

Included in study programs

Teaching results

• A comprehensive view of leadership, its changes in the past and present, as well as challenges for the future. Gaining a detailed overview of individual concepts and approaches to leadership, as well as creating a knowledge base on selected key areas of leadership such as men's and women's views on leadership, the importance of emotional and cultural intelligence, leadership in crisis and extreme conditions or the impact of culture on leadership.
• effective use of essential information in the field of leadership, understanding of individual concepts and approaches to people management
• critically evaluate the impact, impact and effects of leadership in everyday practice on the performance, stability, satisfaction and productivity of teams as well as the individual
• characterize the concepts associated with leadership and understand the essence of selected areas of leadership such as emotional intelligence, leadership in extremis, transformational leadership or ethical leadership
• propose solutions and generate conclusions or recommendations on selected topics related to key areas of effective leadership in practice
• understand the societal and corporate importance of leadership
• interpret the specifics of leadership in relation to situations, behavior, personality of the leader, the characteristics of subordinates and tasks
• acquire the skills of self-evaluation and self-reflection in selected areas of leadership
• applying critical thinking when solving tasks related to case studies and seminar tasks
• developing cultural intelligence by deepening knowledge in the field of working in multicultural teams and by identifying the influence of culture on people management
• strengthening personal level of emotional intelligence, which appears to be the skill of the future

Indicative content

Thematic definition of lectures:
1. Leadership introduction
2. Trait approach
3. Skills approach
4. Style approach
5. Situational approach
6. Path-goal theory of leadership, LMX theory
7. Transformational and charismatic leadership
8. Team Leadership
9. Leadership and emotional intelligence
10. Leadership and culture
11. Women and men in leadership
12. Ethical Theories of Leadership
13. Leadership in extremis
Thematic definition of seminars:
1. Leadership introduction
2. Trait approach
3. Skills approach
4. Style approach
5. Situational approach
6. Path-goal theory a LMX theory
7. Transformational and charismatic leadership
8. Team Leadership
9. Leadership and emotional intelligence
10. Leadership and culture
11. Women and men in leadership
12. Ethical Theories of Leadership
13. Leadership in extremis

Support literature

Basic literature:
1. NORTHOUSE, Peter G. Leadership. Theory and Practice. Seventh Edition. New York : SAGE Publication, 2016. 520 s. ISBN 9781506311166.
2. YUKL, Gary. Leadership in Organizations, Upper Saddle River : Pearson – Prentice Hall, 2010. 528 s. ISBN 978-0-132-77186-3.
3. GOLEMAN Daniel. What makes a leader? In Harvard Business Review. January 2004 (pdf. Article)
4. EAGLY Alice – CARLI, Linda. Women and the Labyrinth of Leadership. In Harvard Business Review. September 2007 (pdf. Article)
Supplementary literature:
1. AVEY, James. B. - WERNSING, Tara. S. - PALANASKI, Michael. E. 2012. Exploring the process of ethical leadership: The mediating role of employee voice and psychological ownership. In Journal of Business Ethics. 2012, č. 107, s. 21–34. ISSN 1573-0697.
2. ROWE, Glen. W. – GUERRERO, Laura. Cases in Leadership. New York : SAGE publication, 2010. s. 440. ISBN 978-1412980197.
3. GOLEMAN, Daniel. Emocionálna inteligencia. Bratislava : Citadella, 2017. 432 s. ISBN 978-80-8281-086-1.
4. SANDBERG, Sheryl. Lean in. Women, work and the will to lead. 1 edition. Wien : Knopf, 2013. 240 s. ISBN 978-0385349949.
5. LIVERMORE, D. Leading with cultural intelligence. The real secret to success. Second edition. New York : AMACOM, 2015. 272 s. ISBN 978-0814449172.
6. KATZ, Robert L. Skills of an Effective Administrator. Online: https://hbr.org/1974/09/skills-of-an-effective-administrator
7. WONG, Jehn-Yih - LEE, Wen-Hwa. Leadership through Service: An Exploratory Study of the Leadership Styles of Tour Leaders. In Tourism Management, č. 33, s. 1112-1121. ISSN 0261-5177.
8. Hofstede cultural dimensions: Webpage: https://www.hofstede-insights.com/


Thematic definition of lectures: 1. Leadership introduction – definition and historical development of leadership. Leadership vs. management: functions of leadership. Theories of leadership and leadership levels. Way of conceptualizing leadership. Trait vs. Process Leadership. Components of Leadership. 2. Trait approach – trait approach via historical and current approaches and studies. Women and men: traits and characteristics. Trait approaches: comparison (core leader traits). Theory of the Great man. Five factor personality model and leadership. Strength and criticism of trait approach. 3. Skills approach – components and background of skills approach. Key skill of leaders. Model of skills approach (Katz three-skill approach, Mumford competency model). Structure of skills based on current studies. 4. Style approach – studies focused on style approach (the Ohio State University, the University of Michigan Studies, Leadership grid). Paternalism/Maternalism. How does the style approach work? 5. Situational approach – definition and theoretical background of situational approach. The influence of environment on leadership styles. Fielder contingency model. Hersey and Blanchard model. Development levels. How does situational approach work? Situational Leadership. 6. Path-goal theory of leadership, LMX theory – Path-goal theory: background, structure and components (leader behaviors, subordinates characteristics, task characteristics). How theory work? Strength and criticism. LMX theory: background, definition, early studies, later studies). In-group and out-group relationship. 7. Transformational and charismatic leadership - transactional versus transformational leadership. Transactional leadership factors. Tools of transformational leadership. An example of a transformational leader - Rudy Giuliani. Charisma and charismatic leadership. Definition of charisma. Ego versus charisma (dark side of charisma). Comparison of transformational and charismatic leadership. Advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. 8. Team Leadership - Hill's model of team leadership, Traditional versus shared team leadership. Internal, task-oriented leadership measure - focused on the ability to do the job. Internal, relationship-oriented leadership measures aimed at improving the interpersonal skills of team members and relationships within the team. External leadership - necessary to maintain the team and protect it from the external environment. Team efficiency. 9. Leadership and emotional intelligence – structure and concepts of emotional intelligence, definition of EI, EQ vs. IQ, measurement and development of EI. D. Goleman view on emotional intelligence. The importance and significance of emotional intelligence in the workplace, current studies as evidence of the importance and significance of EI in management. 10. Leadership and culture - core aspect of culture and cultural differences. Development of cultural intelligence and intercultural competencies. Cultural differences based on Lewis study and Hofstede study. Multicultural team (building and developing, ethnocentrism stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination) Cultural intelligence as core leadership skill, structure and development of CQ. Importance of CQ in global leadership. 11. Women and men in leadership – male and female leadership style, the key differences in male and female leadership style, women in leadership vs. men in leadership. Current situation – women in leadership and management. Leadership labyrinth. Phenomes of glass ceiling and glass cliff. Situation in Slovakia and worldwide (barriers, obstacles, motivation, tools and techniques of companies and governments) 12. Ethical Theories of Leadership - serving, spiritual and authentic leadership. Factors of growing interest in ethical theories of leadership, Servant (serving) leadership - basic characteristics and signs, Spiritual (spiritual) leadership - basic characteristics and signs, Authentic leadership - basic characteristics and signs. Definition of humility. The importance of ethical theories of leadership for business. 13. Leadership in extremis - leadership in extreme situations. Definition of an extreme situation. An approach showing the behavior of a leader and a follower within a specific group of contexts. Comparison of crisis leadership and leadership in extremis. Key characteristics in extremis leaders - competence, trust and loyalty. Motivation by a dangerous situation. Continuous learning during an extreme situation. Risk sharing, mutual loyalty. In extremis leader in business. Thematic definition of seminars: 1. Leadership introduction –students will gain complex knowledge about leadership and the nature of leadership, describe their own definition of leadership, solve case studies of effective leaders from the Slovak and international environment. They define the basic features of leadership according to subjective consideration. Applying Critical Thinking: Finding the Answer to the Question: Who is an Effective Leader 2. Trait approach – case studies focused on identifying key characteristics of the leader: case study: Choosing a new director of research, case study: Michal Truban, case study: Recruiting for bank. 3. Skills approach – testing in the field of basic leadership skills, application of Katz´s and Mumford's model of skills in solving case studies: A strained research team. Andy's recipe for success. Leadership and managerial skills. Discussion of the key skills of a leader today, student should understand the differences between a leader and a manager. 4. Style approach – Case studies: Amundsen vs. Scott (students applying knowledge and understanding of leadership qualities, skills and behavior of a leader). Case studies: Eating lunch standing up. We are family. Testing style questionnaire. (Identifying personal leadership style) 5. Situational approach - practical application of situational leadership style in solving case studies: What style do I use? Why aren´t they listening. Student Parliament. Students should understand how strategically the situation could affect the leadership style and the very concept of leadership. They also give their own practical examples. 6. Path-goal theory a LMX theory – case studies focused on path-goal theory: Three shifts, three supervisors. Direction for one, support for others. Path-goal leadership questionnaire. Case studies focused on LMX theory: Working hard and being fair. His team gets the best assignments. 7. Transformational and charismatic leadership - King Christian of Denmark as an example of a transformational leader. Students discuss examples of charismatic leaders - Adolf Hitler, Steve Jobs, Che Guevara. Historical context and manifestations of charisma in individual personalities. The influence of a charismatic leader in the company. 8. Team Leadership - A Case Study of Team Leadership: Mount Everest - a mountain where ascent is voluntary but return mandatory. Competitive Fight - Adventure Consultants vs. Mountain Madness. Failure of team leaders - creating moving goals, loss of vision. Assumptions of the failure of team leaders on the examples of Scott Fisher and Robert Hall. Causes of team leaders failure. Prerequisites for mastering team leadership. 9. Leadership and emotional intelligence – Testing of emotional intelligence and its components, discussion of possibilities of development of individual components of emotional intelligence. Case Study: Sir Alex Ferguson - A Practical application of EI knowledge to Mr. Ferguson's story and life. Examples of good practice from the global environment - how EI positively affects the motivation, commitment, productivity and creativity of employees (taking into account the use of the concept of Positive Psychology). Working with emotions - exercises for recognizing emotions. 10. Leadership and culture – Practical examples and tasks for understanding and applying cultural specifics in practice. Case study focused on effective management of a multicultural team. Exercises aimed at eliminating ethnocentrism and getting rid of prejudice. Getting to know other cultures - discussion of culture shock and experiences with people from other cultures. 11. Women and men in leadership – Case study: Can I accept a woman's opinion? - understanding the differences between men's and women's actions and behavior within a team. Case Study: Margaret Thatcher (first British Prime Minister), Jacinda Ardern (current Prime Minister of New Zealand) - women's leadership in times of crisis 12. Ethical Theories of Leadership - Jesus Christ as an example of a serving leader. An image of a kneeling Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. Metaphor and comparison with current serving leaders. Joel Spolsky and his style of serving leadership. Does Humility influence the Business? The difference between ethics and morality. 13. Leadership in extremis – Case study of Rebecca Kanis - Director of Innovation Common Ground and her leadership in extreme situations. Finding parallels with business. Situations where an extreme threat to the company or to the lives of individuals undermines the true nature of leaders and followers. Case Study - Hurricane Katrina and Hospital Management in New Orleans.

Requirements to complete the course

40 % core module assignments, 60 % final written exam

Student workload

130 h (lectures participation: 26 h, seminars participation: 26 h, seminar´s preparation: 26 h, assignment´s elaboration: 13 h, final exam preparation: 39 h)

Language whose command is required to complete the course


Date of approval: 09.02.2023

Date of the latest change: 14.05.2022