Final Work Seminar 2 (in English)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

Graduate of the course Seminar for the final thesis 2 will be able to:
• develop the methodological procedure for processing the analytical part of the thesis – identification of methods, processing of workflows;
• summarise the background information to the investigative object;
• carry out research work aimed at finding a solution to a defined problem;
• confront knowledge from research with the results of research work and discuss the results achieved;
• formulate recommendations as a result of own research work.

Indicative content

1. Re-creation of the main objective and completion of sub-targets of the project final work.
2. Characteristics of the subject of the investigation and definition of the workflow.
3. Summary of basic methods of scientific work and identification of their use in specific parts of the project final work.
4. Processing of the analytical part of the work and deriving critical results.
5. Discussion of knowledge and results of work in order to derive recommendations.
6. A summary of the substantive conclusions of the final work project and demonstrating the achievement of the stated objectives.

Support literature

1. Internal Directive on final, rigorous and habilitative works, including all annexes.(
2. Guideline to the dean on the processing and submission of the final work(
3. List of literature used (updated in cooperation with the work manager).


1. Re-creation of the main objective and completion of sub-targets of the project final work. 2. Characteristics of the subject of the investigation and definition of the workflow. 3. Summary of basic methods of scientific work and identification of their use in specific parts of the project final work. 4. Processing of the analytical part of the work and deriving critical results. 5. Discussion of knowledge and results of work in order to derive recommendations. 6. A summary of the substantive conclusions of the final work project and demonstrating the achievement of the stated objectives.

Requirements to complete the course

Independent work, written project final work, credit

Student workload

52 hours; participation in seminars 26 hours; processing of sub-tasks commissioned by the head of the final work 26 hours.

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 11.03.2024

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022