).
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 11.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 26.07.2023