Environmental Management
- Credits: 6
- Ending: S
- Range: 2P + 2C
- Semester: winter
- Year: 2
- Faculty of Business Management
Included in study programs
Teaching results
• A comprehensive view of sustainable development, sustainable consumption and production by defining the nature of environmental policy, environmental policy tools, the nature and objectives of environmental management, circular economy, organic farming, waste and waste management, with particular reference to ecolabelling of products and services, for the European Union Ecolabel, for the national label - Environmentally friendly product and green growth.
• effectively use essential information about environmental management, its role, objectives, environmental policy, strategy in corporate practice,
• critically evaluate the specifics of corporate and entrepreneurial activities with an emphasis on the impact on the environment,
• characterize the nature and evaluate the use of environmental policy tools with an emphasis on the voluntary and positive impact on efficiency, economy and environment,
• propose solutions and justify conclusions or recommendations regarding the sustainable development of a business entity,
• propose solutions and defend conclusions or recommendations regarding the elimination or removal of negative impacts of corporate and business activities on the environment.
• manage, make decisions, coordinate and control resources, processes and relationships of organizations aimed at solving environmental problems, at creating and protecting the environment in the conditions of formation of sustainable development of the enterprise.
• interpret the specifics and impact of corporate and entrepreneurial activities on the environment, critically evaluate the possibilities of elimination or removal of negative impacts on the environment,
• analyze the environmental policy instruments of a business entity,
• perform basic business analyses in the field of production and logistics activities with an emphasis on the environment,
• perform basic business analyses in the area of waste and waste management of the business entity.
Indicative content
Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Basic ecological concepts
2. Natural environmental components
3. Essence, role and objectives of environmental management
4. Environmental policy
5. Sustainable development
6. Legislative tools of environmental policy
7. Economics tools of environmental policy
8. Voluntary tools of environmental policy
9. Ecolabelling
10. Waste and waste management
11. Circular economy
12. Green growth
13. Organic agriculture
Thematic definition of exercises:
1. Essence of environmental management
2. Environmental regionalization
3. Life cycle assessment
4. Cleaner production
5. Product comparison
6. Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA
7. Corporate Social Responsibility
8. Ecological certificates
9. Environmental (old) burdens
10. Extended producer responsibility
11. Green customer
12. Zero waste
13. Summary and synthesis of acquired knowledge from environmental management
Support literature
Basic literature:
1. VYBIRALOVÁ, Júlia - FUZYOVÁ, Ľubica - POLAČKO, Vladimír. Tvorba a ochrana životného prostredia. 2. vyd. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2008, 233 s. ISBN 978-80-225-2639-5.
2. DUPAĽ, Andrej - MAREČKOVÁ, Zuzana: Vplyv zelenej a reverznej logistiky na tvorbu a ochranu životného prostredia. Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo EKONÓM, 2011, 119 s. ISBN 978-80-225-3193-1.
3. SCHALTEGGER, Stefan - BURRIT, Roger - PETERSEN, Holger. An Introduction to Corporate Environmental Management. Striving for Sustainability. London: Routledge, 2017, 384 p. ISBN 9781351281447.
4. WATERS, Brian. Introduction to Environmental Management for the NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management. London: Routledge, 2017, 208 p. ISBN 9781138431171.
5. BELCHAM, Adrian. Manual of Environmental Management. London: Routledge, 2014. 380 p. ISBN 9781138014664.
6. Zákon č. 17/1992 Z. z. Zákon o životnom prostredí.
7. Zákon č. 79/2015 Z. z. Zákon o odpadoch a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov.
Supplementary literature:
1. DUPAĽ, Andrej et al. Manažment výroby. Bratislava: Sprint 2, 2019, 365 s. ISBN 978-80-89710-50-8.
2. HREUSÍK, Stanislav. Environmentálna ekonomika a manažment. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, 2010, ISBN 978-80-5540212-3.
3. MAJERNÍK, Milan - CHOVANCOVÁ, Jana - HODOLIČ, Ján. Environmentálne manažérske systémy. Skalica: Stredoeurópska vysoká škola v Skalici, 2009, 155 s. ISBN:978-80-89391-05-9.
4. ZELENÝ, Ján et al. Environmentálna politika a manažérstvo organizácií. Diel piaty – Manažérstvo pracovného prostredia. Banská Bystrica: UMB v Banskej Bystrici, 2010, 207 s. ISBN 978-80-8083-976-5.
5. THEODORE, Mary, K. - THEODORE, Louis. Introduction to Environmental Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2010. 572 p. ISBN 978-1-4200-8908-0.
6. DUPONT, Ryan, R. - BAXTER, Terry, E. ¬- THEODORE, Louis. Environmental Management. Problems and solutions. CRC Press LCC, Boca Raton, 1998. 346 p. ISBN 1-56670-313-6.
7. SPELLMAN, Frank, R. - STOUDT, Melissa, L. Environmental Science: Principles and Practices. Scarecrow Press, Inc. Plymouth. 2013. 608 p. ISBN 978-0-8108-8610-0.
8. SADGROVE, Kit. A-Z of Corporate Environmental Management. Routledge, London. 2013. 384 p. ISBN 978-1853833304.
9. WELFORD, Richard. Corporate Environmental Management 1. Systems and Strategies. Routledge, London.2016. 280 p. ISBN 9781315825120.
10. WELFORD, Richard. Corporate Environmental Management 2. Culture and organisation.. Routledge, London.2016. 206 p. ISBN 9781315825113.
11. WELFORD, Richard. Corporate Environmental Management 3. Towards Sustainable Development. Routledge, London.2016. 224 p. ISBN 9781315825106.
12. KLEMMENSEN, Borge. et al. Environmental Policy - Legal and Economic Instruments. Baltic University Press, 2007. 271 p. ISBN: 91-975526-0-8.
Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Basic ecological concepts Definition of basic ecological terms used in environmental management, their division and characteristics. Basic differences between ecology, environmental science, environmental economics and ecological economics. 2. Natural environmental components A breakdown of the different natural components of the environment. Environmental protection, opportunities, importance and significance. Environmental degradation causes as well as social consequences of environmental degradation. Positive interventions in the environment, prevention of pollution. 3. Essence, role and objectives of environmental management Environmental management, as a system of corporate management aimed at the protection and creation of the environment in the interaction of sustainable development at the global, regional and local level. Environmental management seeks to find solutions to manage corporate activities so that they do not cause environmental degradation and at the same time reduce their corporate costs (by reducing waste, energy, water and gas consumption or emissions, etc.). 4. Environmental policy Characteristics of the State environmental policy of the Slovak Republic, its principles and priorities. The follow-up to the environmental policy of the enterprise, which is the basis of environmental management. Formation of the environmental policy, its objectives and principles, setting of environmental objectives and target values in the enterprise. 5. Sustainable development Familiarity with the above issues and the need and necessity for sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without limiting the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Familiarization with the UN's 'Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals. 6. Legislative tools of environmental policy Introduction to the wide range of environmental policy tools that the state applies. The first of that spectrum to be presented will be legislative environmental policy tools, i.e. direct, prescriptive tools that are restrictive and coercive in nature so that they act directly, relatively quickly, and are easily controlled. They represent some form of law, regulation, or standard. We will define each category and focus on their strengths as well as their weaknesses. 7. Economics tools of environmental policy Economics tools are another important group of environmental policy tools applied by the state. They are market-oriented and operate indirectly, allowing individual decision-making by actors based on an assessment of the costs and benefits of alternative options. The functions of economic tools are presented, and what economic tools are applied in the Slovak Republic in different areas of environmental protection. 8. Voluntary tools of environmental policy Voluntary (free) tools of environmental policy operate within the frameworks that the state creates for its operation in the market through legislative (law, decree) or non-legislative (government resolution) regulations. A selection of them is presented, such as: environmental technologies, voluntary environmental agreements, Green Public Procurement, Environmental Management System (EMS), Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), etc.. 9. Ecolabelling The environmental assessment and labeling of products or services, which is one form of preventive strategy based on the voluntary principle, is based on an integrated approach to the life cycle of the product. Students learn about national as well as international (European) Ecolabelling, and how to obtain the label. 10. Waste and waste management Definition of the term "waste" in the legislation of the Slovak Republic. The division of waste according to its origin, what are the possibilities or methods of waste disposal, and how Slovakia deals with this situation. Legislation and possible amendments in this area. The essence and role of recycling and reverse flow. The main areas, focus and activities of waste management in the company, the binding hierarchy followed in waste management in the company. 11. Circular economy Common resources of raw materials are being depleted around the world. This topic reveals possible alternatives to prevent or try to eliminate this phenomenon. The circular economy is a useful and regenerative proposal for an economic model that implies the continuous maintenance of raw materials, materials and products in their useful state, within a life cycle. This model uses waste to create new sources of raw materials and increases the circular economy. 12. Green growth Introduction to the current topic of "green growth", which affects not only all of us but especially future generations. Introduction to green growth according to the OECD, the link with environmental aspects and its strategies. Green growth itself is a change in the structure of economies and especially now in the "post-crisis" period when all countries are looking for new sources of growth. 13. Organic agriculture Organic agriculture (OA) and its importance for society as it is an environmentally friendly system that aims at a sustainable agroecosystem. It primarily uses local and renewable resources, environmentally friendly technologies and practices that minimize environmental degradation. We will learn about the trends, the differences between conventional and organic farming, the main reasons for the emergence of OA, its objectives as well as its limitations and last but not least the certification of organic farming. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Essence of environmental management The role of environmental management and its definition based on case studies. Definition of the need for environmental protection and sustainability in practice, the strategic advantage of applying environmental management in the enterprise. Identifying and defining the four phases of a project and, based on these steps, developing practical projects on the identified topics. 2. Environmental regionalization A process of spatial subdivision of the landscape in which regions of a certain environmental quality and environmental vulnerability are identified according to defined criteria. The state of the environment in Slovakia. The state of the environment in the regions and the delineation of problem areas in Slovakia. 3. Life cycle assessment Procedure for life cycle assessment of a product. Identification, analysis and subsequent reduction of negative environmental impacts of a product throughout its life cycle. Life cycle assessment is a method of comparing the environmental impacts of products, goods or services with respect to their life cycle. 4. Cleaner production Cleaner production brings a fundamental change in the way we look at pollution. In general, cleaner production as a strategy represents a new systemic approach to reducing or even eliminating pollution. It focuses on pollution prevention rather than waste disposal. The aim is to find solutions to reduce production costs and prevent waste through better, more efficient use of input materials and energy. This in turn has a considerable economic effect, which increases the efficiency and thus the competitiveness of the company. 5. Product comparison Comparison of a selected pair of products from the same product group but made of different materials. Describe, preferably in the form of a graph, the life cycle of each of the products. Introduce and describe the need for its creation, where the raw materials come from, how much waste is generated and what kind of waste, what the energy inputs are, what happens to the product at the end of its useful life. 6. Environmental Impact Assessment - EIA Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is considered one of the main tools of international environmental policy for the implementation of sustainable development. It has been applied in developed countries for more than three decades. We will introduce the legislation and regulations, principles, process and steps of EIA. 7. Corporate Social Responsibility It is an interrelated set of activities and practices in organizations involving social, environmental and economic spheres. The European Commission defines Corporate Social Responsibility as "the responsibility of enterprises for the impact of their activities on society". Putting corporate social responsibility into practice. 8. Ecological certificates We will introduce the different “eco” certificates. We will also talk about the symbols we encounter on products of various kinds. We will present the meaning of the most commonly used ones, as well as the conditions that a manufacturer must meet in order to use a certain mark on his products. 9. Environmental (old) burdens Defining environmental burdens in the meaning of the law. A wide range of areas contaminated by industrial, military, mining, transport and agricultural activities, as well as improper waste management. The conditions and procedure for environmental liability for environmental damage regulated by law. Application of the polluter pays principle in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. 10. Extended producer responsibility Characteristics of the obligations and responsibilities for producers and importers of shapes and services, in terms of the environmental impact of their products, goods, services and packaging throughout their entire life cycle, from the development stage to the end-of-life stage. An important economic tool for waste management in Europe. Producer Responsibility Organisations. The way in which the obligations of producers, importers and municipalities under the waste act can be fulfilled. 11. Green customer Climate change, sustainability themes, enviro strategies, all these are forcing companies to focus on "green" (sustainable) production and consumption. The concept of the "green" customer is not new, but the demand for "green" products and services is growing, not only in the B2C segment but increasingly also in the B2B segment. It can be identified by its relationship to environmental issues and its willingness to buy green products and services, based on market segmentation and the possibility of selecting an appropriate target group. 12. Zero waste An ethical, economical, efficient and visionary approach. Zero waste means designing and using products and processes in such a way as to systematically reduce the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and avoid incineration or landfill. The "5 R's" (refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, rot). Benefits of zero waste. Possibilities of applying selected parts of the zero waste philosophy to the enterprise. 13. Summary and synthesis of acquired knowledge from environmental management Synthesis and summary of the results of the solved projects on selected topics from environmental management. Definition of basic attributes, factors influencing environmental management in the enterprise. Definition and identification of the main benefits and shortcomings arising in the framework of sustainable development.
Requirements to complete the course
30 % semester project and its presentation, 70% combined exam
Student workload
156 h (attendance at lessons 26 h, attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, preparation of semester project and presentation 26 h, preparation for exam 52 h).
Language whose command is required to complete the course
Date of approval: 11.03.2024
Date of the latest change: 26.07.2023