Human Resource Management (in English)


Included in study programs

Teaching results

• A comprehensive view of the human resource management system of an enterprise through its objectives, subjects and basic functions. Understanding the role of the human factor in ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise with regard to the efficiency of the resources spent.
• characterize the nature of the different phases of the employee life cycle in an enterprise,
• critically evaluate the level of use of human resource management tools with an impact on the achievement of corporate objectives,
• propose solutions in the field of HR policy, including the procedure for their implementation
• formulate recommendations to increase the efficiency of HR activities.
• formulate human resource management objectives, develop staffing plans and formulate staffing programmes,
• use human resources management tools with regard to the specifics of the enterprise,
• analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of personnel measures,
• carry out basic analyses of compliance of human resources management with the current legislative regulations in this area.

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:

Support literature

1. DESSLER, Garry. Human Resources Managemet. 16th Edition. Pearson Higher Ed USA, 2019. 728s. ISBN 1292309121.
2. ULRICH, Dave – YOUNGER, Yon - BROCKBANK, Wayne – ULRICH, Mike. HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resource. McGraw – Hill, 2012. 318s. ISBN 978-0-07-180266-6.
3. CASCIO, Wayne F. - BOURDEAU, John W. – FINK, Alexis A. Investing in people. Financial Impact of Human Resource Initiatives. 3rd Edition. Alexandria VA: Society for Human Resource Managemet, 2019. 428s. ISBN 9781586446093.
4. ADAMS, Lucy. HR disrupted: It’s time for something different. GB: Practical Inspiration Publishing, 2017. 218s. ISBN 978-1-910056-50-9.


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND ITS PLACE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE The role and objectives of human resource management in business management. Subjects of human resource management, the role of line managers in people management. External and internal environment of human resource management, the influence of the labour market, social and demographic environment on the formation of the personnel policy of the enterprise. Labour legislation. Content of human resource management, personnel functions and employee life cycle. Development and further direction of human resource management in the context of Industry 4.0. 2. JOB ANALYSIS Defining the job and its internal structure. The relationship between the job and the job role. The process of job analysis. Identifying the need for job analysis. Methods of data collection. Sources of information for job analysis. Methods and process of job analysis. Outputs of job analysis - job description, specification of employee requirements, their form and content. Relationship of job analysis to other human resource management functions. 3. JOB DESIGN Reasons for job design. Comparison of approaches to job design and job design (mechanical, motivational, ergonomic, perceptual) and their benefits. Job design programme. Characteristics of a motivating job, Hackman's and Oldham's models. Methods of job design. Job task rotation. Clustering of job tasks. Combining professions, functions and specialisations. Working in autonomous work teams. Implications with job dissatisfaction. 4. PERSONNEL PLANNING The objective of human resource planning. Definition of personnel planning in its narrower and broader concepts. The process of personnel planning. Areas of personnel planning - planning the need of employees, planning the coverage of personnel needs, planning personnel development. Intuitive and quantitative methods of determining staffing needs. Assessment of staff movement. Balance and cascade methods. Planning of staffing activities. Substantive, temporal and local dimensions of personnel planning. Legislative framework for human resources planning. Current trends in personnel planning. 5. RECRUITMENT Recruitment as part of staffing. The aim and conditions of recruitment. Recruitment strategy and process. Requirements for filling a vacancy. Sources of recruitment - internal and external. Recruitment methods. The role of recruitment agencies in the recruitment process. Standardization of normative documents from applicants. Selection of applicants. Evaluation of the recruitment process. Pre-contractual relations, prohibition of discrimination in the recruitment process. Legislative framework of recruitment. Current trends in recruitment. Employer branding. 6. EMPLOYEE SELECTION The aim of employee selection. Employee selection process, characteristics of its individual stages. Employee selection criteria - company-wide, departmental and job criteria. Staff selection process. Methods of staff selection. Selection interview. Types of selection interviews. Errors in conducting selection interviews. Methods of verifying work aptitude. Assessment centre. Psychological contract, its role and content. Legislative framework of staff selection. 7. STAFF ADAPTATION Definition and role of employee adaptation in human resource management. Recruitment of employees. Employment contract. Employee adaptation process and its phases. Employee orientation and first contact with the company. Components of the adaptation process. Work adaptation. Social adaptation. Adaptation to the company culture. Forms of adaptation. Documents in the process of adaptation of employees. Individual adaptation programme. Company-wide adaptation. Departmental adaptation. Adaptation to the workplace. Pitfalls of the adaptation process. Education in the process of employee adaptation. 8. EMPLOYEE TRAINING The role of employee training and its objectives. Definition of the content of the concepts of knowledge, competence, competences. Approaches of enterprises to employee training. Vocational training - training, retraining and retraining. Process of employee training. Training cycle and its activities. Identification of training needs. Training planning. Methods of staff training - on-the-job and off-the-job training. Action Learning. Feedback in employee training, evaluation of training effectiveness. Current trends in staff training. 9. EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT AND TALENT MANAGEMENT IN THE ENTERPRISE Employee development objectives. Difference between training and employee development. Employee development process. Methods of employee development. The learning organisation. Current trends in employee development. Talent management. Definition of the concept of talent in human resource management. Employee performance and potential. Talent management process. Talent management tools. Identification of talent in the enterprise. Talent/potential grid. Talent development and talent stabilization in the enterprise. 10. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION The importance of performance management. Definition of work performance and performance management system in an enterprise. Work performance, its components and measurement indicators. Performance agreement. Measures to improve productivity and quality. The process of employee performance appraisal. Functions of performance appraisal. Criteria and subjects of performance appraisal. Past and future oriented appraisal methods. Conduct of the appraisal interview and its conclusions. Forms of performance appraisal. Mistakes made by managers in the performance appraisal process. 11. EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION Remuneration system. The principle of total remuneration and its structure. Salary and its role in the remuneration system. Structure of individual pay. Fixed and variable components of pay. Job evaluation. Discrimination in pay. Pay surveys. Tariff scales and setting of tariff wages. Wage supplements and benefits. Wage forms. Performance pay. Non-monetary remuneration. The role of benefits in the remuneration system. Social fund. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the remuneration system. Legislative regulation of remuneration. Difference in remuneration in the business sector and in the public and state sector. 12. WORKING CONDITIONS AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Work organisation and working conditions. Evolution of the organisation of work. The labour system. Basis for the development of the work system. Modern work systems. Employee care and quality of working life. Time condition of work, working time and its distribution. Non-standard working patterns. The concept of flexicurity. Work environment - physical and psychosocial working conditions. Health and safety at work. Industrial relations. Collective bargaining. 13. RELEASE OF STAFF Termination situations. Methods of termination of employment - legal event, legal act. Termination and reasons for termination. Prohibition of termination, protection period. Immediate termination of employment. Termination of employment by agreement. Notice period. Release interview. Collective dismissal of employees. Legislative framework for termination of employment. Intra-corporate mobility. Retirement of employees. Employee exit management, outplacement programmes. Thematic definition of exercises: 1. Introduction to human resource management. Evolution of human resource management in the context of management development. A systems approach to human resource management. The roles of HR departments and HR managers. Credit requirements, assignment of final projects. 2. Job analysis. Compiling a selected job description. Collecting data about the job. Working with questionnaires for job analysis. Drawing up a job description and specification of employee requirements. Presenting the outputs of the job analysis process. 3. Job design. Evaluating the designed job description using Hackman and Oldham's model. Application of job design methods. Redesign of the job design. Presentation and discussion of the results of the work. 4. Personnel planning. Methods of personnel planning, calculations on concrete examples and tasks. Preparation of the human resources balance sheet and staffing plan. Solving a case study - intra-enterprise mobility. 5. Recruitment. Discussion of recruitment sources and methods, their advantages and disadvantages. Advertising as a recruitment method. Evaluation of published advertisements in the press and on social networks. Formulating a job offer. Agencies in the recruitment process. Personnel leasing and the conditions of its application. Case study. 6. Selection of employees. Assessment centre. Methods of verifying work competences. Solving case studies. Preparing for a mock selection interview. 7. Selection of employees. Role play - simulation of the selection interview for the position of the CFO of the enterprise. Preparing for the interview, conducting the interview with selected candidates and evaluating the results. Communication of results to candidates, feedback to role-play participants. 8. Adaptation process of the new employee. Creation of an individual adaptation programme. Differences in the adaptation process of an employee from internal and external sources. Presentation and discussion of adaptation programs. The role of the HR department and the line manager in the process of work adaptation. 9. Staff training and development. Addressing the case study - Adults in school classrooms. Identifying gaps in corporate training and proposing solutions - group form. Training methods and their application to selected topics, discussion of advantages and disadvantages of each method. Coaching, practice of asking questions. 10. Performance evaluation. Simulation of the evaluation interview. Preparation for the interview, structure of the interview, rules of giving feedback. Design of a performance appraisal programme for a selected company - group work. 11. Remuneration of employees. Differences in monetary and non-monetary remuneration of employees. Case study - intangible remuneration. Proposal for the distribution of remuneration to employees - presentation and discussion of solutions. 12. Employee care and quality of working life. Working time conditions, equal and unequal distribution of working time. Breaks at work. Distance working. 13. Employee release. Group solution of the case study - design of the process of releasing employees in a selected enterprise. Discussion of the presented solutions. Outplacement. Overall evaluation of the course, awarding of points and feedback on the course.

Requirements to complete the course

20 % continuous work on assignments, 20 % elaboration and presentation of the project, 60 % combined examination

Student workload

156 h (attendance at lectures 26 h, attendance at seminars 26 h, preparation for seminars 26 h, work on final project 32 h, preparation for exam 46 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022